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Messages - Midnite

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Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Night of the Iguana on TCM
« on: September 29, 2019, 02:03:39 AM »
Night of the Iguana will air Monday, Sept. 30 at 6 pm ET/3 pm PT (ha! on Julia99's bday).

This movie I will always stop to watch whenever I come across it.

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Cagney & Lacey on START TV
« on: September 29, 2019, 01:46:00 AM »
Beginning Oct. 14, Cagney & Lacey will air weekdays on START TV at 5 pm (ET, PT)/4 pm CT.  John Karlen co-starred in the 1st thru 7th seasons, winning an Emmy in 1986 for the role. (His ex had a small part in an episode.)  Guest stars from DS include KLS, Chris Pennock, Gail Strickland, and Julianna McCarthy.

No indication yet if it will kick off with Season 1 or skip it.

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / David Hurst 1926 - 2019
« on: September 24, 2019, 06:19:55 PM »
David Hurst, who played Justin Collins and numerous theatre, film and other TV roles, passed away on September 15 in Berlin, where he has lived since 2000.  He was 93.

Obits in German:

with thanks to Kosmo

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Happy Birthday to Josette!
« on: September 15, 2019, 11:18:59 PM »
Happy Birthday



Wednesday, September 11, 2019
--Marilyn Ross Dark Shadows novels released in audio format
From a Press Relase From Oasis family Media:
Oasis Family Media Rolls Out New Vintage Pulp Imprint.
Paperback Classics brings never-before-recorded classic adventures to the audiobook market.
CAROL STREAM, IL, September 5, 2019 — Oasis Family Media has rolled out Paperback Classics, a new audiobook imprint that brings never-before-recorded vintage pulp paperbacks to audio. The imprint will heavily feature such niche genres as gothic romance, science-fiction, fantasy and mystery titles from the 1930s–70s.
The Paperback Classics imprint is the brainchild of Oasis Audio publisher Steve Smith. “These are some of the books that I devoured growing up — pulp paperbacks sparked creativity and a love of literature for generations,” said Smith. “From prolific gothic romance voices like Marilyn Ross to the legendary Ron Goulart to brilliant science-fiction author Otis Adelbert Kline . . . I’m honored to bring these adventures to a new stage.”
The first full series to release under Paperback Classics is “Dark Shadows,” a 32-book series written by Marilyn Ross that was originally published alongside the cult-classic gothic soap opera of the same name. The television series, created by Dan Curtis, aired on ABC from 1966 to 1971, and famously starred Jonathan Frid as vampire Barnabas Collins. Kathryn Leigh Scott, the actress who played “Maggie Evans” and “Josette Collins” on the TV series, is narrating the full audiobook collection.
“Reception for the ‘Dark Shadows’ series has been exhilarating,” said Smith. “We quietly published the first few titles, and we were overwhelmed by how enthusiastic the response was.”

"These vintage novels were a huge success when they were first published in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Fans have been clamoring for digital editions for many years, " said Jim Pierson, marketing and promotions director at Dan Curtis Productions, owner of the ‘Dark Shadows’ brand property. "With original series actress Kathryn Leigh Scott reading all 32 novels, I know that the books will connect strongly with both longtime ‘Dark Shadows’ fans and new listeners alike."
Other acquisitions soon to release in the Paperback Classics catalog include the 1970s Flash Gordon series (fall 2019) and a collection of science-fiction adventures from Otis Adelbert Kline (spring 2020). Paperback Classics audiobooks are available on all major platforms.
About Oasis Family Media
Oasis Family Media houses Oasis Audio, a leading publisher of inspirational and family-friendly audiobooks for adults and children, and the Paperback Classics imprint. The Oasis catalog includes more than 1,200 titles, adding 175 new audiobooks annually—from popular children’s series to romance and suspense fiction to business and self-help titles. Today, Oasis Audio is the largest independent Christian and inspirational audiobook publisher in the United States. To learn more, visit
Marcy Robin – ShadowGram

Thanks, MB, that is AWESOME!

Happy Birthday


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Happy Birthday, Midnite!
« on: August 12, 2019, 11:08:22 PM »
Thanks so much!!

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Whack Familial Timing
« on: August 04, 2019, 09:30:50 PM »
Quentin and Gabriel have sons, at least 12 years old.


In 1897, Grandmama was OLD, and Judith et al were in their 40s & 30's, so they'd have been born approximately 1847.

Explain please.

We don't know how old Gabriel's and Edith's children were; only that the plural indicates more than one and at least one was a male, and they were old enough to be away at school.  But let's say the son that carried the line WAS born in 1828, and Edith was born, let's say, in the early 1800s.  The son fathered the Collins siblings we see in 1897-- Judith, Edward, Quentin II (b. 1870) and Carl.  I'm not saying that the timelines are never whacked, but this one actually works. 

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Why We Hate Gerard
« on: July 26, 2019, 03:55:12 AM »
Your code is fine, Patti, but for the last couple of years or so the spoiler feature hasn't been working.

For those who haven't had the opportunity to read the lastest Shadowgram...

Monday, July 15, 2019
SHADOWGRAM (SG) sadly reports the death of DENISE NICKERSON (Amy Jennings, Nora Collins, Amy Collins) on July 10. She was 62 years old.
Just over a year ago, SG reported that Denise suffered a serious stroke in mid-June, 2018, which seriously impacted her. She was hospitalized under intensive care, dealing with numerous complications and procedures over an extended period, ultimately returning home to convalesce.
Denise's son Josh and daughter-in-law Jasmine continually took wonderful care of her over this past year, adapting their lives to accommodate her needs and bring her stability. Their love, concern, and devotion to make sure Denise lived in her own home, was comfortable, cared for, and surrounded by those who deeply care for her is inspirational and a true display of unconditional kindness.
Last week, on July 10, Denise had another medical emergency and suffered a seizure en route to the hospital. Later that evening, Jasmine shared online: “They just took off all the equipment. None of it was helping, but making her only more uncomfortable. We're telling her it's okay to let go."
Denise passed at approximately 10:17 pm (Colorado time). Jasmine gently reported via Facebook: “She’s gone.”
Her passing frees Denise from physical suffering, yet leaves those who love, treasure, and remember her to grieve, reminisce, and keep their love and appreciation for her always in their memories and hearts.
Understandably, there have been and will continue to be many related medical and other financial strains on Josh and Jasmine since Denise’s initial stroke in June, 2018. There also will be more financial demands ahead to handle Denise's final wishes. Some friends and family suggested they open a GoFundMe account for anyone who might wish to support them with donations.
The following link, established by Jasmine and Josh, includes their personal message for all of Denise's fans and friends. They are grateful for the outpouring of appreciation for Denise and the joy she brought to so many people over the past fifty years.
This year, during Denise’s illness, the family has also been approaching a very special milestone: Jasmine is expecting a child, a girl, due August 26. Madison (“Maddie”) will be Denise’s first grandchild.
SG includes the following information for any who might wish to welcome Madison, honor Denise’s memory, and help Josh and Jasmine prepare for her arrival and early needs. They’ve set up the specific Amazon baby registry site below. SG also thanks you for your consideration.
Denise was born April 1, 1957, in New York City. DS fans recognize her as “Amy Jennings” (1968-1970 Collinwood) with Don Briscoe as her brothers “Chris Jennings” and “Tom Jennings” and also as “Nora Collins,” with David Henesy as “Jamison Collins” in 1897 Collinwood. Later, she was "Amy Collins" in the 1970 Parallel Time story.
However, she is most widely-known for her role - at age 13 – as the obnoxious, constantly-gum-chomping ”Violet Beauregarde” character in the 1971 classic dark musical movie-with-a-not-so-subtle-message, WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY.
She also was “Allison” in the group “The Short Circus” on the 1971 children’s educational TV series THE ELECTRIC COMPANY, and appeared in a BRADY BUNCH episode, in addition to guest spots on FLIPPER and OWEN MARSHALL, COUNSELOR AT LAW. Her other daytime soap opera work included SEARCH FOR TOMORROW and THE DOCTORS. She was in the TV movies CHILD OF GLASS, THE MAN WHO COULD TALK TO KIDS, and THE NEON CEILING. She also appeared in the film SMILE.
Starting her career on stage as a young child, Denise's theatrical credits include PETER PAN, THE MUSIC MAN, GYPSY, THE MIRACLE WORKER, and THE KING & I. On Broadway, she appeared in OUR TOWN and SHERRY. She also starred in a controversial stage adaptation of LOLITA in Boston, which closed prior to Broadway. Her last major acting job was the 1978 comedy movie ZERO TO 60 with Darren McGavin. After she left acting, she worked as a receptionist in Los Angeles before relocating near Chicago. She spent her final years in Aurora, Colorado, working as an accountant.
Denise attended her first DARK SHADOWS reunion at the 1982 ShadowCon in Los Angeles. In the 1990s and 2000s, Denise participated in Dark Shadows (DS) Festivals in Los Angeles, New York City, Las Vegas, Brooklyn, and Tarrytown, NY. At each DS convention event she attended, Denise joined many cast/crew members and fans of all ages from around the country and beyond. Her son Josh – then a young boy – came with her to the Las Vegas reunion at the MGM Grand Hotel in 1998.
Over the years, Denise also often reunited with her WILLY WONKA cast members at events to celebrate the movie and its worldwide lasting popularity. They appeared at celebrity autograph shows/conventions and specific WONKA tribute events around the country.
NBC-TV’ TODAY SHOW spotlighted the WONKA film and 6 of its cast members – including Denise – for a look-back reunion on Nov. 11, 2015. The TODAY SHOW announcement lead-in: “It was 44 years ago that WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY premiered in theaters, and the fantasy film has delighted generations of moviegoers ever since. Six of the original cast members recently reunited in Orlando, and NBC’s Joe Fryer sat down with them as they reminisced.”
Denise emailed me about the TODAY segment late the night before. All 5 of the movie’s “children” attended, along with Rusty Goff, one of the “Oompa-Loompa” workers in the mysterious candy factory. They each shared interesting and delightful memories of the experience filming on lavish fantasy movie sets in Germany. Denise was asked – understandably – about (her) Violet’s constant, emphatic gum-chewing. Asked if she still chews gum, she quickly answered, “No.” The next question was, “When did you give it up?” Her reply: “When I returned (home) and had 13 cavities.”
The TODAY SHOW segment runs approximately 5 minutes and can be viewed at:
I first met and assisted Denise at one of our early DARK SHADOWS conventions – the 1982 ShadowCon in Los Angeles. This also was JONATHAN FRID’s first DS convention appearance. As a convention committee member in Guest Relations, I escorted, assisted, and chatted with them both and also our other DS guests throughout the gathering. Denise mingled with fans and enjoyed reconnecting with her DS co-stars.
She was friendly, diminutive, and rather amazed at the attention shown for her DS roles. This often happens at DS events: Fans also will acknowledge the guests’ individual projects, other professional roles, books they’ve written, and more. Denise was tickled to hear countless fan memories about her “Violet Beauregarde,” who ultimately ends up in the movie as a…. well, no more gum for her, anyway.
Being with Denise was enjoyable; we easily got along and often would discuss various topics. I clearly remember our Las Vegas DS FESTIVAL: She brought her son Joshua, who probably was around 6-7 years old. I distinctly recall Josh at one point bent down in front of a banner sign hanging over the front of a sales table, trying to read the words. As a longtime 1st Grade teacher, I responded instinctively, kneeling down next to him to help him blend the letter sounds and realize what words he was reading. He was tickled. Denise watched with a big smile and thanked me for taking such care to help him succeed. I was happy to do so. At the end of the convention, I drove them to the Las Vegas Airport to catch their plane home and we shared a happy good-bye.
Denise and I continued to “check in” outside the Festivals via letters and emails as she shared her news for me to include in the SG print newsletters and the SG Official DS News Online Updates.
Over my many years as Editor/Publisher of the print postal-mail Shadowgram Dark Shadows Newsletters, I directly mailed complementary copies of every published SG issue to her home – as I also did to many of the DS cast/crew members. I always was happy to include the news Denise shared with me for the fans and DS personnel to enjoy in the newsletters.
Now, during this difficult time for her family and friends, I have a melancholy smile at my memory of Josh’s determination to figure out and successfully read the sign’s words in the middle of a busy, noisy, exciting room full of people, plus his relaxed attitude with me, someone he’d never met before. And I also smile as I recall the easy rapport between Denise and myself during the often-buzzing excitement of the DS conventions. I have a mix of good memories and sorrow at her passing. She was quite a personality indeed!
To her family and all who love – knew – worked with – admired – enjoyed her talents –and otherwise found her a very special person:
Please hold your memories close, as she will always be alive and special in your hearts.
---- Marcy Robin

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Eddie Jones 1937 - 2019
« on: July 08, 2019, 07:40:19 PM »
Eddie Jones, Pa Kent from “Lois & Clark”, Has Passed Away

Eddie Jones played Sam Evans in the 1991 series and also Bailiff Evans in three 1790 episodes.

With thanks to Kosmo

Happy Birthday to MagnusTrask!   

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