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Messages - alwaysdavid

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0043
« on: March 20, 2021, 10:41:35 PM »
Bill and Joe are at the Blue Whale and we learn it’s only a day after Joe’s big drunken show at Collinwood. Time passes ever so slow. Joe decides on having a drink.
Maggie and Vickie chat and Maggie invites her to dinner.  Not exactly enthralling.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0042
« on: March 04, 2021, 03:53:03 AM »
 [Exercising] a man holds the chalkboard in the opening.   Elizabeth tells Sam she doesn’t want to learn about Roger. He guzzles the drink she gives him. 
Meanwhile, Blair tells Burke he could pick up the outstanding Collins notes on cannery and all else. The house is not mortgaged as the bank considered it a liability. 
Joe arrives at the mansion and reveals Carolyn was seen on her way to Bangor.  He hasn’t seen Malloy and Elizabeth tries to call. 

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0036
« on: February 23, 2021, 06:06:07 AM »
Thank you, I have my moments.  I’ve been enjoying your take on the episodes.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0035
« on: February 23, 2021, 05:55:25 AM »
Yes, it’s constantly moved.  It must be some of the heavy work Matthew does.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0041
« on: January 11, 2021, 01:16:45 AM »
This episode was written by Francis Swain. There is a noticeable change in the writing. The Voice over has Vickie referring to Collinwood as the only home she has ever known. Unless there has been a time shift, she has only been there for a few days in soap time. 
      Roger calls Sam again. Sam puts the phone down as Roger rambles unaware. Sam then tears up the sketch of Burke which is really quite good compared to some of his other work lying around.
      We learn Roger spent his inheritance and Elizabeth bought out his shares in the company.  This bit of backstory would have been good to know earlier. I’m guessing she gave him a “job” because of David. I’m surprised Roger hasn’t offered to sell David to her.  Elizabeth missing husband is called Paul. Elizabeth calls Joe wanting to see him. 
      Sam becomes enraged by Maggie’s prying. I was hoping that Sam would become more proactive after the phone incident with Roger. Roger goes to see what he told Bill and Sam goes to Collinwood to see Elizabeth.
I was surprised by the amount of actors in today’s show and how little they used Joe.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0040
« on: January 03, 2021, 01:14:15 AM »
Bill wonders why Roger is at Sam’s and not working.  Roger leaves and Malloy gulps down his coffee in a hurry then asks for another.  Bill suggests a drink and keeps pouring Sam’s but not his.
     Burke calls Carolyn about her ring and she makes plans to come get it, but Roger shows up at cafe. (Still not working!) Burke gives Roger the ring to take to Carolyn. Roger gave it to her when she was 16. 
     There is an exterior shot of Carolyn getting out of convertible and going into the diner.
      Sam is more wasted than usual and reveals that he stands between Roger and  prison. The idea of Roger in prison could be quite entertaining.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0039
« on: December 19, 2020, 06:57:32 PM »
      Roger’s band aid is gone and much bigger stitches Grace his forehead, he foolishly goes to the Evan’s cottage where naturally Burke arrives for his sitting. Roger hides in the bedroom instead of going out the back door.
Elizabeth and Bill discuss business and he says Burke is looking into the business and loans. Ned calls and Elizabeth lights up. She wants him to return. Apparently, she never wanted to see him again when he left after 15 years.
     Sam tells Roger there is a  letter he wrote about the Burke incidents and Roger leaves foiled again. Sam will stay in Collinsport.  Malloy shows up catching Roger at Sams. I wonder how Roger ever came up with the plan to frame Burke? He is so clueless and easily rattled into rash actions 10 years later. How did he hold it together then.  I would guess his wife ran the show much as his sister does.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0038
« on: December 12, 2020, 05:36:57 PM »
      It’s morning. Vickie is back in the cellar where Matthew confronts her. She lies again, claiming she is looking for books, but she continues to look towards the locked storeroom. Why does she think that there is someone locked in there as the sobbing is heard all through the house and would you really stay in a house that has someone locked in a storeroom?  Matthew believes it is Josette Collins. He says he feels all the spirits.
      Burke is is the diner when Carolyn comes in. He is reading Count of Monte Cristo. She draws the parallels.
She makes constant jabs about Vickie and Burke.
     Elizabeth tells Matt he must look a fool and be responsible for Roger’s accident. She then confronts Vickie in the cellar. Vickie uses the cover she is looking for Books for David.  Elizabeth says it’s the wind and heating pipes.
     Matt comes in the diner and says he will kill Burke if he brings trouble. A little late Matthew.
     Carolyn comes in. She admits she’s hears the sobbing also. Blames ghosts. She is more interested in when Burke finds the ring she purposely left so he will have to call her. 
     Elizabeth offers Vickie keys to storeroom, Vickie declines.  If there is someone in the room, shouldn’t they offer up prospects?  Roger’’s wife, Vickie’s or  Maggie’s Mother,  the Man Burke killed wife, A girlfriend of The missing stoddard husband? 

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0037
« on: December 09, 2020, 06:40:29 AM »
The right side of Roger’s face is hidden in shadow as Vickie’s voice is heard. He calls Sam. Is he really this stupid? Just say no and quit making a big ordeal out of Burke’s return. Even Drunk teleprompter Sam knows better.
     Vickie stands at the door. Roger yells at her for snooping and prying. Vickie tells him that his sister insists she stay deflating his sails.
     Roger drinking fade to Sam drinking. The two drunks in town both because of Burke. Maggie gets up and is grilling Sam. He writes a letter for her to keep in case something happens.
     Back at Collinwood, the clock chimes and sobs fill the foyer as Vickie comes down. Ned calls in the wee hours of the morning and Roger refuses to wake Elizabeth. Roger chews Vickie out again then asks her not to tell his sister. He apologizes and admits he’s heard the sobbing many times but has no idea from where it comes.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0036
« on: October 30, 2020, 04:56:33 PM »
Victoria is beautiful and pensive by the fire in the drawing room. She tells Elizabeth she is going back home. I wish they had elaborated on where home was to her and why?  Elizabeth comes in and I’m always taken by the resemblance between the two. Elizabeth is remarkably candid and says she is afraid for David and she no longer thinks of Vickie as a stranger. She wants her to stay and can’t answer why. She wants her to give love and understanding to David. Davis is eavesdropping and is upset. Vickie agrees to stay and goes into town.

In the drawing room Elizabeth says David cannot  deny he tried to kill his father. He will not be Sent away. Elizabeth says she will never stop loving him. She takes David to bed.

Roger is furious but more hysterical over the Burke situation. He lashes out at his sister that she has always run things her way. I wish they has explored their past more. Roger is hysterical again when Vickie comes in. Elizabeth makes a frantic call to a Ned Caulder. 

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0016
« on: October 29, 2020, 03:42:09 AM »
. Liz mentions a person living with years of hate and bitterness is capable of almost anything. This made me think of her and Paul. "Wait. It seems like I've been doing that all of my life." she tells Vicki. This conjures up so many scenarios in my head including the 18 years.

I really like this observation. I think it explains Elizabeth’s future actions regarding David which seem inexplicable.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0035
« on: October 28, 2020, 05:19:07 PM »
 [Were_Vamp] Joe calls Carolyn and rats out Vickie is up in Burke’s room. I guess he is shocked in 1966 standards Nd he is probably right. This of course upsets Carolyn.
Sam Evan now played by David Ford unfortunately.
Carolyn is in a tizzzy and she and David get into a huge argument. Carolyn comes across as very immature and David manipulative. He is using his get rid of Vickie agenda and Carolyn falls for it.
Vickie leaves without eating his steaks telling him she wasn’t hungry.
Sam comes to the diner looking for Maggie who is on an errand. Sam goes to Burke’s room. He is trying to get out of painting the portrait.
Vickie returns to the house and says she is hungry  for dinner.
Pop is already teleprompter bound.
Carolyn apologizes to Vickie for her overreaction to her seeing Burke. David is at the drawing room doors staring back at Vickie and saying she will be sorry she came.   
The hardest part of the episode is Carolyn and her reaction to Burke. She barely knows him and it’s hard to buy.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0033
« on: October 23, 2020, 05:21:06 PM »
Elizabeth and Carolyn talk and Carolyn says she’s not ready to marry Joe. Now if it were me, I’d say okay, but Elizabeth Collins Stoddard is used to having her way. 
Joe is drunk at the Blue Whale and a cute drunk at that. Burke Joins him and two extras dance
Carolyn and Vickie chat. About finding selves in different ways. I really like their sisterly relationship at this time.
Joe shows up drunk at Collinwood. He says Elizabeth will make Carolyn a seventeen year old spinster. Lol.
Vickie goes into town for her first trip to Blue Hale and to see Burke Devlin. 

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0034
« on: August 06, 2020, 10:30:56 PM »
Burke and Vickie still at Blue Whale. He pressures her to dinner and all she wants is the report. She agrees to go to his room to see it. Her reputation be dammed.
Joe wakes up on the divan after an hour. Quite a short time to sleep it off. Carolyn is there and he says he must have been drunk. Carolyn brings a sad looking bun with something in it for him. It makes McDonalds look good.
Vickie recounts the foundling home story to Burke.  50 dollars from 2 to 16. Burke tells Vickie to leave town. Joe shows up while Vickie in bathroom and is shocked Vickie would compromise her reputation. He wanted to pay his tab to Burke.  Vickie says she is not hungry and leaves before eating the steak dinner.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0032
« on: July 21, 2020, 10:09:01 PM »
The front door sounds; as if, it opens and closes. Louie starts for it and then turns and resets for it to open and there is Elizabeth. She refuses to accept his assertion that David tried to kill him.  He reveals he does not think David is his son and he was born prematurely. Elizabeth dismisses the notion. Roger wants him sent off and Elizabeth wants to hush it up. She blames Roger and says David will stay.
In town, Jonas and Bill discuss David. Bill reveals David was upset about being shipped off to school. Jonas arrives at Collinwood and Elizabeth says the valve fell off in road and there will be no further investigation.
At the end Elizabeth glares at Roger and he at her. She said she had no choice. She has to protect David.
Was there any doubt that Elizabeth would win?  I would love to have seen them explore the dynamic that caused there relationship how Elizabeth got everything and Roger nothing.