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Messages - alwaysdavid

Current Talk '18 / Re: Discuss - Ep #1219
« on: August 15, 2018, 05:43:22 PM »
This episode was lost.  Lara Parker introduces it and then reads from the script. Then oddly an audio of the missing show is played with pictures. This scenario is repeated throughout. It seems, as if, they found the audio after she filmed the scenes and just decided to use it even though it repeats everything. Maybe they just thought the audience would be too stupid to follow and Audio show with still pictures. I dislike it intensely.
Carrie admits it's Daphne's grave, but believes the vision is wrong. The police search for Gabe as Kendrick went to them.  Carrie finds a James Forsythe letter and it burst into flames. Daphne and Bramwell will,go,through with marriage and Catherine collapses in the foyer. Doctor tells Morgan nothing is wrong. Just a dizzy spell. Anyone who watched Serials in 1960-70 knows that a collapse while dizzy mean expecting a child by someone else.  And there it is, the reveal to Bramwell that it's  his child.

Current Talk '18 / Re: Discuss - Ep #1218
« on: August 09, 2018, 08:03:20 PM »
Catherine tries to dissuade Bramwell from marrying Daphne. Josette worries that it is not fair to Daphne if he marries for revenge not love. Josette goes to Catherine and says not to pressure and let things play out. Daphne wants Carrie to look to her future to see if there will be happiness. She sees Bramwell looking at the Grave of Daphne Collins died 1841. Enjoyable episode due to the actors involved and the content. No Lottery!

Current Talk '18 / Re: Discuss - Ep #1217
« on: July 29, 2018, 01:45:09 AM »
The VO is delivered by Kate Jackson so something to look forward to in this episode. Gabe stabs Kendrick while Morgan searches for a key to unlock the drawing room door. He does and follows Gabe  through passages. Gabe finds Brutus Collins portrait to slash and burn. Morgan finds him and is putting out fire while Gabe escapes. Now Gabe is obviously insane so shouldn't the room be satisfied as that is one of the outcomes?
      Daphne tends to Kendrick says it is only a flesh wound. Catherine is jealous and says Bramwell is bitter. Gabe comes in on Daphne and then Bramwell chases him. Bramwell and Daphne are at the Old House and he asks if she loves him? Meanwhile Morgan is obsessing over Bramwell again. Daphne goes to tell Catherine she will marry and Catherine runs out to see Bramwell. He says she will not stop the marriage.  A action packed episode.

Current Talk '18 / Re: Discuss - Ep #1216
« on: July 19, 2018, 10:29:07 PM »
Q and Julia find Melanie who reveals the curse is not over until a Collins goes in room. Q wants to kill Gabe, but goes to see carrie who reveals he is being followed.  He asks her to concentrate on James Forsythe. He lived at Collinwood and loved a married woman.
Kendrick is following Q but says he is not. He finds Melanie on terrace and they end up kissing. Julia interrupts, but Melanie says she will see Kendrick. Gabe comes out of Secret panel in drawing room with a knife and says that who happened to Stella will happen to him. 

Current Talk '18 / Re: Discuss - Ep #1215
« on: July 10, 2018, 08:13:39 PM »
Flora goes into the room and it's Tim Braithwaite dead. He was Gabe's drinking buddy. They Question how did it happen?  I wonder also as this was a nice twist.
Melanie is in the drawing room thinking. Morgan is reading off the TelePrompTer. Melanie supposes that the spirts just want a human. Carrie Stokes arrives with a letter from Gabe. He says he was in room 1/2 hour until Tim came. Morgan wants Carrie to use her psychic power to find Gabe. Carrie says Gabe will find them. Flora decides to visit Justin's grave. A nice little trek through the cemetery is always fun and Joan does it well.. She finds Justin's gravestone broken and his spirit appears to Melanie. No rest and the lottery must be repeated.

Current Talk '18 / Re: Discuss - Ep #1214
« on: June 25, 2018, 05:34:15 PM »
The waiting episode. Julia is with Melanie who is delirious and seems to be reliving a past with Brutus and James. Catherine is tired of waiting ( who isn't).  She goes to the room to find out what's going on but Julia steps her.
Meanwhile, Bramwell skulks around and sees Catherine who is thrilled.  Catherine does not want Daphne at the Old House. Morgan comes out and orders Catherine inside and orders Bramwell away.
Josette comes to see Melanie, who awakens and knows her. They share a tender moment and Josette reveals she loves her  as her own child.  Hint, hint. Julia tells Morgan Q has recovered. At dawn, Morgan finally opens the door and reveals that another man is dead in Gabe's place. Now how the spirts s are so stupid as to not know that it was not a Collins is a mystery.

Current Talk '18 / Re: Discuss - Ep
« on: June 05, 2018, 02:48:50 AM »
Gabe has escaped from the tower using bedsheets. Naturally we do not see this happen nor the actor. Daphne sees Gabe riding by from inside the Old House where she tends to Bramwell. Daphne tells him when he was gone she grew up. Hint, hint, Bramwell.  Daphne reads His palm and see happiness.
Morgan tracks Gabe to the bar and the drunken man is ready to enter the room.  Catherine warns Daphne to stay away from Bramwell. Julia and Morgan take Gabe to the room and lock him in.

Current Talk '18 / Re: Discuss - Ep #1212
« on: May 31, 2018, 04:39:31 PM »
Gabe is the chosen one!  He refuses and runs off. Q and Morgan Chase him and Julia says lock him up in the tower. They worry Flora will let him out. Q is dizzy. We should assume he is with child or has Lupus  as per 1970 daytime rules.  Gabe begs for Flora's mercy. Julia finds Q on the floor and Gabe is gone.
I keep wishing that Dan Curtis and company had decided that they had ripped of everything modern and gone back to Shakespeare saying all we have to do is change the last name to Collins, but Alas!

Current Talk '18 / Re: Discuss - Ep #1211
« on: May 25, 2018, 04:14:59 AM »
Flora holds a family meeting. Lottery will be that night. There are six whole actors in the scenes. Gabriel resists and Flora insists. All will draw slips and they do.
There is some good acting and Joan Bennett does quite well. The story not so much.

Current Talk '18 / Re: Discuss - Ep #1210
« on: May 16, 2018, 03:26:51 AM »
Seance continues and Melanie says he is so cruel. The police are at the door and we do not see them or their interviews of the family.
Morgan and Catherine are in their room all lovey Dovy. She wants children, he does not due to lottery. And it seems he is planning a sexless marriage. He leaves and Catherine reads Bramwell's old love letters.
Morgan tells Q he wants Josette and Bramwell removed, but Justin gave them their home. Morgan finds the letter and is furious and burns them. I can't help thinking he wishes they were for him.
Melanie dreams Flora is carrying her dead body around in shades of King Lear and saying she must be burned as she had the plague. Melanie awakens and of course Q says she has the fever. 

Current Talk '18 / Re: Discuss - Ep #1209
« on: May 04, 2018, 04:03:14 PM »
That answers my question. I was wondering if we would have to endure more Gerard.
Stella is dug up by Gerard and Kendrick. Flash to Melanie saying she did it to Flora. The digging duo is at the door and want answers as body is on Property. Melanie backs up the story and later falls apart running into Q screaming. Gerard finds Melanie at the makeshift grave and looks menacing.  Police arrive offscreen and question family. Gerard says he will help Kendrick. Thankfully this is his last day.  Q wants to hold a seance to talk to Brutus. Melanie possessed says lottery now and the plague.

Current Talk '18 / Re: Discuss - Ep #1207_1208
« on: May 01, 2018, 04:15:57 AM »
Morgan hits Bramwell who thinking of Catherine did not fire. Daphne goes to Catherine who says she hates Bramwell. Daphne wisely disagrees and goes to care for him as he was severely wounded. Bramwell says Catherine is his enemy now.
Kendrick meets Gerard Syles at Eagle which is RT Blue Whale. He is a psychic to locate the missing sister.
Catherine and Bramwell got married offscreen and in town they tell Daphne. Daphne goes to tell Bramwell. There has been an undercurrent though all of this that Daphne loves Bramwell also.
Gerard, who is just as boring here, and Kendrick wander about and then he announces he is standing on a grave. Oh please let it be a dead bird some random child buried.

Current Talk '18 / Re: Discuss - Ep #1206
« on: April 21, 2018, 04:35:05 AM »
Bramwell and Morgan fight and Morgan is knocked unconscious Julia throws Bramwell out and Catherine rejects him.
Melanie goes told Old House and talks to Josette. Josette takes TelePrompTer awards today. Melanie tells her of her attacks wants to find real family.
Morgan goes to Bramwell. Catherine comes in and stops their confrontation. Bramwell wonders if it is an obsession and should just kill Morgan.  Morgan wants a duel. Lots of talk of trying to stop it. Catherine threatens to kill herself if Morgan dies. Duel starts.

Current Talk '18 / Re: Discuss - Ep #1205
« on: April 16, 2018, 02:02:05 AM »
Julia tells Morgan about Stella and wants him to dispose of the body. Bramwell goes to the cottage and reminds Cathrine of their tryst. He caresses her cheek, she kisses him violently and he leads her to the bedroom, but then pulls away and tells him to get out. Good scene.
Morgan is reading the cue cards in the next terribly acted scene with Julia. They stumble over their lines and it's hard to follow.
Catherine comes in and wants a hug from Morgan and marriage. He reads cue cards over her shoulder and looks bored.
Melanie meets Kendrick in the Gazebo. Says Stella has gone weeks before. She cries, they kiss and she runs off.
Bramwell and Morgan meet. Bramwell says his mother is home. Morgan says he hears that Bramwells ship is coming in. Morgan seems much more passionate with his cousin than his fiancé,
Catherine comes down the stairs in a wedding dress at looks like a peacock. The wedding begins and Bramwell flings open the door.

Current Talk '18 / Re: Discuss - Ep #1204
« on: April 13, 2018, 05:13:45 AM »
Melanie finds Stella tied up in the tower. Justin tried to kill her and she didn't die so Julia and Flora tied her up. Great Plan?  Q and Morgan talk endlessly about the Lottery. Q does mention he was in prison for 7 years and just got out. Now that is interesting, but will it go anywhere? Morgan wants Melanie put away as she has a spell Q locks her in.  Melanie's room is Quentin's haunting room. Gabe is drunk and can't attend the funeral.
Flora and Julia talk Stella and Julia will give her 5000 to keep quiet and leave. They find Stella has a fatal knife in her bosom and Melanie is outside the door to the lottery room ranting. I feel Shirley Jackson spinning.