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Wow, Uncle Roger.  And there were 4 of them??!!

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss 2012/Questions
« on: April 09, 2016, 11:38:32 PM »
I'm sure this film has been a part of the debate that Gothick spoke about concerning the earliest depictions in the media of silver and vampires.  (Thanks to Kosmo for telling me about this 1945 gem.)  The Vampire's Ghost is set in colonial Africa (where, unfortunately for the title character, the natives are knowledgeable about vampire lore), and the weapon in this case is a spear tip dipped in molten silver that causes crippling pain the 400-year-old vampire.  If you're interested, you can catch it here. There's a nod to the 1931 Dracula, and in a cool similarity to the Maggie kidnapping, the vampire chooses a mate, and with her in his thrall, implores her to "walk with me through the dark shadows of eternity."  The full movie clocks in at under an hour.

Happy Birthday
Mysterious Benefactor!


From the linked page:  "2016 marks fifty years since Dark Shadows first aired on ABC, and ten years since Big Finish Productions began releasing their own Collinsport audio adventures.

Recently Kathryn Leigh Scott, star of both the original TV show and the audios joined Robert Dick for a chat with audio range producers David Darlington and Joseph Lidster to discuss her thoughts on those last ten years. ..."

A link follows to BFP's website; you can view the audiobooks and cast dramas there that are available for purchase within the Dark Shadows range.

Happy Birthday, ProfStokes!         

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss 2012/Questions
« on: April 08, 2016, 07:08:47 PM »
Can we tell if there's any word on vamps v. silver? I don't remember either way in '32(?) Bela Lugosi "Dracula", nor any of the Hammer/Lee flicks.

The Brides of Dracula (silver leg chains) and The Satanic Rites of Dracula (silver bullet)

More contemporary:  Blade films, Dracula 2000, Moonlight series, True Blood series, Dracula Untold

Wasn't Depp-as-Barn's cane handle made from ivory?


April 6, 2016
Hello, Dark Shadows Fan,
ShadowGram (SG), The Official Newsletter & News Source for Dark Shadows (DS), provides the following news in this ShadowGram Official Dark Shadows News Online Update "Bulletin."
As previously announced, the DS 50th Anniversary will be celebrated with a weekend of activities in Tarrytown, New York from June 24-26, 2016 with over a dozen original DS actors participating in person.
The DS Official Fan Club/DS Festival has now asked ShadowGram to announce that the Saturday, June 25 and Sunday, June 26 events at the DoubleTree Hotel are now sold out and has reached capacity for those two days.
However, space remains for the Friday evening, June 24 events at the DoubleTree (between 6pm-12 midnight, followed by late movies until 2am) as well as the Friday morning/afternoon visit to the neighboring Lyndhurst Estate (between 10am-5pm) which served as Collinwood in the M-G-M movies "House of Dark Shadows" (1970) and "Night of Dark Shadows" (1971).
Fans who wish to attend either or both of the Friday, June 24 DS events in Tarrytown and have not yet sent the registration form and payment are encouraged to do so immediately while the limited number of spaces are still available.
Please send $15 per person for the DS 50th events at the DoubleTree Hotel on Friday, June 24 and $20 per person for the Lyndhurst visit on Friday, June 24 to: DARK SHADOWS, P.O. BOX 92, MAPLEWOOD, NJ 07040.
Please note that fans may begin arriving at the Lyndhurst Estate for guided tours of the mansion starting at 10am with tours being conducted every half hour until the final tour at 4:30.  (The previously announced start time was at 12 noon).
Fans may bring a picnic lunch or purchase sandwiches, snacks and drinks at the Lyndhurst Carriage House café throughout the day, adjacent to the gift show in the stables complex. Attendees are also free to roam the grounds and gardens of the massive, historic estate and explore the different sites seen in the DS movies.
Additionally, fans may attend the Sunday evening, June 26 DS afterglow visit to the legendary Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Tarrytown, approximately 10 minutes from the DoubleTree Hotel. The cost for this private DS tour from 5:30 - 6:30 pm is $10 payable directly to Sleepy Hollow upon arrival at the cemetery or in advance at the special online link:
Thank you for your understanding and your interest in joining the DS 50th weekend.
As many of you know, Marcy had to have serious eye surgery last August which required she be face down for a week.  The recovery period takes several weeks, and during that time she has a difficult time reading or responding to email.  Unfortunately, the problem has recurred and she is once more recovering from the surgery.
I’ll be doing the ShadowGram Updates and responding to her emails for the next few weeks. 
Kathy Resch
From Ansel Faraj:  “I'm very excited to announce that both DOCTOR MABUSE and DOCTOR MABUSE: ETIOPOMAR are now available on DVD from Alpha Video. The disc includes the Making Of Documentary DIARIES OF DOCTOR MABUSE, which features interviews with myself, and actors Jerry Lacy, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Lara Parker, Christopher Pennock, Nathan Wilson, Bahia Garrigan, Kate Avery, Annie Waterman, John C Smith, and Kelsey Hewlett.”
From the Press Release:
“Alpha Video is proud to announce the release of THE DOCTOR MABUSE COLLECTION. Inspired by the character made famous by director Fritz Lang, the immortal villain returns in two new features  -- Doctor Mabuse and Doctor Mabuse: Etiopomar, starring Jerry Lacy as Mabuse and written and directed by rising filmmaker Ansel Faraj.
“In the psychological thriller Doctor Mabuse, the criminal mastermind plots a new reign of terror, with only Inspector Lohmann standing in the way. Infiltrating the demon’s inner circle, Lohmann learns that the cost for defying Mabuse is a fate far worse than death.
“The steampunk shocker Doctor Mabuse: Etiopomar uses six interwoven tales to tell the story of the villain’s quest to establish a kingdom for his followers. To create what he calls his ‘Etiopomar,’ Mabuse enlists an army of automatons created by a mad scientist...who will be very familiar to fans of classic German cinema.
“Jerry Lacy played multiple roles on the cult gothic soap opera Dark Shadows (1966-1971). He also essayed an uncanny impersonation of Humphrey Bogart in Woody Allen’s Play It Again, Sam (1972). Starring alongside Lacy are his fellow Dark Shadows alumni Kathryn Leigh Scott and Lara Parker as witches Madame Von Harbou and Madame Carrozza, and Christopher Pennock as the villainous Professor Konratz. Character actor Linden Chiles (The Twilight Zone, James at 15) is resourceful Inspector Von Wenk, Nathan Wilson is Mabuse’s nemesis Inspector Lohmann, Bahia Garrigan is femme fatale Christina Novello, Dane Corrigan is the insane Rotwang, and Kate Avery is the beautiful, but deadly, Maria.
“Blending film noir, science fiction, comic book fantasy, and German Expressionism, these Doctor Mabuse films are unlike anything you’ve ever seen.”
Kathryn Leigh Scott has a new book out:
“Last Dance at the Savoy: Life, Love and Caring for Someone With Progressive Supranuclear Palsy”  by Kathryn Leigh Scott  (Author), Dr. Yvette Bordelon (Foreword)
Here’s the description from Amazon:
When Kathryn Leigh Scott's husband was diagnosed with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), a neurological disease for which there is (so far) no cure, it was a devastating time for both of them, not least because so little is known about the cause or treatment of a disease that affects some 20,000 Americans, a number similar to that of Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS). Last Dance at the Savoy is both a personal story about Scott's husband, Geoff Miller, the founding editor of Los Angeles magazine, who lived life fully despite having a terminal illness, and a sharing of her insights on dealing with the day-to-day issues of caring for someone with a progressive neurological condition. Scott "often yearned for someone to figuratively take my hand and walk with me through the difficult times; I hope through this book I can reach out to you with encouragement and practical advice." Last Dance at the Savoy includes a resource guide that provides facts about prime-of-life diseases; contact information for support organizations, research studies and clinical trials; where to find handicap products and equipment; and recommended caregiving publications and family conferences. Contains a foreword by Yvette Bordelon, MD, PhD, a neurologist at UCLA whose clinical work involves the diagnosis and treatment of movement disorders. A percentage of royalties from Last Dance at the Savoy are donated to CurePSP.

Current Talk '16 I / Re: DS anniversary memorialized on IMDB
« on: April 02, 2016, 09:34:35 PM »
Who knew that Lara Parker played a nurse (p. 2) on DS?  [ghost_rolleyes]

Current Talk '16 I / DS anniversary memorialized on IMDB
« on: April 02, 2016, 09:17:37 PM »
To commemorate the date the show went off the air, IMDb's home page presents as today's featured Photo Gallery:  Step Back Into "Dark Shadows"

With thanks to Kosmo!

Belated Happy Birthday to you, MUGGYY!  [occasion1] [occasion18]

Happy Birthday, onyx_treasure!  [dancing_skeletons]

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Eps 1021
« on: March 24, 2016, 06:52:57 AM »
(Do I hit 'quote', then copy/paste?)

Yes.  Then remove all the text you are not using before clicking post.

Also, while reading Robservations, I usually do just highlight the phrase which I want to 'post'; can I just say from Robservations, ep 1234? Like the first two I have on my initial post?

Do you mean your subsequent post?  Something is better than nothing (searching for the source of your quotes has been time consuming), but...

I get that when I'm going back to CT '15II, I should copy person & thread#, along with text, right?

...all quotes should be complete, so they can be viewed in context.

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Eps 1021
« on: March 22, 2016, 05:29:40 AM »
Patti, can you please copy and paste the quote information (i.e.:
Code: [Select]
[quote author=Patti link=topic=65225.msg303765#msg303765 date=1458615424]) along with the text?

Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: Happy birthday, Patti!
« on: March 17, 2016, 09:23:20 PM »
Happy St. Patrick's Day Birthday, Patti! 

Happy Birthday to Janet the Wicked!     

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