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Messages - alwaysdavid

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1089
« on: July 31, 2016, 09:23:40 PM »
Gerard walks towards Elizabeth reminiscent of Cassandra. David and Hallie plan to stand on Gerard's grave at midnight since they have not seen him for 2 days. Julia gathered a pile a books from the upstairs library and learns that in 1841 the Java Queen shipwrecked nearby. Gerard is in the cemetery and the teens run off and back to the house where Julia catches them and they claim they were stargazing. David takes a note that Julia had and goes to fly a green flag three times in the tower and graves start to rumble in the cemetery. I'm not quite sure why some of this is happening when the teens are already under Gerard's spell.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Grayson's Characters
« on: July 24, 2016, 09:08:03 PM »
Didn't Magda and Jenny talk of being in a circus or traveling show?  I would assume they were immigrants looking for a better life. We briefly had gypsy neighbor's when I was young.  The Mom and the oldest daughter dressed like Magda.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1088
« on: July 24, 2016, 09:00:59 PM »
Julia follows Q to Daphne's room and He says he's there because he heard a noise. I wonder if the show was watching Scooby do to get plot ideas and got the name Daphne from there.
Psychedelic Shaw and Roxanne are talking about the boring false horoscope which hasn't been featured much but is today. Shaw says the enemy may be a ghost. Elizabeth finally decides to leave Collinwood and then she walks in on Gerard. Where are Carolyn, Maggie and Mrs Johnson? It feels like most the people are missing who should be involved.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1087
« on: July 18, 2016, 03:29:41 AM »
David screams, Julia cross examines and he is elusive. Lately she seems to have no empathy or patience for children. Julia meets her latest rival Roxanne. Elizabeth finally comes to her senses and wants to leave, but then she walks into Daphne's room and there is Gerard.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1086
« on: July 14, 2016, 05:03:33 PM »
The room turns back to,the closet again on David and Hallie.  Later they go into David's room and Hallie wants to run away the door locks, but not the window so David  climbs out. Aunt Elizabeth finds Hallie locked in and that rascal David is blamed. I mean, what do you do with a sixteen year old girl, but lock her in your room and leave?  Suddenly there is a pirates flag on Gerard's ship. So he is a pirate in Maine. Will he be plundering those herring catches? 
David dreams of Q and Elizabeth dresses in old clothes and David and Hallie see dead Carrie and Tad. Hallie had the same dream and the frowny  Gerard is in the room with them.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1085
« on: July 11, 2016, 04:56:11 PM »
Or  have a professional exorcism while Gerard is still weak.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1085
« on: July 11, 2016, 12:10:34 AM »
Now Julia is off on a tangent looking for mention of the stairway through time. She finds the plans drawn by Q's great Uncle. It amazing that nobody has come across them in all this time and when Julia looks they are found right off the bat. Q tries to flee Daphne but can't. Tad and Carrie are on the stairs to time which is now in the playroom again and calling to David and Hallie. I remember thinking when first seeing this that it would be cool if they went back in time.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1084
« on: July 06, 2016, 04:00:17 PM »
Eliot wants to involve Shaw and reveals that Julia has been to the future. Shaw sees a fuzzy room that is the playroom. Julia meanwhile feels a weak Gerard vibe. David and Hallie decide to write down what is happening to them so people will know. I keep wondering how they felt reusing the same story almost scene for scene is a good idea and to top it off  the only other stories, if you can call them that are retreads of the Peter/Vickie story. Are Shaw and Roxanne the lost loves?  The present day characters are my favorites but most of,them have no real story going on. I miss the town, Evans cottage, the old house, widows hill.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1083
« on: July 03, 2016, 02:52:23 AM »
Eliot puts in an appearance reading in the drawing room. They sure have cut down on the sets lately. He talks to Hallie and he should just get her out of there. He goes to visit Shaw and discovers he is a clairvoyant. Now Shaw sees the teens asleep which considering the future might infer they are dead. He tells Roxanne they were dead.  The teens burn their dolls and they are back in the doll house.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1082
« on: June 28, 2016, 05:13:40 PM »
She is Roxanne Drew and thinks they may be astral twins born at the exact time and Barnabas is already smiling. Barnabas wants to meet for dinner at 10 with no discussion of place. Perhaps Shaw will have a vision to tell her where to go, the blood bank perhaps? 
Daphne appears and becons Hallie again
Julia is wearing lots of jewels and a huge ring. Dressed in a pretty suit. It seems that since they were in PT they really are giving her the glamour treatment.
Roxanne calls to cancel supper and Barnabas is devastated. I think they should make it clear that once one becomes a vampire emotional growth stops, but thn Barnabas would need to become one around thirteen.
Julia seems subdued over this display and says "Why do I always have to be the one to talk sense?"  Then Barnabas retorts, " I haven't been wrong very often in judgement of people". Talk about delusional.
Lots of boring talk about finding Rose Cottage and then Barnabas rushes off to find Roxanne and reschedule the date.
David dreams of Rose cottage and it has life size dolls I it. A huge Daphne head peers in the window. And the bid reveal. Rose Cottage is a doll house. All I can think of is almost fourteen and sixteen year  olds playing with a dolls house. They must have been thrilled. Seriously, shouldn't Hallie be driving around in Carolyn's secretly borrowed sports car with David and hanging out with kids at the high school?

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1081
« on: June 22, 2016, 03:01:47 AM »
Shaw tells Carolyn that he started her horoscope but did not finish. Another clue the unfinished horoscope. These clue's seem pretty worthless. Barnabas realizes this is a clue. He tells Carolyn of his lost love for Roxanne. Hallie tells her uncle on the phone that things are groovy. David is Tad for a while and says they have to find Rose Cottage. Barnabas tries to get Shaw to finish the horoscope but he refuses knowing which side his bread is buttered. Roxanne comes in and Barnabas is thrilled. I recall this as being a total surprise when I first saw it.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1080
« on: June 17, 2016, 04:21:27 PM »
Carolyn and Elizabeth argue about Jeb. Carolyn thinks Shaw could be some reincarnation of Jeb which defies logic but she persists. It was nice to have a scene with them even if it was about Jeb.
Hallie and David plan to tell, but see the model ship and that stops them. How about seeing the real ghost?
Carolyn goes to Shaw. he is dressed up in a snakeskin shirt, vest and shiney pants. This is more frightening than anything on the show right now. She wants her horoscope done by him, but he knows the real money is with her Mom and doesn't want to upset the gravy train.
Hallie sees what is obviously Tad in the phantom playroom and goes out the door and sees David. This frightens her for some reason when she has already seen ghosts and knows that Tad and Carrie look just like they look.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Why Do We Hate Certain Characters?
« on: June 16, 2016, 01:26:04 AM »
I really hated Count Petofi in the original run, because I found the story too long and boring, but I tolerate him better now. 1897 is still too long.  Absolutely hated every Roger Davis performance, but I like the Peter/Jeff character. I hated Betsy Durkin as a kid, but she's not so bad now. I find Chris Pennock pretty bad hated Jeb then and now and find Shaw the same. I'm not caring for David and Hallie as they seem to be written too childishly.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1079
« on: June 11, 2016, 08:33:47 PM »
Daphne dissapears and Q finds the knife on the ground. Apparently the ghosts do not know that Q is immortal. This does seem to snap Q from his obsession and he wants to do an exorcism. He holds a forked stick and then stops goes inside and Daphne is there.
Meanwhile, Hallie wants David to  wear the clothes. Carrie says she saw Daphne and Gerard kissing on his ship. So apparently, the Java Queen his his and he is a Captain. Halie suddenly has her arm hurt and it is caused by the spirits. Shades of Amy. David and Hallie hold a seance and voice of Tad says to let them live.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1078
« on: June 06, 2016, 03:41:26 PM »
Julia comes in and feels Gerard's presence. And the energy level picks up when she is onscreen. Q is back in Daphne's room which is really Vickie's room where he finds a Daphne's diary. Barnabas looks for David, sees the ship and thinks he saw it in the playroom. Today David has a separate darkroom off his room that has suddenly appeared. No one seems to be concerned that this room has suddenly appeared. David finds old clothes on his bed. Daphne lured Q and then she has a knife poised to stab him in back. Finally a halfway decent ending.