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Messages - McTrooper

I haven’t followed Scream, though I’ve seen most of them.

“toxicity of extreme fandom“

I know sometimes people go over board and are deserving of being labeled toxic, but other times various people / companies that make films are toxic to franchises, fandom, and there own profits. 

It’s all quite frustrating.  Especially when fans are blamed for a movie’s failure when it’s clearly the movie studios problem. 

Unless you’re talking about the kind of toxic fandom illustrated in the first Scream Movie?
Or stalker fans  . . .

Victoria:  David I’m very crossed at you for digging in my bathroom garbage can.

David:  But I found this neat cardboard telescope.  It smells funny and doesn’t have glass, but it’s no reason to throw it away. 

Sam:  I’ve done it now!  One too many.  I’m blind drunk.

Victoria:  Don’t be silly Sam you’re just closing your eyes really tight.  You won’t go blind for quite a while and magic, not alcohol will be involved.

Sherriff Patterson: Look Sam I know you took my donut.  I could have you arrested. 

Sam:  Okay, it’s a lie, but I admit it.  You couldn’t handle the truth anyway.  No one would ever believe bat winged frogs from Maine’s animal research lab are to blame.

That’s funny and really fits the picture well :)

Carolyn:  Hold on a second, Rodger I think this call is for you.  It’s something about a auto parts kit that makes bleeder valves hard to remove.

Burke:  Going to go paint a sunrise, Sam?

Sam:  Yup, Tequila sunrise.

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Burke:  Victoria, I have a confession to make.  I can see through clothes.

Elisabeth:  Who put a statue of a man about to take a dump in the foyer?

Sam:  One, two, three, four, five  . . . Good I have enough pennies for a tip.

Sam:  Why do my fingers smell funny after shaking hands with you?

Burke:  When my hands get cold I put them under my armpits.  I must have forgotten to wash my hands.

 [snow_smiley] Thank you ^_^


 . . . you can't seriously believe that  . . . a tomato is a fruit

the day it rained sardines on downtown Collinsport

Patterson:  I had this dream I was in charge of a top secret research organization and I smoked, but later I was in charge of a think tank and eventually went blind.

Elisabeth:  Well how exciting for you.