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Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: Happy Birthday, Karlenfan
« on: September 19, 2013, 08:09:03 PM »
Happy Birthday!      [crowdhappy] [crowdhappy] [crowdhappy]

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: ShadowGram Update #295
« on: September 18, 2013, 05:23:53 PM »
Another unfavorable review in the NY Times, but this one mentions DM:

We must also behold Donna McKechnie, the Tony-winning star of “A Chorus Line,” slumming as the librarian den mother to a group of well-meaning teenagers (including Britne Oldford of MTV’s “Skins,” who, like Ms. McKechnie, deserves better).
From: Strangeness, Even for New York, ‘36 Saints’ Pits City Cops Against Biblical Forces

Wouldn't it be wild if her character turns out to be the killer?

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / ShadowGram Update #295
« on: September 18, 2013, 05:12:22 PM »
September 17, 2013

Hello, Dark Shadows Fan,
ShadowGram (SG), The Official Newsletter & News Source for Dark Shadows (DS) announces the following breaking news in this Official Online News Update "bulletin."

Donna (Amanda Harris, Olivia Corey) stars as “Ms. El” in “36 Saints,” a “religious conspiracy thriller” movie now in limited release. It is rated R for violence.
Publicity: “In every generation there are 36 individuals who carry the suffering of the world and assist those in dire need. The world exists in the merit of these 36 righteous people. Without them, the world would fall into chaos, corruption, and eventually darkness. The 36 are amongst us all and anybody could be one of them.” Each individual is named after a saint, but now a demonic killer is pursuing them, savagely murdering each in the same manner his/her ancient namesake perished.
Official trailer
LA Times 9-5: It has “a rare fusion of urban noir and Latin Gothic (with) a splendidly diverse cast.” But “the Catholic-themed kill-a-thon puts forth an especially hollow Armageddon, in which the final battle between good and evil is as flavorless and thinly structured as a Communion wafer.”

Joan (Elizabeth, Naomi, Judith, Flora) was a legendary star of 1930s-40s film noir and other dramas during a long career spanning motion pictures, TV, and more. She succumbed to a heart attack in her home 12-7-90.
She played “Claire Ramsey” in the 1972 TV movie “Gidget Gets Married.” Newly-re-mastered, the romantic comedy about the iconic 1960s surfer girl, now grown up, is scheduled as an MOD (manufacturing on demand) Sony DVD release on a single-disc title on Oct. 1. Not sold in stores, it should be available online at e-tailers such as Amazon (via their CreateSpace MOD program) and the WBshop (via the Warner Archive). Expected price is $20.95.

SG is asked to report the following information.
“In November, Dynamite Comics will conclude publication of its DARK SHADOWS comic book series, with issue #23.
“Over the past 2 years, Dynamite has created these beautifully-crafted comics, many with new, strikingly dramatic cover paintings of Jonathan Frid's Barnabas Collins. The comic books have attempted to maintain the integrity of the original TV series with modern, mature stories.
“Dynamite's DARK SHADOWS YEAR ONE comics have served as a fascinating retelling of the classic 1795 storyline. A separate series of DARK SHADOWS / VAMPIRELLA crossover comics also was offered. An additional release was a ‘graphic novel’, Volume 1, which contained the first batch of issues. It is available at
“For those who have missed these extensions of the classic DS daytime series, copies still are available via the Dynamite website at:
or at local comic book shops and similar retailers.
Please Note:
"The current market climate for comic books outside of the traditional superhero category is difficult. Consumers continue a shift to digital platforms, and traditional outlets for comics decrease.
“Dynamite hopes to pursue new options to re-launch DARK SHADOWS comics in the near future.” SG will report confirmed comic book news.

England’s Big Finish Productions continues its monthly releases of new DS audio dramas on CD and via digital downloads online.
The latest episode, "The Enemy Within," stars Christopher Pennock as Cyrus Longworth, Lisa Richards as Sabrina Jennings, and Nancy Barrett as Carolyn Stoddard.
Since 2006, Big Finish has produced over 3 dozen audio dramas, including some extended stories covering multiple CD discs. These newly-written stories are fully based in the DS universe and are recorded live in studios in LA, NYC, London, and elsewhere.
Many cast members from the original 1966-71 TV series, the 1991 primetime TV series, and the 2004 WB pilot reprise their roles and / or play new DS characters. The audio drama “The Night Whispers” features Jonathan Frid in his final performance as Barnabas Collins. The casts often include familiar American and British actors from other genre TV shows and movies as well.
For more information on the complete series of all the DS audio dramas to date, visit the Big Finish DS website at:
Fans also can order the CDs directly from

Marcy Robin

Games / Re: AGW (Acronyms Gone Wild)
« on: September 18, 2013, 04:53:09 PM »
Josette... yes.

Games / Re: AGW (Acronyms Gone Wild)
« on: September 18, 2013, 05:25:21 AM »
(a response was removed, which bumped the above post back to most recent)

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Happy Birthday to Teresa!
« on: September 16, 2013, 03:56:36 PM »
Happy Birthday


Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Happy Birthday, Josette!
« on: September 15, 2013, 05:33:03 PM »
Happy Birthday


Wonderful article on the career of Armand Mastroianni (Producer of '91 DS and director of 4 or 5 eps), including his influence on the series' sexually-charged vampire attacks:


With thanks, as always, to Kosmo

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Depp's Dark Shadows
« on: September 14, 2013, 04:55:42 PM »
that's part of my point. that there are those who have "completely given up" on this great, active, well-moderated site because, why???, it has taken something of a positive approach to the film is absurd and highly indicative of the irrationality of much of the fanbase in this regard. I have noticed some regular posters jumping ship after the release and I don't understand why.

again, it's no harm, no foul. so some members and a couple of moderators enjoyed the film. so what? who's being harmed? there's enough other places on the internet to bitch about the film. here it's kept to a minimum but there's plenty of other things to post about.

Thanks for your support, michael c.  I read JtW's original post shortly after seeing this one by a dsboards member on another forum site that I think illustrates what you're saying:

...many of the posts on the Dark Shadows Forum expressed honest disappointment and disapproval, and were logical and well-reasoned arguments, not petty name-calling. The site owner doesn't want a negative reaction at all, certainly not one that makes sense.
[The post's context:]

Well, certainly no one should come here if it's not to their liking, and I've read some highly imaginary reasons for not wanting to (the mods here fix polls to get the results we want, we're homophobic-- two of the more offensive accusations made against us that have no basis in fact whatsoever), and the above comment ranks not very far behind IMO.

MB, dom and I don't judge whether a fan agrees or disagrees with our assessment of the movie or any other aspect of DS, regardless of how long they've been here or where they fall between personal friend and totally anonymous, or long-standing contributor and newbie.  Opinions are never moderated nor judged.  We appreciate the same sentiment from others-- the mods should be entitled to our opinions as well-- though we know we won't always get it.

If everyone agreed here about everything, it would be kinda boring anyway.

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: Happy Birthday, Richard
« on: September 13, 2013, 03:43:09 AM »
Happy Birthday!

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0541
« on: September 10, 2013, 07:05:09 PM »
and out come the strains of the "Dies irae" ("Day of Wrath," i.e., Judgment Day) from the finale of Hector Berlioz's Symphonie fantastique!

Sky Rumson's choice for frightening Carolyn at his home on Little Windward.  (Sky's favorite parts are probably the woodwinds. <groan!>)

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: Lara Parker's NYC Book Signing
« on: September 10, 2013, 06:49:17 PM »
Sounds like you had a great time, Uncle Roger!

I've been wondering privately if the cruise is happening at all.  I would presume that updates since registration closed in August are being sent only to those who have actually signed up for it, however.

The cruise is definitely happening-- as of July, upwards of 125-130 had already sent payments (for a ship that holds 3600).  The info is from a friend who's attending.

I hope you're feeling better, michael c.

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