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Messages - McTrooper

 We could have . .  had a rousing game of 52 card pickup.

Mrs. Johnson informed him . . that she used to be a male stripper. 

Mrs. Johnson informed him . . that her famous roast duck was actually roast spam.

Happy Birthday

And in the spirit of celebration let's have a Birthday curse:

May your water pipes break and your armpits grow mold. 

Just kidding.  Best wishes on your birthday.  Keep up the creative caption.  It's always nice to bump into you on the forum. 

Litteral LOL MagnusTrask on the wired caption :)
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news that . . the circus was coming to town.

Carolyn couldn't help but think... that one day Buzz would write a song about the Danger Zone and it would be used in a movie about fighter pilots.

included painting... warner brothers cartoon characters reenacting the Civil War.

might be . . a little problem.  Do you know anyone who could save the world with paper clips and duck tape?

worst fear had been realized . . . Manimal was canceled!!!!

Caption This! - 1970 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1022
« on: June 17, 2008, 03:10:18 AM »
Quentin plug your nose.  People might even smell this one in the foyer. 

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0885
« on: June 17, 2008, 03:05:33 AM »
J:  I had a dream that cows were attacking Collinwood. 
N:  That's about the one thing that hasn't happend around here. 

.....Elizabethl, Carolyn, Roger and David.

lol I wonder if those are Urns from parallel time or maybe . . . urine samples? 
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canister set  . . . partially hydrogenated bat liver oil, owl droppings (for dietary fiber), the laughter of children, and Burt's Flees all natural lip balm

when he looked up at the ceiling in Josette's room and saw... shoes super glued to the ceiling.
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when he looked up at the ceiling in Josette's room and saw... a life size picture of Ann Frank on the ceiling.
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when he looked up at the ceiling in Josette's room and saw... a possessed Betty Crocker book floating in air. 

Vicki told him he could no longer... become a teacher because he's too short.
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Vicki told him he could no longer... take ballet classes.
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Vicki told him he could no longer... play secretary and the lecherous business man. 
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Vicki told him he could no longer... barbies with Carolin.

walked in on Gabriel unexpectedly and discovered him... doing the chicken dance
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lol MagnusTrask again :)  I'm not your mummy I'm just kinda funny ;)

walked in on Gabriel unexpectedly and discovered him... picking his nose with his tongue
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lol MagnusTrask hehe I'm so evil.