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Current Talk '24 I / Re: A New Slideshow Is Coming
« on: April 27, 2010, 11:20:20 PM »
Sadly, though, there was no bow in Julia's hair.  [wink2]

Ha!  Or in Quentin's.   [ghost_wink]

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0971
« on: April 27, 2010, 11:14:37 PM »
Marie Wallace spent her final scene on DS crammed so tightly in a coffin that she had to bend her legs.  She wrote that it was originally built for tiny Nancy Barrett; does anyone know what she's talking about?

Something rolled by the window in the PT room... the upstairs PT room.

Why is it that we never hear the rooster unless a vampire is around?

The wording of the beginning voiceover suggested to me that the parallel time room was created by Barnabas's subconscious to distract him from the troubles that are besetting him in his real life.

This vo suggests that?--  In a seemingly deserted room in the East Wing, Barnabas Collins has stumbled across an incredible discovery. For in that room he has seen and heard a Julia and an Elizabeth who are strangers to him, living lives that are completely separate and different from the lives of the Julia and Elizabeth he has just seen downstairs. For in this room, Barnabas Collins seems to be able to see a world that exists in parallel time; see, but not enter.

Other vampire victims have remembered things after their vampires were staked, but Roger remembers nothing.

The weirdest reaction to me still is [spoiler]Carolyn whipping off her scarf and noting that the marks are gone, but never acknowledging why they were there in the first place.[/spoiler]

Is that a new or old Naga pin, and did she just forget to take it off?

It's Liz's castoff.

With all the switching back and forth of the sets some sort of editing has come into play.

The opening scene was a replay of the final scene from #970, so the PT room got only one redress.

It seems as if JF and GH were close because of him taking her by the arm…it could have been scripted but seemed instinctive!

Either way, it was really sweet.

I wonder if Elizabeth wonders why Julia hasn't changed her outfit!?   I guess I think of weird questions!

Ha!  And I liked that question a lot!

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0968
« on: April 25, 2010, 07:25:51 PM »
I'm surprised that no one has dressed as Peter Bradford for the Costume Gala, including his unusual choice of neckware.  [ghost_tongue2]

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0970
« on: April 25, 2010, 07:14:51 PM »
Roger to Liz:  "Marriages can be annulled."

Now vampire Megan is wearing Liz's hand-me-down snake pin.

And we get a first mention of Parallel Time, and the first look at Angelique's portrait.

Julia to Barnabas:  "Suppose time is like a road and parallel to it there's another road. On one, we live the lives we know, but on the other road our lives are different because we're in a different time band and we've made different choices. For example, in that other band of time, I could have made a different choice when I was at college. Instead of being a doctor, I could have married and had children."
It's probably a good thing that I wasn't watching in 1970 because that would have made me, budding feminist that I was, throw something at my TV.  Shame on Sam Hall for basically saying that a woman's career and the choices concerning her personal life must be separate and distinct paths, and for making his wife (a strong, independent female character) utter that crap in front of the little girls that were watching.

Julia to Barn re PT room's look: "Was it modern?"  Good question, time travel's a possibility.

Or she wanted to rule out that it was a vintage photo?

Anyway, I know MW was told Megan was being killed off and she took another job because of it.   Was that premature?  Might they have created PT Megan if she hadn't bolted?

They did have another part for her and begged her to take it (perhaps to play Samantha Collins?), but Somerset had her under contract.  They had a part for her in HoDS too, but she needed more than the week's notice that Curtis gave her and subsequently, the scene was never filmed.  <sigh>

And anyway... couldn't Julia have incapacitated Megan in her coffin with a cross, and then given her injections?

Hmm, as someone who has had to give injections to uncooperative patients-- who fortunately for me were not vampires-- I'd guess no.

So why can’t Barnabas kill Megan? Is it absolutely necessary that a non-vampire do it? Couldn’t Barnabas cut her head off or something?

I totally understand why you'd ask that, considering all the verbal posturing that Barnabas was doing.  Please, Barn, you're going to be crashed out while your friends take on all the shame and assume all the risks.  There's no I must or we must about it.

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Prop Project: Coffins, Consolidated
« on: April 25, 2010, 12:17:30 AM »
Cool, MB!  I hope you can find it.

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0969
« on: April 24, 2010, 11:58:37 PM »
There's a picture of Donald Hotton, the minister who married Jeb and Carolyn, on the Memory Alpha site from his appearance as a Bajoran on the Star Trek: DS9 pilot--

Jeb (thinking):  "No one came running in when the minister said, 'If any man knows any reason why this couple should not be united, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.'"
And it's a good thing no one did; can you say 'stampede'?

The boom mic made an appearance over the wedding bed.

Someone fixed Jeb's suit.

It did look a lot cheaper in the previous ep.  Don't know if it was the DVD transfer, or camera adjustments back in the day, or whatever, but it's weird how colors and textures can vary from one episode to another.

Speaking of coats, Liz walked into Collinwood in the same one that Angelique wore in the previous ep.

Product placement for "Rick" brand white rice.

Nope, it said RICE.  If there was a brand name on that box, it was obscured.

I have no trouble believing that Jeb's Leviathan self contained all of his unpleasantness, and that the unpleasantness was completely destroyed when the Leviathan box was smashed.  I wish we could have seen some inward wondering on Jeb's part at how all his anger and malice have disappeared like clouds after a storm and left only the rainbow of his bright new personality,

This would explain Jeb's transformation if it was only his dark side that was destroyed along with the box, but that's not what we're told.  They've explained that the box's destruction wiped out his entire physical body and stripped away all of his powers, but not that it targeted certain (negative) parts of his personality.

Based on what they give us, my interpretation of his personality makeover is that the destruction of his physical self left his essence, or spirit, behind, and that remnant of him willed itself to be good for Carolyn's sake-- that the change in him came about by a choice that was motivated by love.  That's just my take.

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Prop Project: Coffins, Consolidated
« on: April 24, 2010, 10:36:30 PM »
The ultimate DS coffin collectible might be the one that was displayed at the Haunted Mansion in Kissimmee, FL during the late 1990s,which the owner claimed was THE coffin that belonged to Barnabas on the series.  There was a photo of it circulating, and I recall that it did resemble a coffin seen on DS, but definitely not Barnabas'-- at least not from the soap.  I've never heard what happened to it when his horror house/museum closed, though another of its attractions, Quentin's portrait (the original for sure!), made its way to ebay.

Happy 27th
Garth Blackwood!

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0968
« on: April 22, 2010, 08:06:19 PM »
The camera revealed the edge of a structure above and to the left of Widow's Hill.  Once was bad enough, but over and over?

Some dialogue silliness (though I did like VW's writing for Angelique ["I am no ordinary woman."])--

Peter's ghost to Jeb:  "It doesn't matter how many lives are lost. Only one thing is important."
Maybe they're more alike than either of them would ever admit?

Jeb:  "I've killed enough..."
He had a quota?
"...I don't want death on my conscience too."
He had a conscience?

Jeb to Angelique:  "No one is going to lure me near water again."
Ah, those wacky hippies.

Jeb in Carolyn's room (about Philip):  "They're pretty sure that these periods of madness come only when he feels the need to kill."
First off, he's dead.  Second, I thought that having a need to kill IS a sign of insanity; silly me.

Angelique to Jeb:  "I had comfort, position, a wonderful marriage, a man who loved me."
Hmm, I bet she was listing those in descending order of importance!

And no worries, Cousins--her leopard coat was faux.

There's a lamp on a table in the foyer.  Yep, it was there for a reason.

Liz is wearing a "Snuggie" or a monk outfit. No. It's a "Snuggie".

When the collar slipped, you could clearly see the lime green dress underneath that she wore in the following scene.  BTW, after the box was destroyed, I wonder what Liz thought about the hideous snake pin in her jewelry box.

Well Jeb has changed outfits or that was a replay at the beginning of the episode.  I suspect it was a replay as I am sure DC wouldn't have wanted to have to pay Chris Bernau for few minutes work.
It wasn't a replay.  It looked like Widow's Hill got a little bit of a redress too for the reshoot.

It's a shame they didn't give Chris Bernau a role in HoDS.

Bye Peter and your contrived storyline!
And good-bye to Roger Davis!  [cheerleader] [clap] [blob7] [banana] [hello] [occasion18] [toothy9] [wavey] [thumbright]

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0967
« on: April 22, 2010, 12:48:25 AM »
Oh god.  What a mess.

Wardrobe discontinuity-- Jeb did the reshoot minus his jacket.  ... And whatever was outside the carriage house door is gone now. ... One of the cameras has color issues; Carolyn's room was a sunny yellow in the previous ep, but here the walls are almost beige.  Other colors are washed out too, til the camera angle switches and then they're fine. ... The passionate kiss that Jeb laid on Carolyn gave her a bloody lip.  She noticed right away but there wasn't much she could do but wipe the blood from his mouth after they kissed again.  Nowadays, no way would an actor kiss someone who has a bleeding lip.  ... Why would a vampire need a scarf? ... The marks on Philip's neck are visible before he's bitten.  (They should have put the scarf on him!) ... Styrofoam rocks on Widow's Hill, or Jeb is really strong when he's flailing.

Peter to Jeb:  "You're going to die the only way you can-- by drowning."
Jeb cornered on Widow's Hill by a werewolf-- I believe that's known as win-win.

Wait a minute... how did he get to Little Windward in his true form if not by swimming?

We're told that since Peter is not flesh and blood, he must use a human surrogate to push Jeb off the cliff.  And yet, the ghost can move the clocks of a hand with his finger, put Jeb into a deep sleep, open doors and windows, control lights, slip a rope around Bruno's neck, make a book go flying and set it on fire...  ??

Philip:  "I'll get him. I'll get them all!"
I guess he's not just plain scared anymore.

It's Carolyn's turn to use the little blue suitcase.

Bad Philip Todd VO.

Unfortunately, it was Bernau's only voiceover.

Where was Carolyn when all the zombies were roaming the house?

In Bangor with Roger, David and Amy.

Megan bites Philip and immediately after Megan leaves the cell, Bradford pops in.  Ever have one of those days.... when you're just sitting around in your cell waiting to be tried for murder, and your dead vampire wife appears and feeds on you, then an 18th century ghost pops in, even though he has nothing at all to do with you in any way?


Yes Jeb, strange and frightening!!   Strange and frightening!!!!!   If you say so!!

I was thinking that strange and frightening could describe the pairing of Chris Pennock and Roger Davis, cuz trying to keep up with one line mangler is bizarre enough, but any effort to follow a conversation between two of them is doomed.

When Carolyn said (without laughing) "Let's synchronize our watches," and said it was 1:30, I thought surely she had to mean 1:30 in the afternoon, but I knew it had to be nighttime.

Jeb said it-- after she fed him the line, "You'll be here in two hours."  I wondered if the synchronize comment was an improvisation after messing up.

Wonderful screen cap, MB!


Number 214. April 20, 2010.

Hello, Dark Shadows Fan,

ShadowGram (SG), The Official Newsletter & News Source for Dark Shadows (DS), announces the following breaking news in this Online News Update "bulletin."

----- UPDATING: DS FESTIVAL'S "SHADOWS IN THE SUN": Updated Banquet information



July 16-18, 2010
Marriott Hotel & Convention Center
2500 Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505

The Dark Shadows Festival mass postal mailing has been sent and if anyone does not receive by the end of this week they can email to request a copy of the mailing.

There is a typo on the order form on back of the convention flyer in the mailing. The Banquet with the Stars is *Sunday* night, as always, at 7pm, which is July 18. The convention membership and order form on the back wrongly lists the banquet as taking place on Saturday (July 17).

Attending the banquet on Sunday, July 18, is the only way to receive Jonathan's autograph via an exclusive signed Barnabas photograph.

Dark Shadows Festival
P.O. Box 92
Maplewood, NJ 07040


--Grayson Hall panel at Shadows in the Sun:

R.J. Jamison will be moderating a "Remembering Grayson Hall" panel with Kathryn Leigh Scott and John Karlen including some rare Grayson video footage.

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0966
« on: April 21, 2010, 07:41:14 AM »
I'm watching the episodes on DVD for the first time and because they look sharper and clearer, I'm picking up on lots of little things that I didn't notice before.

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Original DS on Chiller??
« on: April 21, 2010, 07:25:28 AM »
The out-of-order eps were recently described here:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0963
but it doesn't list the order, which was 960, 963, 964, 961, 962, 965.

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0966
« on: April 21, 2010, 01:24:46 AM »
Even though it only happens in a dream sequence, I found it very satisfying to see Carolyn in a wedding gown and veil.  (Vicki, Daphne, Liz, Millicent, Maggie, Kitty, Angelique and Josette wore wedding dresses... but even with her legion of fans, Julia got overlooked.)

Who sent Carolyn the dream now that the Leviathan plan is kaput?  Nicholas?  It felt like something he would do to strike back at Jeb.

We see Barnabas' reflection in the mirror again, this time at Collinwood.  Have the cameramen been inexperienced lately, or did everybody stop caring?

Barnabas: "I think the time has come, Elizabeth, for you to know the truth about a great many things."
#1. I’m a vampire.
#2. I kidnapped Maggie Evans
#3. I killed Jason McGuire
Etc, etc…

LOL  Well said, JtW!

Did the picture jump on anyone else’s DVD??  And were those boxes outside the door??

Yes to the jump.  I can't say what was outside the coach house, but did you catch this?--


...stop pronouncing employees dead every time one of them takes a power nap.

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