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Messages - McTrooper

Elizabeth:  David it’s very silly of you to accuse the painting of burping not you.

Painting:  * Burp *

Elizabeth:  I’m sure you’re trying to win David’s trust, but helping him toilet paper trees is crossing the line.  Not to mention the bag of poop Rodger stepped in. 

Burke:  . . . and That’s how I became the go to guy in prison for origami.

Rodger:  I see.

Matthew:  You despicable scavenger.  Get out of this house!

Liz:  Matthew that’s not how you get rid of bed bugs.

Liz:  Matthew I know it’s not your job, but could you please sand my calluses?  I’ve got a big photo shoot for Rich Feet Magazine and can’t quite reach every spot.

Lol Uncle Roger

accusing her of _ wearing a mini skirt that said “made you look” on the back

The Den of Insatiable Debauchery Bar and Grill

win a staring contest _ or _ give him a spanking

Rodger:  You’re telling me that in 11 years no one will come up with a good caption for this hilarious screen grab?

McTrooper:  Yup.  And I’ve got nothing either unless  . . . may I could break the forth wall.