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I'm talking to myself again.  ;D

Been there, done that.  ;)

I've added a news clipping to the site this evening that includes a photo of David.

Fabulous stuff!  Love the cover art.  And his photo ain't too shabby either.  :D

Many thanks!!

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / For Michael T. Weiss fans
« on: April 27, 2003, 05:24:24 PM »
You know who you are!

Michael T. Weiss returns to Crossing Jordan Monday nite at 10 on NBC.

A bit of background:  MTW's character was introduced earlier in the season when Jordan found out she has a brother, namely James Horton (no relation to his character on DOOL, hee hee) who isn't playing with a full deck and was the last person to see their mother alive... uh, except for her killer.

Oh, and Weiss played Joe Haskell and Peter Bradford in the '91 DS.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Song Videos/Home Movies
« on: April 27, 2003, 04:57:14 PM »
(there's an address for DCP?)

You can find it in a Google search; they're in Los Angeles, CA.  If you can't find it, IM me (click on the green page under my avatar / if it's bright green then I'm on the forum).

Current Talk '24 I / Copying of forum messages - PLEASE READ
« on: April 26, 2003, 05:49:32 AM »
From the DS Forums guidelines:

9.  Distributing articles, photos, personal information or opinions that have been posted on this forum without the poster's permission may result in loss of posting privileges. Please don't assume that because a writer has chosen to express his/her opinion on any of these internet forums that they would allow it to appear elsewhere. If a post consists of an article or photo, linking to it from another location is preferable and would be much appreciated.

Agreeing to the above was a condition of registration.

No one may copy a personal statement on this forum for the purpose of posting it elsewhere without first obtaining the writer's permission, preferably in writing.  If you don't get the author's permission before using his/her comment, you seriously jeopardize your forum privileges.

I apologize if anyone was misled by my statement in the 2003 Fest Info thread in which I said that a Festival committee member was interested in reading the comments, but if you reread that message you'll see that each participant in that discussion would receive an IM explaining what would be done with the comments if permission was given, and NO comments, including those quoted, were sent to the Fest address without it. 

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Song Videos/Home Movies
« on: April 25, 2003, 06:40:35 PM »
Oh gosh, I promise that when I called you passionate about it I didn't equate it with being pushy.  :)

Jim Pierson may be able to tell you what the policy is concerning DS music videos.  You could reach him by snail mail sent to DCP.

I've seen a few music videos that I would buy, as well the Cheep Production videos.

Oops, meant to tell you sooner that you can IM ProfStokes.  Click on "Hey, Mainegirl, you have __ messages..." under the logo to access the feature.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Song Videos/Home Movies
« on: April 25, 2003, 06:14:54 PM »
I would, however, understand this decision more if fanzines were also forbidden (the characters are so blatently "borrowed", surely this is also copyright infringement?), or images of Barn and Julia (surely copyrighted!), and so on, were also foribidden. But they're not. The only thing that was forbidden to be sold were the songvideos.

I think there was a misinterpretation about what was copyright infringement. If I make a DS songvideo, and "sell" it to someone for cost of tape plus postage, then I'm not making a profit. I'm not selling it, thus I'm doing no copyright infringement.

Sorry, but it's a myth that if you don't make a profit then it's not copyright infringement.  Whether or not you make money can make a difference in the penalties awarded in court, but it's still a copyright violation to copy a work without the owner's permission.

The fact is that the owner of the copyright has the exclusive right to decide how the work will be used.  Use of images and fan fiction, with some exceptions (one of which is parody), ARE arguably copyright violations.  Yes, it's free advertising for the owner, but the decision to allow it is theirs and theirs alone.

Don't forget that the music used is also copied, though it's less likely that anything will come of it if it's used in a not-for-profit video.

There's a wealth of info in libraries and on the web regarding copyright, fair use, and public domain.

So this original rule, made by whomever, was perhaps made in error - and ever since then, there has been a sort of pariah effect on songvideos being distributed. Forever?

Well, perhaps not forever.  Obviously you feel passionate about it, so why not see if you can affect a change in the policy DC Productions has concerning the distribution of DS music videos?

Current Talk '03 I / OT - spoiler icon
« on: April 25, 2003, 03:40:06 PM »

(what happened to the "spoiler icon?")

It was a custom addition to the last version (SP) and hasn't been added to this one (SE) yet.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Song Videos/Home Movies
« on: April 25, 2003, 04:19:42 AM »
Drawn to the Rhythm: Slash & Gen Songvids by Ashinae -- I think this is mainly Lord of the Rings stuff.

I've seen some of these.  Aragorn and Boromir-- who knew??!

Thanks for including the Buffy vids.  Hope the site problems will get worked out cuz I'm anxious to see them.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Song Videos/Home Movies
« on: April 24, 2003, 11:50:32 PM »
I saw one recently at last year's fest, where Julia was the main, featured character, and managed to come out on top and give Barn his comeuppance. I'm not a Julia fan, per se, but I was very impressed with the person who had made this particular vid.

The music was "I'll Stand By You", yes?  Would love to see that one again too.  That B & J video was put together by our own ProfStokes.  She impresses me on a regular basis. :D

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:2003 Fest info
« on: April 24, 2003, 08:59:59 AM »
I plan to write to the Festival committee; I don't know if it will accomplish anything, but I have to try something, I cannot be satisfied with things as they currently stand.

That's a great idea.  And actually, Pansyfaye wrote earlier in the week to say that she expected there to be many comments following the recent announcement and to ask if she could be made aware of the opinions shared here.  However, it won't be done without the permission of each author, so everyone that replied can expect to find a message in their inbox asking if they'd like their post sent along to her.  Please know that there's absolutely no pressure to agree and no need to respond to the IM, but if you reply that it's okay with you then she'll be receiving your posted comment(s) plus anything you might want to add.  And anyone else can send an IM to admin, and please know that she'd welcome hearing from you directly at .  Thanks!

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / 2003 Fest info
« on: April 23, 2003, 05:46:47 PM »
Re: Dark Shadows Festival 2003 Details Now Available
To: Dark Shadows Fans

"Details on the Dark Shadows 20th Anniversary Festival & Farewell are now available online at The Festival will be held on Labor Day weekend at the Brooklyn Marriott Hotel. Among several new activities and for the first time ever, the DS actors will reunite to portray their original characters on stage in an exciting new dramatic presentation, 'Return to Collinwood.' You'll discover what happened to Quentin, Angelique and others since DS ended!

Flyers will be sent soon to those on the Dark Shadows Festival mailing list. To be added to the mailing list, email your name and postal mailing address to:

After two decades of annual fan gatherings, this year marks the final full-fledged Festival celebration. It has been a joyous twenty years of welcoming dozens of Dark Shadows alumni along with thousands of fans from all across the United States and beyond. Although interest in DS remains strong - thanks to the video/DVD releases and reruns on the Sci-Fi Channel - the decision has been made to finish the traditional Festival event on this special anniversary occasion with the exciting, first-ever reunion of the original DS actors performing a sequel on stage.

The Dark Shadows Offical Fan Club/Festival will continue to explore the presentation of other DS activities in the future, but we hope you'll be able to join us for this memorable three-day finale in August.

Don't forget to check the Daily Trivia every day on the website to read about what's happening on the episodes shown each weekday on the Sci-Fi Channel.

For up-to-date news on everything concerning Dark Shadows, fans should subscribe to the Official Dark Shadows Online Newsletter, ShadowGram. Send an email to: asking to be added to the subscription list."

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:** Upgrade **
« on: April 23, 2003, 05:17:34 AM »
Right after asking the question, I read someone else's post in another thread and thought that might be the answer.  I looked for it, but evidently it's not on the forum.  So, when I arrived tonight, I made sure to check it on the login page.  If it still happens the next time, I'll let you know!!!!

Glad you found what you needed, Josette.  If you meant Patti's reference to it from a day ago, it's a little further down on this board in a thread called "YeeHAA!!!"

Current Talk '03 I / Re:too funny
« on: April 22, 2003, 04:22:52 PM »
the only globe I see is for home...

It's directly above the reply window, the 2nd light blue square in the bottom row following Add YABBC tags

but I should be able to remember text    (hopefully) ;)

That's good!  As you can see, this
Code: [Select]
[url=]DS Forums[/url]
shortens the link to DS Forums

I'd try it out myself

Don't you dare, lol.

Their membership would be deleted, which means the person would lose all member privileges (see "Benefits of Registration"), also their posting total, and their title in all posts, past and future, would read "Guest".  If they were to register again, they'd regain the privileges but would be starting over again as a Newbie, and they could take the same username only if it's still available.  Only admins and mods can delete posts (which are backed up!).

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:Avatars
« on: April 22, 2003, 06:24:16 AM »
It's a capture I made, Deb.  Unfortunately, except for Cassandra there are none of her to choose from.  But if you have your own pic of Angie you can email it as an attachment to and I'll make it into an avatar for you when I'm able.

Oh cool, I just noticed what the upgrade does to addys.  LOL

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