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Messages - McTrooper

^_^ MagnusTrask

the plates, silverware, and even the teapot started moving around and acting like they were in a musical.

Hehe Uncle Rodger  [easter_cheesy]

Fizzy Lifting Drinks

literal Lol patrickm

she left milk and cookies out for the boogie man

the foundling home used hammocks instead of beds and on September 26th everyone tries to dress up as either Gilligan or Skipper to celebrate the first airing of Gilligan痴 Island because they used hammocks too.


Mrs. Johnson:  Be carful around Carolyn she has a habit of ________ .

Carolyn:  Here Vicky, this extra pillow is great for muffling screams of terror.  You値l probably need it in this house. 

Some pretty good ones above :)

Willie:  I know you池e game Mister you池e trying to steal my Liver And Onion breakfast cereal.  Well you can稚 have it!

^_^ some really good ones here  [easter_cheesy]

Burke:  It痴 times like these I think about my days as a young kid with spiked hair. 
I was a part of a gang of kids.  Our Gang was always getting into trouble, going on crazy adventures, and pulling pranks.  Someone replaced my cheese with soap once.

Liz:  Barnabas, may I ask why your whistling at a candle stick holder?

Barnabas:  Well you see Elisabeth it makes the holder happy and a happy holder stays shiny longer.

Hehe :)

As Vicky prepared for a kiss from Barnabas started to wonder if Victoria really looked like Jossette at all.

Lots of funny ones here ^_^  [easter_cheesy]

leaving line impressions on my back after sitting for a while

she missed his awkward shoulder holding and dinner sharing kisses

Doctor:  I致e never seen anything like it before.  The guy痴 kidney stone was this big!

Good one Uncle Rodger ^_^

Carter: I値l have to find out what your wearing later, duty calls.

Burke:  My name is Burke not Doodie.

Joe:  Oh look at you reading like a big boy.  What ya reading?  The business section?  Picking out stocks today?  Learning how to bet on horses? 

tell him about his childhood snow sled

explain how he値l be in an animated movie where he plays a planet that eats planets