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Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0715
« on: January 27, 2009, 08:41:01 PM »
Oh, of course.  Once again I forgot to consider Magda's desire to reinforce her image as a seer.

Oh, I could very well be wrong.  I'm just having way too much fun tying events together, which is only possible because the writing for 1897 is so tight.  I've lost track of how many times I've watched these eps, so this time I'm looking carefully at the dialogue and small events and finding a purposefulness in them, though sometimes their significance isn't apparent til a later time.  Also, how great is it that information slowly trickles in instead of the lots and lots of exposition we sometimes see in other periods?  (I'm looking at you, 1840!)

And for once, the writers seem to be aware that a little Angelique goes a long way.  [nodassent]

Even more than before, I believe 1897 is brilliant.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0716
« on: January 27, 2009, 07:52:02 PM »
Rachel is braver than I am, but would she still be brave if she weren't stupid?
And if she weren't wearing the amulet?

Couldn't they find a rusty key?  Or at least paint the shiny one?

Was this the first mention of the Collinwood gatehouse?

What's up with putting Marie Wallace in black gowns?

Why is a Raggedy Ann doll in 1897?  Did it toss the Hexagram of Change too?

Since the tower room is standing in for Windcliff in this century, shouldn't its windows be locked shut?

Why is the door to Rachel's bedroom in a different place just since the last ep?

And finally, why would Judith close Nora's door when she knows it's going to mess with her head?

Questions, questions.  :D

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Trouble Posting
« on: January 27, 2009, 04:41:24 AM »
Yes, try that one.  I wouldn't wait, and good luck to you.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Trouble Posting
« on: January 27, 2009, 01:44:44 AM »
That you're getting frequent popup alerts for it that are not coming from your Norton program means they're probably fakes caused by a trojan infection.  You might start getting other fake warnings as well, but do not follow the instructions in any of them.  Have you tried using any legit anti-spyware to get rid of it?

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0715
« on: January 26, 2009, 09:39:59 PM »
Everyone lied in this episode!  Beth, Edward, Rachel (her "not look to the past" speech makes me wonder if she has become corrupted), and I think even Magda.

I can't help but think that Barnabas has greatly influenced these events.  Previously, he told Magda that Rachel is in danger from his own formidable enemy and assured Magda that she wasn't, and he asked her for an amulet to protect against a witch.  Then he told Rachel that the amulet would protect her from harm.  Next, Magda saw Rachel wearing it.  So (I think) Magda's entire reading was a sham based on this information.  By her reaction, we can tell she had no sense that anybody was in the tower room until Rachel told her.  She tells Rachel the amulet will protect her against a "she" who wants her, which I took to mean that Magda assumed it was Barnabas' enemy-- the witch-- that is in there.  So she doesn't think she's putting Rachel in harm's way, but does think she's making herself (once again) indispensable as a prognosticator.  We also have Rachel believing that whoever is in the tower cannot hurt her.  Once again, Barnabas has inadvertently (?) caused the past to change.

Doesn't the fact that Jenny (we heard her name a couple of eps ago) escaped mean that Beth really didn't lock the door?  We didn't see her leaving the tower, so I'm imagining that the only explanation Beth could give was that she was exhausted (everyone wants to stop the poor dear from going to bed and actually sleeping ;)), and that the only reason Judith didn't fire her was that she would be nearly impossible to replace.  It looked like Edward had the fire under control before Beth arrived, so I'm not sure I get how she saved his bacon.

I don't know that Edward hates Jenny because of her past so much as he's angry at having to deal with the high costs of the whole mess [spoiler]left behind by Quentin.[/spoiler] I don't just mean financially, but that lives and reputations are at stake.  (With Edward, it may be hard to say which of the 3 is more important to him. ::))  Nice red herrings by the writers with the mystery, btw.  I suspect it's the reason they recently had Barnabas ask Edward point blank about his wife-- so we could see and remember his angry reaction.  Even with Edward's vague question about his brother, clues to the "secret behind the locked door" seem to be pointing elsewhere.  Bravo!

it doesn't always pay to know every secret,

OMG, yes!  What bugs me most about Rachel is her sense of entitlement.  You're the hired help, sweetie; the family does not owe you an explanation.

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Happy Birthday to Luciaphile
« on: January 24, 2009, 07:24:54 PM »
Happy Birthday

Website times are Eastern, so 7 a.m. Pacific Time

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0713
« on: January 23, 2009, 10:22:23 PM »
The charm part of the necklace is identical to the "gold coptic cross" that [spoiler]Cassandra gave to Tony so he could get in to see Stokes,[/spoiler] minus the chain connector.  I'll take your word for it that it's an ankh, but the prop staff apparently forgot that this piece which supposedly protects the wearer against witches was once handled by a witch on the show.  Actually, the same one that is attacking Rachel, lol.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0712
« on: January 23, 2009, 09:13:10 PM »
LOL, Lydia, and thanks.  [snow_blush]

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0714
« on: January 23, 2009, 09:09:12 PM »
Carl begins to cry--what will we do?--we have nothing--we might as well all be paupers!--what will they do? A good question, says Quentin, we should put our heads together and decide on a course of action. Edward says, you can do that if you want, I'm going to bed. There's one way you can get out of it, Edward--if anything happens to Judith, Jamison is next in line for all the money. Edward asks, "Are you suggesting I kill my own sister?" Quentin smiles.

If Carl weren't so silly, he might figure out that he could get married to someone who can give him a son.  No?

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0714
« on: January 23, 2009, 08:56:27 PM »
I can't decide if Barnabas had any changes made to the will when he had the chance.  It seems strange that Edith would give nothing to the person she planned to entrust (maybe "burden" is a better word) with the secret.  OTOH, Quentin didn't seem at all surprised that Judith inherited everything, so perhaps that was Edith's intent all along.  Then again, Q. seemed awfully pleased to learn he couldn't be tossed out of the house, so was that in the original will?  I'm so confused!!

But regardless of whether or not this was the will that Quentin stole, you'd think he would be running to Sandor or Evan to find out what the heck happened instead of making a beeline for the women.  Oh wait, this is Quentin we're talking about...

It used to seem strange to me that he was so accepting that his plan failed, but now I get it.  Had he been named Master of Collinwood, it would have been too hard for everyone to believe.  Yet now he gets to live there regardless of his behavior, and with Edward powerless and Jamison set to inherit everything, he still has a crack at some of the money since he's the boy's favorite.

Until Barnabas meets someone, that is the original timeline for that particular character, unless he indirectly causes a change.

Interesting.  Then he potentially has changed a lot in his short time there.  But DID he cause Edith to die prematurely?  Did Edward learn the secret?  How'd the gypsies manage to stay on?  [hdscrt]

I guess we're supposed to think that if Barnabas hadn't turned Rachel's head, she would have succumbed to Quentin's charms as we recently saw in Maggie's dream.  (IIRC, she dreamed she was with Quentin in Rachel's bedroom [liz's in present time] but felt nervous that "he" [Edward?] might catch them.)

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Happy Birthday to dvlvan26!
« on: January 23, 2009, 07:52:26 PM »
Happy Birthday

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0713
« on: January 22, 2009, 10:16:37 PM »
OMG, in the redo, Barnabas took the time to casually place his cloak and cane on the coat rack before heading downstairs (he he still had them on him when he opened the coffin in the previous ep) and then...
he had to tend to Rachel,
...and THEN we're shown the identical sight of daybreak that prompted Barnabas to leave the cottage in #712.  So now we know why Barnabas took his sweet time getting to the coffin-- time really does stand still at Collinwood!

and then he had to talk to Magda.

And he offered to see Rachel back to Collinwood!!!
Magda opened his coffin and saw that he wasn't in it.  Was she planning to have a little chat with him if he was?

I'm going to guess she had seen him with Rachel and went downstairs to pace a bit (cuz how else did she get down to the basement without passing him?), then checked to see if maybe he had materialized in the coffin while she waited.  Or something.
Rachel must be very taken with Barnabas to agree to always wear that big ugly necklace that goes with... nothing.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0712
« on: January 22, 2009, 08:30:19 PM »
Hey, since when can a person talk while they're being choked within an inch of death?!

Apparently, torching Angelique in 1796 only made her angrier.  Now it's not enough for her that the curse will kill anyone who loves Barnabas; the resurrected Angie wants to insure that "no one may ever have the chance to love [him]."  Ouch!

Since when can Barnabas walk around outside at sunrise?  We're shown images of daybreak when he leaves the cottage and when he arrives at the Old House, yet we see him strolling down the basement steps and over to the coffin like it's no big.  Barnabas should train the local roosters to crow before the sun comes up.  Or, the show could have inserted images of the sky with the sun still below the horizon so you'd all be spared one of my stupid questions.

Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1897 / Re: Episode #0711
« on: January 21, 2009, 05:40:28 AM »

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