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Messages - alwaysdavid

I'm pretty sure Gerard's truck was a Willys. I wonder if they knew that when they wrote the script or got it to match the script?

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1101
« on: October 06, 2016, 03:35:39 AM »
Maggie in bed has a cross on her neck. Carolyn watches her but getting a a feeling leaves and startles Gerard into stopping the burning of Rose Cottage and Daphne escapes.
A bejeweled Julia and Barnabas come into Maggie's room and thee bat at the window is kept at bay.
Julia learns that Carolyn knew of Rose Cottage. She makes the remark that no one has lived there since she died. No one tries to a question who? Barnabas follows Carolyn and learns that 1840 Q built a doll house for Carrie and she named it Rose Cottage and they began to call the real house that also.  The vampire causes Julia to sleep and Maggie goes to the vampire. This seems to the be only time Julia has not pumped someone full of sedatives.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1100
« on: September 30, 2016, 03:36:03 AM »
Willie is once again in Julia mode. he finds the teens with a pentagram on the floor and forces them to see Barnabas.  Meanwhile, dogs howl and Maggie comes down the grand staircase. Tad said he heard the dogs howl in his own time. Carrie doesn't want Gerard back. He appears and Daphne comes in.  The show has a blue tint about everything. It's pretty distracting.  The teens want Maggie to stop them from being shipped off to Wyncliff. Willie fills her in and she blames herself.  The teens go to Daphne and she sends them away and Gerard sets Rose cottage on fire with the hapless Daphne inside.  the last clue so the end is nigh.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1099
« on: September 27, 2016, 01:51:51 AM »
Daphne is recalled to life and is at the door. She appears confused. Another sudden appearance is Willie after a long absence. Q find Daphne and they hug and kiss. Willie hears them and is suspicious. Daphne won't answer questions. Carrie gets Vickie's clothes for Daphne. Lucky Daphne! Then they try to being Gerard back to life. I'm curious, why not just have David and Hallie bring back the 1840 teens and they could have confused everyone by trading places and popping up unexpectedly.  Willie seems to have turned into tyrannical Julia.
I wish they had Daphne reacted to wearing mini skirts.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Spooky reads; it's time for more Scary Stories
« on: September 18, 2016, 12:00:15 AM »
I started watching when Cassandra was returned as Vampire for punishment. My cousin and I had watched Nightmare theatre on Friday nights before we found DS so was not unfamiliar with scary films, but I Found Tom Jennings scary and he was the only character I had a nightmare about.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1098
« on: September 17, 2016, 08:52:09 PM »
Barnabas asks many questions the teens can't answer and admit who they are. That didn't take long.
Q is in his room. Nice to see it again. Carolyn comes in. There are so many things they could have done with Q but they made him some boring second stringer. What about someone holding his picture hostage to control him? Falling in love with a real woman and the problem of his never aging or have  him fall for a granddaughter?  Barnabas and Julia confront Q about Dapne and he admits it. The teens meanwhile try to conjure up spirits and there is a knock on the door.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1097
« on: September 13, 2016, 01:52:32 AM »
What is the point of bringing the 1840 teens back to life only to kill them off again' as we know David is dead and Hallie not around in 1995.  Q shows up Rose cottage, which had no significance in 1995, and finds the teens gone. Julia is again in full argumentative mode with Q and he refuses to say he saw Daphne. Barnabas finds the teens in bed and questions them. He realizes they are possessed.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1096
« on: September 09, 2016, 04:56:45 AM »
David meets Gerard in the woods, while Julia interogates  Hallie about his whereabouts. Hallie runs off and Julia grabs her. Quentin see's Daphne and Questions her about David.  David see's the real Rose cottage which looks a little like the dollhouse. Daphne appears and Q becomes jello in her hands and let's Halie escape to join David. The ghosts are with the children in the room like the one in the dollhouse. In 1995 it seemed the playroom had an important place in the story, but it's all been about Rose cottage. Carrie and Tad take over the teens.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1095
« on: September 02, 2016, 05:40:28 AM »
David VO. His third recently. Carolyn collapses on the floor after singing. Julia accuses her of seeing Gerard.
The last couple shows have been giving me flashes of Night of the Iguana. Julia goes to tell Barnabas that Carolyn is possessed in a scene at the Old House. I long for scenes at the diner, the Blue Whale, Widows Hill,
Barnabas is questioning Carolyn about her second sight and says he was in 1998. David and Hallie make another doll which has a cape on it so it must be Barnabas, but he doesn't seem to wear a cape anymore.
The doll ends up on the floor. Elizabeth agrees to let the teens go to Elliot's. Is she less under Gerard's control today? David leaves the house.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1094
« on: August 29, 2016, 04:38:58 PM »
Carolyn see's Gerard and touches her and she is Leticia. This may have had more impact if we knew who Leticia was. As it it, it appears that Carolyn has already gone around the loop.
 There is a Mrs J. Mention as she is watching Maggie, but not seen onscreen.
Julia and Elizabeth are in the drawing room. Julia wears a vibrant multi-colored scarf and lots of jewelry. I'm not sure why Julia never thinks that Elizabeth's stance on the children is out of character and she might be a woman under the influence. The bust is missing from the railing today.
Crazy Carolyn begins to sing a concert despite her only audience is Elizabeth, mean while in the foyer a screaming Julia tries to stop her.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1093
« on: August 24, 2016, 01:06:18 AM »
KLS's VO ends abruptly. The teens think they will be trapped in Rose cottage forever which doesn't fit with the fact that David was dead in 1995. Carolyn opens the door to the closet when she hears music but sees nothing. Caroly later reminisces about Attacks like Maggie's a year ago. What about the same thing happened to Maggie 4 years earlier?  I guess they don't want to call too much attention to the fact they are recycling every plot from old episodes. Now Shaw refuses to do David's horoscope. He doesn't seem to need much work despite only one commission from Elizabeth that was supposed to lead to her patronage it seemed but that never happened. The teens make a horribly bad clothespin doll called Leticia. I'd have to surmise that Leticia is very ugly and malformed. Carolyn goes to the playroom and sees it.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1092
« on: August 20, 2016, 06:51:55 PM »
 [Bat] I didn't realize that he had left the show. They didn't seem to use him much in the last years. I could see where being a teenager and playing with children's toys would not be very cool.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1092
« on: August 19, 2016, 05:19:56 PM »
Another David VO. Julia lets Maggie go to the vampire with no back up and promptly loses her.
Hallie and David talk on the stairs a lot.  Barnabas is now in the woods and stumbles over his lines horribly.
Julia comes in and harshly chastises the teens to go to bed. Barnabas finds Maggie on the ground and she needs a transfusion. He and Jula talk about his being exposed because of the other vampire. The teens babble about the ghosts and then see themselves in the playhouse. So,it seems that the teens will somehow become doll like and live in the dollhouse? They have also appeared to have died in prior episodes which seems to contradict that they will be possessed by the teen ghosts who want to live again. I wonder if there was a plan or it was lets redo the turn of the screw and write whatever.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1091
« on: August 16, 2016, 08:16:20 PM »
David does the VO. Don't recall that happening before.  Close up of Maggie and clock.  Hallie comes in and Julia yells at her to go to her room right now! Finally a scene at the Old House. Julia is there a cussing Barnabas of at taking Maggie while reading off the TelePrompTer. There must be another Vampire. Julia is skeptical forgetting her tryst with Tom Jennings. Elizabeth meanwhile talks about the attack by the wild animal. Wolves howl and Barnabas vows to stake the vampire. Not sure how he intends to do that except maybe hunting up Willie. Nice shot of the Old House chandelier at ending. Too much ghost business, but the vampire story helps.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1090
« on: August 05, 2016, 07:47:19 PM »
Julia finds David in the tower and cross examines him and accuses him of lying. Considering she is a shrink, you would think she'd have some empathy or at least fake it.  She grabs the paper reveals she saw David steal it and finds the flag.
Maggie finds the children cold and distant.  Recycled line if ever I heard one. BArnabas looks at Maggie's neck and Julia walks in and is accusatory.
Shaw appears wearing something that looks modernly medieval. David now wants a horoscope and Shaw has to think on it. Shaw meets Maggie and asks her on a date. Roxanne cross examines him. Barnabas is upset Maggie is out with Shaw. Barnabas and Maggie walk together and she returns at midnight with bites on her neck. Now this is an exciting ending.