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Messages - McTrooper

David:  Why is the railing soft today?

Current Talk '24 I / Loyalty to Liz
« on: December 27, 2021, 03:49:13 PM »
Reading through early Episodes with Robservations I noticed that Liz commands fierce loyalty and inspired at least two people to fall in love with her even though it’s not love Liz returns.

What inspired such loyalty?

The character does come across as intelligent and strong, but could there be more to it?

Any fan theories, opinions, or show details that explain this better?

. . . going to be _ stoked _ when _ this town has a professor living here _!!"

1910 tax laws

stereo instructions

treatment options for those suffering from balding

fantastic bleeder valves and where to find them


collection agent

a paper bat flying

pheasant de tuer sur la route

du pain avec du beurre

Rocky Mountain oysters

have his cheese sandwich with hamburger

Burke (thinking):  Mama's got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night . . . Is that a dirty song?

Liz:  I’m really into water conservation. I just reused the water I washed my hair with for the coffee.  Taste great, right?

Willie: Aw, Barnabas . . . I can feel it kicking.  How long ago did Angelique cast the magic baby spell on you?

Barnabas:  Willie!!!  It’s not funny.  I only put on five pounds. 

wanted to be a chicken tooter in a processing plant.

likes fishing for complements more than fishing

Caption This! - 1971 / Re: Episode #1198
« on: December 24, 2021, 05:06:14 PM »
Barnabas:  It appears that David still likes to play tricks on people.

Stokes:  Indeed.  Julia your tookus would like me to kick it.