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Messages - McTrooper

_ Mr. _ Frank’s _ fresh baked buns.

lol ^_^

 . . . Liz caught them _ planning an underwear raide at the men’s dorm in Bangor.

Just for the record, both the Burnt Offerings book (1973) and the film (1976) predate Stephan King's book The Shining (1977).
 . . .

So it could The Shining was inspired by Burnt Offerings or just a coincident. 
Good to know. 

I understand the book vs. movie thing.  Even Jurassic Park was better as a book, yet the movie was good.
Thought there’s definitely exceptions like Swiss Family Robinson and Bedknobs and Broomsticks.

Current Talk '24 I / #0778 Why would Pansy . . .
« on: March 29, 2022, 09:44:30 PM »
So I’ve been going through Robservations.  I’m up to 779,  the 1897 story line has been pretty epic so far.

I do have to ask though why would Pansy’s Ghosts give Carl a dream about Barnabas?
Didn’t Dirk kill her?   
Barnabas only hid the body?
Unless Angelique is behind it I don’t understand why Pansy would seem to be plotting revenge.

Any thoughts?

778  . . .

Carl, asleep, dreams.  We see a pretty multi-colored lamp beside his bed, a ball atop the legs of a jester balancing it.  Pansy hums her song.  He calls to her, over and over.  She's in her dressing room, getting ready for her show, dressed in spangles, all made up.  Carl comes to her and she tells him he's just in time for her farewell performance--I'm going away!  Why? he asks.  The way things worked out, she says, it's time to retire.  You can't go, he objects.  It's the way things worked out, she repeats--and it ain't been all roses for Pansy, ya know--psychic powers take it out on a girl.  He kneels and tells her, if you stay with me, I'll but you a big house, beautiful clothes, and we'll go around the world together!  Sorry, luv, she says, it's time for Pansy's farewell, and you can't stop me, the show must go on--and what a revealing show it's going to be! she grins--come and see for yourself, luv, she invites.  We hear applause, see PANSY FAYE in glitter.  She stands onstage and says, "There is one answer we seek tonight, and it must be found.  She asks for a volunteer, and points to Barnabas, who shakes his head, no.  She asks Judith to come up, not to be afraid, give her a hand! she calls.  She instructs Judith to concentrate on the answer, which will come slowly, but it will come.  Judith says she can't concentrate on the answer without knowing the question.  You know the question, says Pansy harshly, everyone at Collinwood does!  Judith doesn't!  Carl comes up and squeals, "I do!"  Pansy invites him up.  "The question is this!" says Carl.  "Who is the vampire?!"
No, says Judith.  What do you mean, no, demands Pansy.  Judith insists, you know what I mean.  "I certainly do," says Pansy--"your mind's a pane of glass to me--you think the vampire dead!"  He is, says Judith.  No, says Pansy, the vampire is not dead, he lives, he walks among you.  Judith runs off, screaming.  Barnabas watches her flee.  Pansy asks for another volunteer, and points to Barnabas.  No, he says again, "but how about this boy--he's the brightest of the lot."  Carl, ecstatic, races up onstage.  Pansy kisses his mouth, for luck, then says, "The question."  "Who is the vampire!" says Carl.  Pansy raises her hands and says, "Hidden by day, stalking by night, killing those who cross his path, Pansy will tear away his mask, Pansy will find his hiding place, and put a picture of it in your mind--concentrate. . there an image for me?"  Carl says he can't tell yet.  Don't fight it, she urges, see it with your mind, your inner eye, your psychic soul. . .see it!"  A vision of the Collins mausoleum comes to Carl, who yells out, "I see it!"--I don't understand--what does the picture of the mausoleum mean?--who will I find there, you must tell me more!  "There is no more tonight--or any other night," she says (and it's spooky, too, the way she grins).  "My music, please!"  Applause. She sings her song, off-key, not matching the music.  Carl comes out of his dream with a start.  "The mausoleum!" he says.  "I must find out what it means!"
 . . .

It sounds like it might be a good watch, but I instantly thought of Stanley Kubrick’s version of The Shining. 

Perhaps it is a common theme or premise to have a family encounter danger while living somewhere unfamiliar temporarily  . . . Could probably include moving to a new house.

Rodger:  Honestly Liz, just because I’m out of frame doesn’t mean I lost my head.

Burke:  That hit and run 10 years ago  . . . I was the victim that was run over, so how could I have been driving?  No wait  . . . maybe that was a Twilight Zone Episode or something.

Literal lol :)


he got a pack of dogs to clean the dishes to save money

 [easter_cheesy] :)

 . . . he was certain that the culprit had been _ Sheriff Patterson _!!!

the portrait changes clothes every Wednesday

he could help with teaching David about the birds and the bees

dinner in the Westwing

Lol MagnusTrask and D_Friedlander


Elisabeth:  I’m not sure why, but I guess I can read this old kid’s to you too. 
Dick likes Jane.  Jane likes Dick.   . . . Okay that’s it!!! And I thought David was bad.

Rodger:  I don’t think I’m experiencing any memory loss.  Now if you excuse me I’m going to get ready for a night on the town with my best friend Burke.