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Messages - alwaysdavid

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0105
« on: December 04, 2011, 11:18:36 PM »
The producers obviously thought through their location shots for this writing cycle.  It was fun to see the sheriffs car with flashing lights in front of the house.  Too bad they didn't keep using this footage in the future.
We only have Burke's word that there a few pens like this and how does he know that more knock offs were not made. This storyline is simply awful.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0104
« on: November 27, 2011, 12:30:16 AM »
Two full weeks for Vickie and they have replaced the old slate at the beginning with a new one.  Elizabeth orders Matthew to put a new lock on Vickie's door.  Will David go in throw the bolt and climb out the window?  Rogers pulls up in front of the house and enters once again telling his sister Vickie needs to leave.  Vickie is walking back from town and almost run down. She returns to the house screaming and banging on the door.  Elizabeth sedates her with pills she frequently takes.  Maybe that explains at least one person not hearing Vickie screaming in the night before.  Perhaps she had sedated Carolyn, David and Mrs. Johnson also. 

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0103
« on: November 27, 2011, 12:21:29 AM »
Roger goes to Vickie's room and it's surprisingly empty. Now at the Blue whale, Vickie wants to believe Roger. Someone tries to get in Vickie's room and Roger comes to the rescue saying her door was not locked and once again someone does not believe her.  No other person hears her and yet in the past the phone from the foyer is heard ringing upstairs.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0102
« on: November 27, 2011, 12:16:03 AM »
Only day thirteen at Collinwood and much has happened to the foundling.  Once again she is being threatend with death by a member of her new family.  Roger tells her the truth of what happened the night Bill died and the self scarifying man that he is did it all for his sister.
David goes to the Old house all alone to talk to Great-great grandma as he usually does. Matthews trudges up the steps to the house and finds David inside.  David reveals that Vickie knows who killed Bill. When they leave Grandma leaves the portrait.
Vickie sneaks out of the house the backway in her trench coat for a secret meeting with Burke.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0101
« on: November 22, 2011, 09:23:19 PM »
The HiFi is now replaced with an old vase.  Carolyn makes a topical reference that Bill Malloy was working for the Reds.  When Vickie and Maggie are talking at the front door a production meeting seems to be taking place in the drawing room, perhaps they were supposed to close the door.  Roger hides to the right of the door where a famous portrait should be hanging, but it must be out for repairs.  Vickie manages to get herself into yet another perilous situation.  I keep reminding myself she grew up in an institution, continued to work there ,is only nineteen and from what she has said never had a life before she came to Collinsport. 

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0100
« on: November 21, 2011, 07:42:59 PM »
At that time all the girls wanted the kind of furniture that was white with gold trim. I can't remember what it was called, but it seems like exactly the thing that Carolyn would want ant Her mother would have bought for her.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0100
« on: November 19, 2011, 09:42:02 PM »
Nancy Barrett hold the slate and points before the show starts. 
More Pen.  Vickie now thinks that Roger did it. 
Carolyn plans to date Burke in secret.  David again eavesdrops and plot to keep Carolyn away from Burke David squeals on Carolyn as soon as Roger gets home.  Carolyn reveals that she told Vickie about the pen.  Roger is horrified.
The only modern touch in Carolyn's room is a HiFi on the top of the dresser. I can just imagine the classical musician Elizabeth reacting to the Beetles music at Collinwood.
Meanwhile Vickie has borrowed Carolyn's car and pulled up in front of the cafe to see Burke.
100 episodes down and one can only hope the pen malarkey will end soon.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0099
« on: November 19, 2011, 09:30:27 PM »
I could see Vickie and Carolyn talking candidly if Mrs Johnson had been around for a long time, but she just started and it's not like they are used to having servants in the house.  Carolyn is once again mad a Vickie.
When Mrs J reports to Burke she tells him the house is haunted.  He blames it on the heating pipes.
The men refuse Burke's offer of work and he is flabbergasted that money can't buy everything.
Burke asks Carolyn on a date and all is well with Vickie.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0098
« on: November 19, 2011, 09:23:45 PM »
Elizabeth tells Matthew that Mrs Johnson is coming and to welcome her. Good luck there.  Dinner is served at eight at Collinwood. No wonder they are up at all hours of the night.  Mrs Johnson is told to ignore Roger. How funny. It sound like Roger has never spent much time at Collinwood having been sent away to school and then to Augusta, but he acts as if he is the ruler of the roost.  Elizabeth is in full Mistress mode and tells Mrs J. that she is not to go into the basement. David is instructed to not be rude to Mrs J.
Mrs. J. makes David lunch which she brings to the drawing room while he informs her that he usually eats in the kitchen or the dinning room.  So there is an unseen dinning room somewhere.  Mrs J. tries to get to know David and he of course gets on his favorite subject of ghosts.  Matthew overhearing breaks his mistresses instructions and is rude to Mrs J. telling her she shall be sorry if she asks questions.
At 3 AM Mrs J goes to the basement.  David grabs her and she claims she heard a noise. David suggest she is a spy for Burke. After David leaves the sobbing is heard.  I kept waiting for either Matthew or Mrs Stoddard to catch her, but she gets away with her defiance of the rules.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0097
« on: November 16, 2011, 09:52:10 PM »
Vickie faces a chilly reception from the Stoddard's.  Roger makes Carolyn think that he and Vickie are more than friends and that's just icky.  Vickie is cool to Carolyn and goes  for an exterior footage walk all the way to Evans cottage. Sam gives her the picture of Betty with not much thought even though he's had it on hand for over twenty years.  Elizabeth tells Roger not to know about Betty if Vickie brings it up.  When Vickie returns with her gift, both see no resemblance to Vickie, but then Carolyn pops in and says it's Vickie.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0096
« on: November 16, 2011, 01:44:42 AM »
Loved the driving in the storm and the flooding and taking refuge in the shack. but hate the pen story.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0095
« on: November 16, 2011, 01:41:17 AM »
Vickie has to unburden herself to an almost complete stranger that she saw a ghost.  She then reveals that she feels she belongs at Collinwood although she is terrified of the house. She thinks she may be a Collins.  Then what is all this chasing after Betty Hanscomb?  Perhaps she should stand next to her employer and look in the mirror since she is so good at seeing resemblances to herself.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0094
« on: November 16, 2011, 01:30:31 AM »
Frank takes Vickie on a date at nice Bangor resturant and she orders a grilled cheese.  I'm not even sure Maggie serves that. I can see the chef peering out the the kitchen door and the wait staff whispering about the girl who ordered a grilled cheese. I suppose food in the foundling home was all institutional fare and we hear another excruciatingly long story of her unhappiness there and yet she stayed on affter she could have left.  Perhaps this explains why she continues to stay on with the Collinses despite all the difficulties.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0093
« on: November 16, 2011, 01:18:47 AM »
"I always thought there was a little something wrong with David."  Such fatherly affection and then the slap to top it off. It wasn't so long ago that Roger almost ended up dead for making David mad and Vickie was just locked in the abandoned wing. Roger had better watch out.
Elizabeth reveals that the true romance for Carolyn's father was the Collins money. 

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0091
« on: November 15, 2011, 07:42:21 PM »
When I saw Vickie's outfit, I thought that there would be a sleeveless top under it as my mother had a similar, but more upscale version and then later when she visits Richard there is was sleeveless.
Another location shot of Vickie and Carolyn pulling into that hot spot the Collinsport Cafe.