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Messages - alwaysdavid

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0057
« on: August 22, 2022, 02:00:37 AM »
     It is revealed that the restaurant is on Main Street.  And here is where we pick up the story as Maggie and Burke chat. Bill gave Burke his start on the boats. Maggie realizes she has to break the news of Bill’s watery demise.  Burke goes out in the hotel lobby to use the mysterious moving phone booth.
     Burke leaves. Enter Vickie. She has come for lunch with her new pal Maggie. They rehash their first conversation when Maggie warned her from the people and place of Collinwood. Vickie needs answers to her past!
     Burke goes to Patterson. He is told not to leave town.  Burke tells about the meeting with Roger and Sam. Mallory’s watch stopped at 10:45.  Now the sheriff does not seem to consider that the watch may have been purposely stopped at that time or that it could have broken while being banged about in the water. Malloy drowned and suffered a blow to the head. They are unsure then he was dealt the blow. Should the Sheriff really be sharing this with Burke?
     Maggie offers a free lunch to Vickie. They talk of Lobster rolls and clam chowder.  I don’t recall it being on the reader board menu; maybe it’s on the printed one?

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0056
« on: July 22, 2022, 02:17:22 AM »
Carolyn has slept in. The first time in years.  Elizabeth produces the lost watch and explains Joe found it. She also tells her daughter that there was a body. A call comes and they found it two miles down shore. Carolyn goes upstairs to find Vickie making the bed and helps her. Carolyn sobs and then reveals the horrible news that Bill is dead.
     Roger tracks down Sam at the Blue whale. Surprise!  He tells his cohort that an autopsy will be done. Roger tells the drunkard what to say and that they must stand United. 
      Carolyn opens the Collins family history book.  Roger comes home and tells his sister that he hoped it wasn’t Bill who was found in the ocean. He closes the plant for the rest of the day.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0055
« on: April 12, 2022, 10:33:16 PM »
Roger learns Bill is dead and seems shocked.  Sheriff George has to see if Bill drowned or was dead before he hit the water.  George offers some theories such as suicide to gauge the reactions of the siblings I would assume. When the sheriff does leave, Elizabeth asks her brother about how truthful he was in his answers. Elizabeth eventually appears to believe Roger.
Meanwhile, in town, the Evans’ spar at the diner. They talk about the letter and Sam wants it back. Maggie refuses. George comes in for coffee and donuts. Tea at the mansion just didn’t cut it for the big guy. The coast guard calls and they found Bill Malloy dead. Francis Swann wrote this episode.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0054
« on: March 06, 2022, 12:05:06 AM »
Roger, in an exterior shot, walks across the dock to his office.  Roger calls Burke worried about Malloy. In the conversation a random reference to David’s gift from Burke. Roger feels it’s inappropriate due to David’s imagination.
Back at the mansion, Elizabeth asks Matthew how he could have pushed Bill out to sea. Matthew says he thinks Bill drowned and he did it to protect Collinwood.
    Burke bursts into Rogers office. Roger is evasive as usual. Dart’s get thrown during the conversation. Burke says Roger owes him five years.  Are we supposed to feel sorry for Burke? He was wronged, but he’s using Carolyn and David to get revenge. He reminds me of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights in that respect.  Except there is no great love in his life. If that had been Elizabeth, who had chosen to go a safer route (or so she thought) to marry Paul over a younger and poorer Burke,  it would have added more dimension to the story.
     George, the new sheriff, comes to Collinwood.  He questions Matthew.  Elizabeth summons Roger home.
George wants to question him.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0053
« on: January 09, 2022, 01:58:03 AM »
David drinks milk in the kitchen/breakfast room. It’s the only sweetness around him today. He states he heard screaming from his window last night when he was supposed to be asleep. He informs Vickie that someone will try to kill her and that he will not attend the funeral.
Elizabeth enters and deflects David’s questions about last night. She’s well practiced and not even David can get past her.
The door is rapped and David answers to find Joe. A nice way to start the day. Vickie supposedly sends David upstairs while she and Joe chat in the drawing room, but David is up to his usual eavesdropping. No news of Malloy and Roger is surprisingly not at the office. Elizabeth catches the impish boy eavesdropping and Vickie realizes the same. Joe returns with Carolyn’s missing watch. She has been sound asleep all morning after her slumber party with Vickie.
Matthew comes in and says he and Roger walked the beach to make sure there was no body. After some backstory on Matthew to show his loyalty to his mistress, he reveals there was a body, it was Bill and he pushed it out to sea. A Flabbergasted Elizabeth calls George revealing she knows Bill’s location.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0052
« on: November 07, 2021, 11:45:30 PM »
Carolyn enters Vickie’s room locking the door. She insists they saw a body and it was carried out on the fast tide. Vickie reveals she thinks it’s Malloy.
In town, Sam worries about Malloy to Maggie.  Pop looks like he needs a bath.
Carolyn hears a noise and Vickie determines David is sleeping so not the culprit. In their slumber party chitchat, Vickie reveals she was given her birthday by the foundling home. The phone interrupts and Vickie runs downstairs to answer.  It’s Sam and he hangs up. There is noise in the Drawing room again. The window is open and a book is on the floor. It’s too far to just have fallen where it lies. They go upstairs and the book opens by itself to Josette Collins. The first supernatural experience for the audience.  Upstairs, the girls get in bed, but continue to chat. Carolyn reveals Malloy seemed to crush on her mother.
Back in town more hysterics from the Evans’.   

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0051
« on: November 02, 2021, 09:46:31 PM »
Elizabeth and Roger discuss Malloy in the Drawing Room. The girls run in saying that they saw a dead man floating in the water at the foot of Widow’s Hill. Roger refuses to go look and suggests Matthew go. Elizabeth calls him.  A spooked Carolyn asks if she can bunk with Vickie.  It seems an odd choice. I’m guessing the censors wouldn’t let her say can I sleep in your room or with you. 
Elizabeth speaks one of the funniest lines so far when she tells Roger if she didn’t keep him in check he’d run the business in the ground. Matthew comes in acting odder than normal and says nothing there. Roger looks upset off to the side. Later Elizabeth asks Roger if he thinks Matthew lied.
Elizabeth goes to Matthew’s cottage and the go to look. At the Great House, Vickie goads Carolyn into going back out though the younger girl is reluctant. Elizabeth sees it’s a clump of seaweed that looks like a body.
They don’t show the body so we have to take her word.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0050
« on: October 28, 2021, 06:35:38 PM »
This is one of my favorite episodes.  Windblown Carolyn and Vickie are high atop Widow’s Hill speaking of ghosts. And life. Carolyn wallows in ghostly legends and self pity, while Vickie tries to disbelieve in an older sisterly way.
Legends of a third death on Widow’s Hill give was to death written on Vickie’s mirror. She assumes David did it. Of course, he denies, but did he really do it? 
      Roger finally  comes home and he and Elizabeth display their sibling dynamic. She wants answers and he deflects.  He learns Vickie has tattled on him. 
      Carolyn misses her watch and she and Vickie go looking for it, but the find the much predicted death in a body at the rocky watery bottom of Widow’s Hill. 

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0049
« on: October 23, 2021, 10:04:08 PM »
I guess this should be called Everyone wants Malloy.  The town scenes seem to drag. Sam’s start of Burke’s portrait looks a little of  Frankenstein.  Who is Maggie’s Boss?  Maggie just seems to run amok. 

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0048
« on: October 23, 2021, 08:50:21 PM »
David shuffles through some really childish drawings compared to his masterpiece that he is looking for. Vickie fawns all over it and reveals she showed it to Roger who liked it. David becomes enraged anD rips the contaminated drawing to pieces.
Elizabeth enters with wrapped gift. It’s a crystal ball from Burke. David is thrilled. I would be too.
Joe arrives looking for Elizabeth and it’s revealed Malloy is missing. Didn’t show up for work and his housekeeper Mrs Johnson hasn’t seen him since 10.00 when he ate supper.  Vickie reveals he was at  Collinwood before his supper to see Roger. 
In the foyer, David torments Joe with his crystal ball predicting that Carolyn will dump him and marry Devlin.
Elizabeth calls Roger and orders him home to discuss Malloy.
Upstairs, David finally sits down for his lessons, but pumps Vickie for information on Bill and reveals his crystal ball said Bill is dead and murdered by Roger. 

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0047
« on: June 12, 2021, 01:56:01 AM »
Elizabeth plays the piano in her dressing gown and  hair down around her shoulders.  Carolyn enters and they chat. 
Meanwhile, Malloy is a no show at the meeting. It’s 11:30.  Burke  goes to the house, but he’s not home.
Roger returns to Collinwood and is questioned  by his sister.  She reveals what Malloy told her about the trial and Burke. Roger denies all. 

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0046
« on: June 07, 2021, 01:35:03 AM »
Take 2. I believe this is the first  since day one.  I’m guessing there were rewrites to either send the story in a different direction or make it more exciting.   
      Burke expects Roger in the office. Roger calls Bill and talks to Mrs. Johnson.  Vickie once again walks in on a flustered Roger’s phone call.  She wants to nurture David’s creativity. I’d say he does pretty well for a nine year old. Maybe not in the normal way, but how many nine year olds are plotting their Father’s demise. The drawing she holds is  of Collinwood and she claims it’s childish, but is in the style of whomever in the art department does Sam Evans work. Now Sam reminds me of a big baby but not his artwork.  Roger does look at the drawing  and utters, “ Collinwood with all its dark shadows.”   
     Sam is painting and Bill is at the door. Sam refuses to go to the meeting. Bill then goes onto Collinwood and says Roger must attend.  Vickie thinks Sam knows about her past.  Roger leaves at 10:25 and all are present at 11:00 but Malloy.  Where is the mastermind of this meeting?

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Fifty years ago
« on: May 25, 2021, 02:48:11 AM »
I also tuned in Monday hoping it was a mistake, but there was Password and my Mom who was in between jobs at the time instantly fell in love with it.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0045
« on: May 25, 2021, 02:37:59 AM »
Bill calls out Burke on his plans to take over Collins and Burke defects as usual. Bill wants a deal to leave Elizabeth alone. Better get that in writing.
Roger is playing darts in his office. Does he ever work?  I think randomly that soon this will be an empty house by the sea and many others rooms as time goes by. Roger still has his boo boo on forehead. Bill bursts in and reveals Sam is his source of info. Roger calls him insane.  I have to agree as Bill has nothing on tape or paper to back up his story.
Carolyn shows Roger the pen and as usual he overreacts.  It’s unthinkable to take the pen from Burke. Roger will return it.  Carolyn reveals Blair’s intentions to Roger.  Malloy calls and wants a meeting at 11:00 pm in Rogers office to settle things. 
      I really think they need a better backstory on this beyond Bill missing his chance (he thinks) with Elizabeth.
Something like he expected Roger’s job and is basically doing it but Roger takes credit for and plots to make Malloy look bad at every turn.  I found Burke and his pen quite appealing in this episode.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0044
« on: April 04, 2021, 04:15:05 AM »
Mr. Harris, the teleprompter baker, arrives from Bangor. It is unbelievably revealed that he hasn’t seen Elizabeth in four years.  Considering the business, the loans and that she is an important client, and that the business about David’s trust has brought him now, it’s nonsense.  Harris puts it together that Burke is after the family business.
     Bill shows up at Collinwood to talk about Roger.  Liz accepts the original verdict and that’s it.