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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '14 II / Re: History Slideshow
« on: July 02, 2014, 08:38:37 PM »
Grayson liked some gourmet dishes and she would attempt to tell the young fans about this kind of food and the reaction was predictable.

One of her favorite dishes was Carpaccio, raw beef medallions served with a kind of sauce.  She first had it at Harry's Bar (Cipriani's) in Venice.   Grayson pronounced it "divine" and the fans all went "EWWW!"

I don't think any of the fans ever forgot any time they were fortunate enough to spend with Grayson...


Calendar Events / Announcements '14 II / Re: Sleepy Hollow
« on: July 02, 2014, 08:34:26 PM »
I saw an ad somewhere last night, or maybe it was this morning (my brains are literally frying in the extreme heat we're experience today) stating that all the existing episodes are available for free viewing on over the next month or so as a promotion for the new season of this show.  I may have misunderstood that, but this was what the ad seemed to state when I saw it.

visions of naked Tom Mison dance through my head...


Current Talk '24 I / Re: And Even Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: July 02, 2014, 06:00:33 AM »
Such excitement!  There's no business like show business!

cheers, G.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: And Even Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: June 29, 2014, 07:08:12 AM »
Wow.  I'm away for four days and the hospital scene STILL continues.  I guess it will simply go on till Yule...

But I'm grateful to you, MB, for carefully transcribing this dialogue, since I don't recall ANYTHING of the scene between Juiia and Patterson, and I wouldn't want to miss out on her juicy little line about "blood obsessions."

I think you said that Roger was written out of the scene as shot.



Current Talk '24 I / Re: And Even Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: June 25, 2014, 05:45:48 AM »
Julia's not surprised, and neither is any viewer out there...


It's nice to see them including more cast members again.  I wonder if any fan vendors will be selling stuff.


Current Talk '24 I / Re: And Even Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: June 23, 2014, 06:59:26 PM »
MB love, forgive me for putting you to all that effort.  And I shouldn't bellyache because, mostly, I've been fascinated by your meticulous excavation of this, the most obscure DS artifact in the entire canon.

But this scene... I'm starting to ask myself, "will it ever end?"

I'm really amused that we're up against the beginning of July and Barnabas has yet to arrive at Collinwood....


Current Talk '24 I / Re: And Even Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: June 23, 2014, 05:11:53 AM »
I am now officially bored with the hospital scene(s).  Did any of it survive the final cut?  I guess if I check your charts, I will be able to tell.  It seems to be taking up an awful lot of what was only a 40 minute piece of film. The only dramatic significance, apart from showing the audience what's happened to Carolyn and filling in some very cliche (for a vampire drama) medical details, is to introduce the characters of Julia and the Sheriff.  I don't even remember the Sheriff at all from my one viewing.

I'm also starting to remember stuff from the viewing that really did not work for me, but I'll hold off on talking about that until later in this thread.


There's an advance clip scene between Green and Treadaway (from tonight's show) on YT that is stunning... and it really exemplifies how this story is completely about character emotions and interactions... which is why I love it. THIS is what I would call a Dark Shadows flavor...


A friend of mine has a theory that Ethan may be an avatar of Anubis, the jackal-god of ancient Egypt, who was a Psychopomp--a guide of the Dead from this realm to the Fields of the Just--the Opener of the Way, and the God who magically reunited the dismembered limbs of the dead Osiris and returned Him to life.  But Ethan may not be aware that he is an avatar...

Another friend thinks that Ethan received some form of Initiation rite from one of the tribes in his travels in America and that initiation is the source of his ability to commune with the wolves.

I like this second view the best... but it's really all pure speculation at this point.


Bat, those are excellent points.  I thought the same about the Ethan/Dorian scene but I did appreciate the subtlety and beauty of the seduction involved.

I see what you mean about the character of Sir Malcolm, but I doubt whether he's going anywhere.

I think Ethan is in some ways the biggest mystery of all.  There are a lot of theories, which some fans are practically treating as canon now, but in reality, we know very little about him.

The behavior of the Caliban character reminds me a lot of Adam, but the dialogue and the way Caliban's stuff is mounted and presented is soooo much better.  And the scenes are well paced.  The Adam scenes tended to drag on and on.  I actually think Robert Rodan did some fabulous work in the role but, sadly, few fans seem willing to acknowledge that.


Current Talk '14 II / Re: History Slideshow
« on: June 21, 2014, 01:20:56 AM »
No, JF did sometimes go over to the Halls' apartment for dinner and they would sometimes work on lines.  I don't know if she was chopping veg and spouting DS dialogue while JF was reading and sometimes prompting her at the table, or if the read-throughs happened after dinner.

It's been reported in a couple of places, but I think Matt Hall wrote about it in one of his blog entries:

A number of the Shadows players used to have dinner at Grayson and Sam's. When Nancy Barrett was asked for memories about Grayson on one occasion, I think the first words out of her mouth were:  "She was a fabulous cook."


I enjoyed the trailer.  Sounds almost like a Miss Marple story but with Tony and Cassandra and a pack of malevolent Witches.


Current Talk '24 I / Re: And Even Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: June 20, 2014, 03:55:26 AM »
Well not to slight the 2004 actress (I keep forgetting her name--Kelly Hu?), Barbara Steele made an immediate, VIVID impression upon me in the shot of her just standing on the train platform in her very first shot, holding an umbrella.  And when I saw that, I had only ever seen maybe one old film with Steele.  Her PRESENCE was extraordinary.  Again, I'm not saying there was anything positive or negative about the 2004 actress; she simply failed to make an impression.

If a Barnabas/Julia scene of the content you describe was used in the 2004 casting, it definitely argues that further sketches and potentially script outlines beyond the pilot had been worked on in '04...


Current Talk '24 I / Re: And Even Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: June 20, 2014, 02:10:31 AM »
MB, are you referring to the pilot screenplay (which to be fair, is what an actress interested in the role would have been sent to read), or the final cut as shown at the Festival?  Because in all honesty, I was quite intrigued to see what Julia would do, and I remember her being onscreen all of twice, with maybe four lines at most.  Then again it was ten years ago and my short term memory is ghastly these days--and I don't even recall the Alec Newman scene that's on Youtube from that original screening; just that I thought Newman was really quite exceptional in the role (I preferred him to Ben Cross).

Miss Hu as the good Doctor left no impression upon me at all, favorable or otherwise.


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