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Messages - McTrooper

Rodger:  Underwear!  I knew I forgot something when I left for work.  Good thing no one will find out  . . . unless I’m thinking out loud again. 

Rodger (thinking):  How do they put ships in bottles?

Necronomicon  . . . lol Uncle Rodger ^_^

Victoria (reading):  . . . Quoth the Raven, “Hey baby waz up?”

Victoria (reading):  . . . Elephant Stew, 1 medium sized elephant, 200 bushels carrots, 100 kilogram tomatoes  . . .
Victoria (reading):  . . . "I think I can, I think I can, I think I did."  And that's when the Little Engine That Could reached Auschwitz.

The last caption is originally from this post:

Victoria:  One time at the Foundling Home a kid with leprosy had his nose fall off into his milk and he kept on drinking it.

Rodger:  Leprosy you say?  Uhm  . . . I think I’ll sit over here now.

David:  Look Vicky there wasn’t really a giant sardine ghost after all it’s really Captain Eddy!

Captain Eddy:  And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for that nosy governess and you meddling kid!

Sheriff Patterson (to the camera):  Can you believe that Dwight Schrute fellow? 
He takes the last cup of coffee and the last donut, then goes on a huge rant about his coworker that put his stapler inside a bowl of Jello.

Rodger:  I can tell by the way you’re elbow feels that you might actually be a good governess. 

Burke:  Look I didn’t make my fortune by finding it behind a rock that has no earthly business in a Maine hayfield. 

Burke:  No, I don’t want to dance with a wooden chair. 
(I think someone else came up with a Jail House Rock reference for a similar picture.)

Maggie:  Are you sure you don’t want to try our sardine and tuna salad?  It’s made with the cheapest expired mayonnaise available for that subtle exotic flavor.  Free samples today only!

I picture Rodger saying something with the phrase “how droll” in it related to Dogs Playing Poker.  Though for some reason droll isn’t necessarily as negative as I thought it was supposed to be according to the on line dictionary. 

Yeah that would be a pretty crazy Christmas play.  Kinda makes me want to write something with those lines in it.  ^_^

Hehe dom ^_^

Burke:  I was wondering if you’d like to buy some Girl Scout Cookies?

Burke:  Have you ever thought about life insurance?  I’ve got a good deal on Death-by-Hanging protection that pays out regardless of your temporal location in time. 

Thank you Mysterious Benefactor :)

I wonder if Sam were real if he’d have dabbled in the more zany style.  I mean he’s a depressed drunk, but maybe he’d come up with something humorous. 

Matthew’s old bottle of brandy left in the cottage labeled laundry water 1949


Barnabas pleaded with Ezra Braithwaite to stop (ranting OR boasting) about ________ .!


 . . . never once thought I was capable of __ living rent free somewhere else __ behind his back!!"

sit at home and read children’s books out loud to one another