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Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Memorial for Dennis Patrick
« on: December 23, 2002, 08:20:58 PM »
Lovely montage, vw!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Christmas Time At Collinwood
« on: December 22, 2002, 09:55:04 AM »
Quentin's Letter To Santa

That was awesome.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Today's Shows  (!)
« on: December 21, 2002, 11:57:41 PM »
the only thing that marred it for me was Quentin's girlie scream at the end of the Magda curse dream . ..who was *she* screamin' like that?

ROFL, I was thinking the same thing-- he was great, then I realized "oh nooooo, he's going to ruin it with one of his awful screams!"

Hi, Gang.  Guess I'll add my two-cents.  It seems the comments so far are related to Italian culture.  But I've always thought that Magda was a gypsy of Hungarian or Romanian (are they the same countries now?  I can't remember) descent.  Might the myths and religions of that culture be different from the Italian culture?

The Rom gypsies migrated all over Europe and Asia, so I'm guessing that Magda's family could be from any of the European countries (?).  The "evil eye" is supposedly known in every culture, but the specifics of it apparently vary not only with the country of origin but also within the cultures themselves.  The bowl of water with the olive oil, though, is definitely just an Italian thing. :D

Oh, you have to be kidding me!!  The Horns?  Magda puts the Horns on Quentin and that's the curse?

PLEASE!!  Every Sicilian on earth knows that gesture and what it means.....only a wife and her lover can 'put the horns' on a husband and the gesture is used by others to indicate that a man has been cuckolded.

Considering that we're talking about Quentin here, who apparently has already boinked every grown female on the estate except Judith (let us devoutly hope ::) ) I find it hilarious that THIS is the gesture the writers came up with.  

Somebody went home and laughed himself silly that night. [smrtasy]


It's so interesting that you were taught a little differently than I was.  Both sides of my family are from Naples, and I learned that "the horns" (il corno) were for protection from the evil eye (il malocchio), and that a strega can put an evil eye on anybody s/he pleases.  (Please forgive if my Italian is a little off, hee hee.)  Rainey, has anyone in your family done the oil drops in the bowl of water to test for the evil eye?  That was something that one side of my family did, much to the horror of the other.

Anyway, are you wondering if that was Quentin's curse that you've heard so much about?  What we saw today was merely Magda's threat.  Be sure to not miss tomorrow's eps, though I think we have to wait til the new year to see her incantation.  But like Steve said, they could've done better.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Yeah...I'd like to sink my teeth in too
« on: December 19, 2002, 06:48:08 PM »
Btw, I did a quick onceover of my story and posted it at the Scifi board.

Fantastic!  Here's a direct link:

Wishing you all the best, Carol!

What a wonderful treat!  I must send Dee an email and congratulate her on this truly fabulous site!

Isn't it fabulous?!

You can also send her an IM, and she's able to read the much-deserved praise for her site that's posted here too.  She's registered as Deester.

Oh, please do continue it!  And let us know when there's more.  You can't leave us hanging like this, and I love the ease with which you write for the 3 characters.  Brava!

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Memorial for Dennis Patrick
« on: December 16, 2002, 10:01:18 PM »
Would Dennis Patrick approve of his memorial service at Theatre West, where 10 years earlier he had performed in The Frogs, and where yesterday the food was plentiful, the champagne flowed, video tributes celebrated his professional and private life, colleagues and fans flocked to pay their respects, and his closest friends hailed his wicked wit, intelligence, professionalism and talent?  I can't imagine that he wouldn't.  It was, in a word, lovely.

I've been asked by a few who were unable to attend to walk them through it.  Theatre West seemed a perfect choice-- an intimate theater that was nearly filled with friends and admirers.  His infectious smile and those twinkling eyes graced the cover of the booklet handed out at the door.  In the small lobby, a guest book was on one side, and on the other two large photo boards boasted of his professional and personal life-- Dennis during various times in his life, alone or socializing, some of his travels, and his much-loved poodle.  An MPI box with Jason McGuire on the cover also stood nearby.  Rosemary, his companion in recent years who planned the memorial, greeted guests before they headed into the theater. Inside, there was a duet with piano and violin.  A large screen was to the left of the deep stage, and on the right was a podium adorned with a young Dennis in ancient garb, a framed black and white gorgeous photograph, and a large bronze bust on a stand.  John Karlen, KLS, and Sy Tomashoff were in attendance.  There were many other familiar faces-- character actors that we've seen numerous times over the years.  I felt fortunate to enjoy the company (and support!) of ProfStokes and victoriawinters.

The event was underway at about 12:25, with guests continuing to arrive throughout.  A friend of Dennis' officiated, and Jim Pierson took the stage to introduce a video he said he had been put together with a short deadline, but you had to marvel at the beautiful job he did.  It began as Dennis Patrick Harrison flashed in black and white while "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" played.  A marvelous interview from Dennis' Dallas days played with video clips interspersed from his long and illustrious career.  These included a space show perhaps from the 50s (?) that was amusing to watch with Dennis in a jumpsuit performing amid cheesy special effects.  We saw him as Keeno in Lost In Space when he greeted part of the Robinson family and Dr. Smith.  There was also Dennis in a Western playing opposite a gorgeous actress dressed as a saloon girl, his appearance in a legal series as he's grilled by an attorney on a tennis court, an adorable scene from The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis with Dennis coaching a pair of singing policemen, and appearances on Rockford Files and Kojak, and the films Joe and The Air Up There.  And there were 2 scenes from DS-- one as Jason in the foyer with a bruised Willie, and another with them in the Blue Whale as Jason accuses his buddy of grave robbing.  The interview was excellent as he spoke of his views on live television, Hollywood vs. New York, his roles as the villain (including an interesting comment about how villains are formulaically robbed of a decent death scene), the importance of knowing your lines, and how he saw himself as a comedian first and foremost.  He recited a hysterical limerick about Lela Swift and a part of her anatomy after jokingly asking for assurance that it wasn't going to be repeated.  Ha!

Individuals began to pay tribute-- everyone praising him as a dear friend, role model, consummate storyteller, brilliant talent.  An old friend that directed him in a Danish version of Hamlet spoke of how their working together turned into a lifelong friendship.  Another longtime friend repeated one of his stories-- a very funny joke about the Pope, a chauffeur, and the cop that pulled them over.  A friend's granddaughter (one of a large family, all of whom spoke) recited a poem she had written for him.  Several of the speakers seemed quite frail, but it didn't stop them from paying respects to their friend.  After the scheduled speakers were finished, others were invited to do the same.  At first the response was slow, but soon one person after another began to take the microphone and speak spontaneously.  Actress Betty Garrett recited her bawdy limerick that was Dennis' favorite.  Another friend, who works as a standup comedian, joked about the wisdom of letting Dennis think you agreed with him during any political discussions.  A fellow actor said the only thing Dennis couldn't master was dancing ("Dancing was his waterloo") but that didn't stop him from giving it his best shot when the role called for it.  It was mentioned often that he had missed his beloved wife, Barbara Cason, and comic actor Marvin Kaplan spoke of how he lovingly supported her career.  The unifying thread was that he was much loved, impacted many lives, and will be very missed.

The 2nd half of the video tribute was a series of photos shown as "Danny Boy" played.  We saw his life in pictures, including a photo of him as a young boy and his daughters as young girls.  It ended with the dates 1918 to 2002, and the tragedy of the loss of this wonderful man weighed heavily on everyone.  Then a representative of the theater announced that the Theatre West tradition was to end with a standing ovation.  And so we gave him a rousing sendoff that I'm sure could be heard clear in heaven.

ROFL, just saw the picture.

Actually, I think there are probably only about eight or nine of us and we just keep clicking on the link.  (No, no...sorry.  I'm sure there are at least thirty!)  (Sorry...shut me up!)  :-X  :-X  :-X

LOL, this topic is getting funnier and funnier.

Congratulations, Cris!  (I'm glad I'm not banned. ;))

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBIN!!
« on: December 15, 2002, 07:25:35 PM »
PS  I get the sinking feeling that LoveAtFirstBITE should NOT be in Spanish 4.  LOL

I think she should get an A+ for knowing about "wrist". :D

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Holidays at the Old House
« on: December 15, 2002, 08:56:09 AM »
it would be nice if everyone would take quill in hand and post a lovely short story...

2. The purpose of these forums is to discuss DARK SHADOWS, its characters, actors and storylines. Role playing (putting oneself or another poster into the DS story) is discouraged, and repeated efforts to role play may result in removal of these posts from the board. This does not, however, refer to DS-related usernames or signatures. These forums also do not accept fan fiction and such works are subject to removal.

If anyone wants to write a Christmas or any other type of DS story, here's a link to just one of the numerous internet sites that host fan fiction:

Scout75 and I have discussed his humorous scripts on the board.  I acknowledged that they're fan fic but I've allowed them because he has been a wonderful sport about not making them ongoing, and he has honored the request that they not exceed a single post; we've done the same for short poems, filk songs, storyboards, and other short DS-related fictional works.  But the DS Forums staff just isn't large enough to take on moderating even the shortest of stories, sorry.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Question about the help section..
« on: December 15, 2002, 06:08:43 AM »
Hey there, when I type or C&P the 'code' for glowing text exactly as it is in the help section, my text don't glow no mo?


For glow to work, you fill in the color and widths, so instead of this
Code: [Select]
[glow=color,glow width, #characters wide]Ringo[/glow]
type this
Code: [Select]
[glow=yellow,2,300]Ringo[/glow](don't leave any spaces)

to get this:


Don't forget that glow (and shadow) can only be viewed using IE.

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBIN!!
« on: December 15, 2002, 02:04:49 AM »
wrist, I hope your special day is grand?  Is there another meaning to muıeca?

Hee hee, I sure hope so.  I've been calling her Muıeca for the past 6 years.

It's a term of endearment that means doll. :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBIN!!
« on: December 14, 2002, 07:18:19 PM »

Happy Birthday to Robin![/font][/color]

Muıeca, I hope your special day is grand!

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