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Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0713
« on: March 14, 2009, 03:40:12 PM »
There might be a milestone warranted here: Was it the first time that Jenny's name was mentioned?


Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1897 / Re: Episode #0739
« on: March 13, 2009, 11:15:11 PM »
Judith was dismayed that yet once again Carl accidentally ordered in bulk and the drawing room floor was ankle deep with chattering teeth.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0738
« on: March 13, 2009, 10:56:46 PM »
From the voiceover:  ...Knowing that when the fire is out, there is nothing left for her but eternal darkness.

So, it's possible to prevent Laura from ever coming back again?  Or does "eternal" have a different meaning for a Phoenix than it does for you or me?

A couple of things are very different in the opener from the way they played out at the end of the last ep.  The first is that Dirk found Laura pacing instead of lying on the floor unconscious.  I'm going to go out on a limb and say the change was because, in #737, Diana Millay appeared hurt by the way Roger roughly picked her up off the floor, or by the way he roughly carried her, or by the way he roughly placed her on the bed.  Or all of the above.  Anyway, in the previous ep she looked a little shaken and was touching and rubbing her neck after he moved her, the poor thing.

The second difference is that in #737 (as directed by DC), Laura lost consciousness and Dirk awakened her by frantically repeating, "Laura!"  It seemed odd because until this point he always referred to her as Mrs. Collins.  In the restaging (by Kaplan), she passed out and he awakened her by chanting to Amon Ra.  It makes more sense, too, that he was able to rouse her supernaturally.  Now I get that RD was improvising the first time because he forgot what he was supposed to say!

[For fans of 24] the following takes place at 3:00 a.m. or later, tick tick tick...  And no one at Collinwood seems the worse for wear!

Why didn't it occur to Jamison before that he can boss the servants around?

Dirk's expression when he's summoning the scarab from the fire is just too funny!!

A couple of Laura's better entrance lines--
The poor lady never felt better.

  and later--

Did I hear you say something about bitter medicine?

This one made me LOL--
Charity:  Oh Barnabas, please, make me happy.

It's not easy to distract me from Quentin, but I learned that a bouncing boom mic behind his head does the trick.

Finally, are we supposed to believe that with all the lookalikes that Barnabas has encountered through 3 different centuries, he meets a woman with the same name as one who died more than 100 years before and he automatically assumes she's the same person?  [hdscrt]

You're welcome!

Okay, Ely makes a brief return toward the end (31:36).
That was 35 minutes I'll never get back.  [snow_silly]  The storyline with Marcia Wallace is BAD.

Don't mess with me or I'll unleash Janet the Wicked on you while she's still channeling Richard Widmark.  [snow_wink]

She first shows up at 8:55.  [smlyb]

Any Y&TR watchers here?  Ely Pouget appeared on the show yesterday as a shrink brought in to treat Katherine Chancellor's memory loss.

I don't have a clue if she'll return, but did find a vid of the March 11 episode on the CBS site:

The Young & The Restless, #9101

Happy Birthday, you young'un!

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
« on: March 12, 2009, 07:06:16 PM »
Selby owned this ep.  He's a great finger snapper, yes?  And he was marvelous at playing the shameless hypocrite, and at lording it over Laura that he was settling their score.  (Though, technically, their scorecard would read Quentin--2 and Laura--1 if one were scoring the number of times that one of them abandoned the other while the latter was dying.  But the number of times that one of them actually died but came back is a tie.  What a strange show this is!!!)

And with all the murder attempts, threats, and physical assaults that we know Quentin has pulled off, it's a WONDER that he has not successfully killed someone.  Yet.  That we know of.

So, will Dirk light Laura's fire using sex to rejuvenate her?  Sure looks like it, doesn't it?  How else would she be "restored"?
My answers:  No, no, and by tapping into the powers now within him.  [snow_undecided]

That scene between Quentin and Laura was sexy, wasn't it?  You know they were once lovers, ... But he touches her one last time, as though establishing that they DID once have a physical relationship--and now he's taken away her very life force--really intense scene!
His goodbye kiss for her made me think about their former relationship too, but I don't think there's anything "sexy" in that scene.  Actually, I thought the kiss was a pretty nasty thing for him to do, though not at all surprising since this isn't the first time we've seen Quentin use sex as a weapon.

He has aged, but it' doesn't seem like he has 28 years since I last beheld him on DS.

::passes calculator to Taeylor::   [snow_kiss]

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0719
« on: March 08, 2009, 05:03:55 AM »
Ah, Lydia made it extremely easy to find in a board search:

Re: Prop Project: The Box of the Hand of Count Petofi

Quote from: Pansity
Hmm, interesting how Jenny, when she thnks the babies see her dancing, says "it was the other one".  Are they trying to infer split personality?  Sounds like it would  be giving them too much credit, since all they seem to want is Mr. Rochester's generic mad wife in the attic.

I thought that was interesting too.  Jenny's split image of herself (the good mother and the bad mother) would seem to explain why she also perceives the people around her in terms of black and white-- they're either all good (Beth) or they're all bad (Quentin, Edward, etc.).  Splitting is a defense mechanism seen in personality disorders, and bravo to the writers for that scene!

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0719
« on: March 08, 2009, 04:26:47 AM »
Then back to Quentin and Magda, where we see THE PETOFI BOX right behind Quentin's gramophone on a shelf.

Hi, Jeannie.  Magnus once named that The-Box-That-I-Keep-Mistaking-For-the-Petofi-Box.  MB captured it for the fill in board; click the image to enlarge it:
Episode #0719

I'd bet big money that there's a cap of the Petofi box somewhere too.  [snow_wink]

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0736
« on: March 07, 2009, 09:58:28 PM »
I have no excuse, MB, except that I was overcome by the forces of evil!

Every time I see the shot of the "school" burning down ... Surely with even DS's limited budget they could have come up with something better!

And did they have to use the picture of Doctor Lang's house?

The voiceover explains that the children were "sent away to school against the wishes of their mother," who was "angered by the separation from her children," and therefore "she has vowed that they will not spend another night in the school."  There's no mention that the urgency had anything to do with Rachel's warning about what would happen to them there.  So, wow, endangering an entire student body because Edward went behind her back is harsh.  And evil.

Tim is confused because he said he was in the corridor at the same time that Laura claimed to have been there when she followed Nora's screams into the schoolroom.  *I'm* confused because we were clearly shown that he was on another floor at the time.

Laura's blue dress the only one we've seen her in so far, and now it has got to be reeking of smoke.

Magda quizzed Quentin on what other kind of value an object could have if not monetary, yet in the previous ep she learned that Rachel's brooch had sentimental value because if was all she had left of her mother.  And Magda made sure she got it back.  Apparently, she's not as greedy as she wants everyone to think.

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: Happy Birthday!, BC1958
« on: March 07, 2009, 06:37:44 PM »
Happy Birthday, BC1958!   [occasion1]

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