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Messages - McTrooper

Courtroom Clerk:  Mrs. Johnson you’re 507th jar of homemade mayonnaise filled for separation do you have a temporary jar for the oil to live in? 

Hehe Uncle Roger

Makes me wonder why they never did an evil duplicate story. 

Lol dom that’s perfect and subtle.

Carolyn:  In the elevator?  Really Mrs. Johnson?  That’s wild.

Mrs. Johnson:  Well it was my wedding night and the elevator was stuck for hours. 

Maggie found the “kick me sign” on Mrs. Johnson’s back tempting to obey.

Mrs. Johnson:  This toast is as floppy as a pancake.  What on earth did you do to it? 

Thanks :)
Yeah those are pretty unforgettable ads.

Rodger suddenly realized that the taxi he’d tried to hail was actually his own car.

:) patrickm

Matthew:  Sometimes when she’s questioned by police she falls asleep sitting up. 

Sheriff Patterson:  Well until I get answers she’s going to be a narcoleptic.

Hehe ^_^ thanks

I could imagine Rodger doing some embezzling maybe if they had kept in some more traditional soap mixed with the super natural ones we’d have gotten something like that. 
Oh, maybe Liz could replace Rodger with (I think) Ned from very early on that wasn’t actually seen in person before, but used to run the cannery before Bill. 

Hehe thanks. 

It’s partly inspired by how goofy I start to act when I’m really sleepy. 

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0689
« on: July 10, 2023, 11:33:35 PM »
Quentin‘s cruel haunting got worse when he let out the little known death fart into the air.

__ banana peel __ __ it slipped out __


__ Red Bull from the future __ __ it flew away before it could give you wings __

did I remember to turn the coffin light off?

an overweight, gassy, brown dog she had as a kid

Victoria:  What’s the deal with that statue out there, Carolyn?  When no one’s looking I swear it’s mopping the foyer table.  I accidentally knocked over it’s little mop bucket with water in it.