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Messages - McTrooper

After David sprained his ankle shadow tag just wasn't fun anymore. 

Polls Archive / Re: Drinking Contest: Roger vs. Quentin
« on: June 09, 2005, 09:57:38 PM »
Maybe Rodger wasn't always drinking . .

We've replaced Rodgers regular Alcohol with new Folgers Alcohol Light.  ;)

Liz: Look Carolyn,  I don't want a pledge pin on my uniform.

Maggie's hand puppet had turrets', so Willie decided to teach it some manners.
- - -
Maggie:  Here is the church and here is the steeple . .
Willie:  No, this is the scary part. 

Caption This! - 1841 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1202
« on: June 09, 2005, 02:38:00 PM »
Some need to learn the hard way.  A cheek is the worst place to give a hickey.

It's the hottest new way to watch TV.  Jail-cell-o-vision.
Brought to you by Wham Co. and the makers of Chewy Concrete.

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: DS and Sixties Styles
« on: June 08, 2005, 09:54:01 PM »
That's interesting.
I would never have imagined that someone would buy a family's old photos, but it's surprisingly it's kind of interesting.

It's also a good example of fashion, but I wonder how up to date the family was sometimes.
On the other pages a few people look like there wardrobe dated earlier than the date on the picture. 

Liz: Carolyn, that's not the way you strangle someone.  You have to use both hands. 

Julia:  Barnabas, we forgot the ski-masks.
- - -
Barnabas:  You know Julia you wouldn't believe how hard it is to run inside a coffin. 

Liz:  Carolyn I'm talking you don't need to check my pulse to tell that I'm alive.

Carolyn:  You never know in this house.

Thank you CyrusL for that answer.  It's ineresting to know what it looks like from a diffrent perspecive.  :)

Julia observed that Barabas would sometimes sleepwalk and pretend he was leading a parade.  It was very strange considering he most likely never saw a modern-day parade. 

To my knowledge, WWF refers to World Wrestling Federation. Often wrestlers go from being "good guys" to "Bad guys" based upon fan mail feedback.

It did for a long time.  But the WWF changed there name to WWE, because of a European charity organization.
By the way Ryan Collins that's a great analogy [thumb] :)

So, related to the topic, how do you think the 91 origin story played out compared to this one?
Was it better that the story line was originally unplanned or planned?
Not just in terms of continuity, but the general feel of the story.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Question: Little lost on the forum
« on: June 02, 2005, 02:59:57 AM »
Thank you again.  Mysterious Benefactor

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Question: Little lost on the forum
« on: June 01, 2005, 10:23:29 PM »
Thank you very much.
I was a bit thrown by the diffrent lay out.
I'm used to phhbb and other forum types and layouts.

I didn't realize those were stickied.

I think I understand everything much better now.