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Messages - McTrooper

Sam:  There’s a small mouse toy with a red dress with white poka dots?  I think someone is trying to slip me a Minnie!

Joe:   . . . the fish turned out to be a German Submarine named Jalapeño.

Bartender Bob decided to sing the Chatanooga Choo Choo accompanied by an instrumental track and some trained dogs. 

Thank you ^_^ Mysterious Benefactor and MagnusTrask  [food]

Sheriff Patterson (whispering to himself):  What kinda nails only ever get hit by a hammer on accident?  Now I get it.

Thank you Mysterious Benefactor

Lol and thank you MagnusTrask ^_^

 . . .  then you __ head south to Logansport, only takes about 35 minutes as the bird flies, man I miss my wings, but not the nest it was too drafty. 

Voice on the Phone:  I’m in your closet alphabetizing your sleeveless shirt. 

Voice on the Phone:  You’re time travelers dating service have found you a perfectly inadequate match that you would be disappointed by for a few years into the future.

Thank you Mysterious Benefactor ^_^

Lol MagnusTrask ^_^ creative N funny  [hall2_smiley]

Thank you Mysterious Benefactor  ^_^
You’ve made me make myself crack up Hehe

Burke:  I’ll get you know you wascawwy (rascally) wabbit.

Maggie:  Burke you really shouldn’t have had our mystery mushroom soup.  Only hobos use take those kinds of risks with their lives. 

Hehe ^_^ thank you Mysterious Benefactor

Victoria:   . . . and that’s how we made mincemeat pie in the Foundling Home.

Maggie:  That’s just like here at the cafe, but we use fewer bugs. 

Hehe Thanks Mysterious Benefactor :)

Wouldn’t it be funny to see cows being ridden. 

Hehe Uncle Rodger

Literal lol thank you ^_^ I totally forgot about this one ^_^

Hehe yeah
Thanks MB  [hall2_smiley]

artesian eggnog

Victoria:  Wow that’s a big one.  I wish I could show little Joe Smith from the Foundling Home.  This snot bubble totally has his record beat. 

^_^ Thank You ^_^

Maggie:  Collins Cannery?  Our order of fish entrails hasn’t come in today and there’s a big order of E. coli stew for this weekend.