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Messages - McTrooper

remarked that... her knickers were inside out. 

lol MagnusTrask that makes me think of loony toons with Silvester and Tweety.  I'm sure they had a scene sort of like that :)

Caption This! - 1796_4a / Re: Episode #0886
« on: June 05, 2008, 12:58:57 AM »
LOL MagnusTrask
- -
Julia tries to bite, but with out vampire dentures she can only hope to give a nasty looking hickey. 

Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0953
« on: June 05, 2008, 12:56:26 AM »
Dark Shadows the musical features a headless barbershop quartet. 

Current Talk '08 I / Re: First Impressions of the Remix
« on: May 30, 2008, 06:48:04 AM »
I'm not sure I understand your point about the Old House and the New House GooberCollins I'm pretty sure the revival had two separate houses not one.  Do you mean they used the same style or location?  I know the original had a vastly diffrent style between the two houses, so I think I understand that point though.   [ghost_angry]

. . . had interrupted their Yahtzee night."

. . . he would inherit all of Morgan's child hood toy collection.  Quintin just loved those little toy canons.

. . . her hair looked better than his own and he would have to find out why. 

"... a giant vampire butterfly was sucking at her throat."

lol MagnusTrask :)
- - - -
. . . I have penny loafers smarter than you. 

LOL Lydia

Tonight we are going to go ice skating whether you like it or not!!"
Tonight we are going to play pin the tail on the donkey whether you like it or not!!"
Tonight we are going to watch Barny the purple dinosaur whether you like it or not!!"

A very literal LOL The Ghost of Sarah Collins. 

Cassandra wants me to teach David _Marxism_, and it's just not right!
Cassandra wants me to teach David _how to nit_, and it's just not right!
Cassandra wants me to teach David _how to cook hagus_, and it's just not right!
Cassandra wants me to teach David _taxidermy_, and it's just not right!

and last night it caught you... farting the National Anthem.

dramatic reading of... Scooby Doo Meets Dr. Who

pray that... Wagon Train would finally get renewed by NBC.

. . it's like furry bagels are crawling all over my face underneath it!!"