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Messages - Gothick

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I enjoyed Sleepy Hollow, but personally, even with Christopher Lee's cameo appearance, there was nothing remotely Hammeresque about the movie, as far as my vision of the classic Hammer look goes.  Maybe it did at times feel and look a little like Captain Kronos, which is on a very different wavelength from the classic Hammer oeuvre and is late in the day (1972).

Your Mileage May Vary, as always--and thanks for the reminder.

I could make other critical remarks about Ed Wood but it's even further off topic than the above so I will desist.


Interesting to see the scans!  Thanks!


Ooh.  Does anybody out there have a link handy to one of the Depp sites that has posted full scans of the EW article?


Calendar Events / Announcements '11 II / Re: RTV Revamped
« on: September 27, 2011, 03:51:23 PM »
I love Peter Gunn & would love to see more episodes beyond what have been released on disc.  I'm sure I could find them on the "grey market."  Hope Emerson was such an incredible presence as Mother.  I read that Minerva Urecal who is always such a wonderful crone in the Anita Bolster mode took over the role after Hope's untimely demise.

My question about these shows is how edited are they for commercials?  I don't get any signal any longer and I don't think those channels are offered in Boston anyway.

It is nice to see that some of these programmers still take an interest in vintage television...It's conceivable that high ticket sales and positive buzz around Depp Shadows could make one of these networks interested in the original show.  I think a deterrent has been how steep the price Worldvision charges is.


Current Talk '10 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1058
« on: September 27, 2011, 03:44:51 PM »
@IluvBarnabas:  Excellent point.  And just imagine how those of us who had been watching since 1968 (or earlier) felt when we got to the end of 1840 and were treated to the spectacle of [spoiler]Barnabas declaring that Angelique had been his one true love all along!  Talk about sick, AND sickening![/spoiler]

My biggest complaint/regret about the final months of DS is that the fallout/resolution from this event was never shown or told.  Still, at the end of that story, note that it is JULIA who is taking care of Barnabas and making sure he doesn't bleed to death or whatever...


Very cool!  The blood spattered claws are a very Nosferatu touch.  Michelle Pfeiffer is really going to put her own mark on the role of Liz, I can tell.  I hope she and Miller get at least a couple of juicy scenes together.  Wouldn't it be cool if they re-staged the legendary "Because I choose to do so!" scene!

I'm wondering if Burton isn't going to make this his personal tribute not just to DS, but to the whole aesthetic of classic horror that DS looked back upon.  Cobwebbed staircases, secret passageways, crashing thunder, shadows upon shadows.  I saw (and taped some of) Burton commenting on classic horror films on AMC many years ago--he's a huge fan of the genre.

From what I read of the text, there will be more of the Seth interview in the mag.  There may or may not be more photos.  Unfortunately mags from the UK often don't show up here until 3 to 4 weeks after they are released in the UK.  I don't know why since there are many daily flights between London and major cities of the US.

I didn't notice anything particularly spoilery in what was said in the text on the website, but Your Mileage May Vary.  Interesting that Burton decide the year "had to be" 1972.  I'd like to read more of his thoughts about that...


Seth or Tim (can't recall which) says in the article--which I guess many of you aren't reading because you are trying to avoid spoilers--that the photo was shot the day before formal shooting began.  It was Tim's shot at seeing whether they could establish "the Dark Shadows mood," and it was also done then because so many of the central cast happened to be on set that day (kind of like the classic 1968 staircase photo when you think about it, though obviously the inspiration for this one is the 1967 cast photo--which ironically was more or less "lost" until a few years ago).

I hate the whole Hollywood fetishization of test screenings, etc. I see it as yet another area where everything in our culture gets dragged down literally to the lowest common denominator.  I hope Depp and Burton are able to fight for the right to have their vision be what they wish it to be.  If not, there's always the DVD (or the Blu Ray if you must).

In other news, the girly-girly weirdness of Vicki's clothing keeps freaking me out every time I look at the photo... Are they trying for some weird reference to the whole KLS Junior Miss thing of 1970?


Current Talk '11 II / Re: DS Character Drawings
« on: September 26, 2011, 05:43:47 AM »
A panel for Victoria Winters has been added, along with sketches (some very rough) for the Foyer in 1796 and 1969, and for the scene where Barnabas first meets the family.  The latter includes a rough concept for Roger which he says is going to be developed further.

I'm touched that he references the wonderful album by Wendy and Bonnie, Genesis, in his writing about Vicki.  The artist seems to share Donovan's 1960s obsession with the sexuality of teen (or even tween-)aged girls.


Current Talk '11 II / Re: DS Character Drawings
« on: September 26, 2011, 05:31:04 AM »
Cassandra is, now and forever, Our Favorite Witch!  I would love it if there is an allusion to Angelique's Cassandra persona in Depp Shadows.

George's take on Cassandra is really intriguing!


I just have to add that BarnaDepp makes me think of one of Edward Gorey's drawings... a point of favor in my book...

I am quite curious as to whether Julia will appear only briefly in the movie, given Miss BC's original statement that it was going to be quite a minor role..  I think she was just having a little joke...


Golly.  It definitely looks as if BarnaDepp sports Fu Manchu fingernails from Miss Thing's closeup of this photograph.  Whoa.

Does anyone know if the mag is actually going to publish this photo?  And if so, which issue?  I don't have time to trawl through the site and the tweets etc. to try and figure it all out. 

It's really extraordinary that they BEGAN the shoot by re-creating or re-staging that iconic 1967 cast photo.  Almost seems like an act of Invocation.  A seance, perhaps?

Now please let Warners announce a firm release date for the hoDS/NoDS/WB pilot box set...


I could be wrong, but I don't think they started referring to the Devil or Prince of Darkness/Fire on the series until Cassandra showed up in the Spring of 1968.  While Cass is incanting over her favorite Dr. Lang doll/pincushion, at one point she exclaims "my powers were given to me by the Devil himself!"  If you go back and watch the original 1795 episodes, Angelique's original spells are all more like hedge witchcraft, involving herbs, object links belonging to the person, etc.  Demonology enters the picture when she creates the bat to be her servitor and spy on Barnabas but even then I don't recall her mentioning the Devil, though Hell may have been mentioned.   

I could never understand why they started up with the Satan stuff in 1968 but then it hit me:  Rosemary's Baby was big news so the writers decided to introduce that element.

I guess that even though the Diabolos sequences come across today as atmospheric but on the edge of a little TOO extreme (GREAT voicework from the guy who played Diabolos), the production unit never again revisited this particular terrain.  But it was enshrined forever in our memories because THESE were the episodes chosen for the series' Viewmaster reel. 

In the booklet that came with the reel, incidentally, "Diabolos" is referred to as Balberith.  I don't know whether that came from a DS script, or if whoever wrote the booklet came up with that name themselves.  There's a Wikipedia entry on Baal-berith (who, like many demons, started out life as a Canaanite Deity) but I quite like this site where he is described as "chief secretary of Hell"... which fits rather well with the DS representation of him, don't you think?

cheers, Gothique (rhymes with "eek!")

Well, Janet--you could think of it as a tribute to John Karlen's unique genius as an actor that no other version of Willie has captured the mixture of avarice, pathos, tragedy and sexiness that he brought to the character.  In my recent re-viewing of hoDS, I was in awe of how many layers Karlen's physicality added to the scripting of Willie in the film--definitely on a par with what Frid and Hall were doing with their characters.  At times Karlen's Willie has a pathos that is nothing short of transcendent.

Just for the record, I didn't see the Jim Fyfe version of Willie as being a combination of Willie and Matthew Morgan.  More like original series Willie crossed with one of Faulkner's divine idiots.

I do think the online fandom "melee" over the pap shots may have influenced the timing of the release of this first photo.  But as in all things, Your Mileage May Vary.


Janet darling, Brace yourself:  it's Willie.
In this redaction, the characters of Willie and Matthew Morgan appear to have been combined.

Don't you just LOVE remakes??

cheers, Steve

A few random thoughts about the new photo:

They gave Nancy Barrett's Carolyn '69-'70 hair to Angelique this time around.  Interesting choice.

Fans who have never been physically to Seaview may not appreciate how the set design is playing upon elements of both the original Seaview and the Sy Tomashoff Collinwood designs.

It looks from this photo as if Michelle Pfeiffer's Liz is going to have more bite than I had envisioned.  Definitely an improvement in every way upon poor, mis-cast, non-directed Blair Brown.

I definitely see intimations of the Addams Family, particularly in the Pugsley and Wednesday affect on David and Carolyn, and "Grandmama" Mrs. J slumping in the background.

I think Helena and Jonny Lee Miller may have had a competition as to who could sneer the most coldly and keenly.  Helena's stance and look is very reminiscent of the publicity shot for Grayson's disastrous Edith Efron January 1971 TV Guide interview. Only with about 200 more layers of face powder added.

It's hard to know how to react to Barnabas at this point.  I feel as if I need a better look but I would be lying if I didn't admit intense relief upon this first, officially posed glimpse.


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