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Messages - McTrooper

The Shadow knows what evil lurks inside the hearts of man and that laying a painting on the couch is just asking for trouble.

Matthew:   I cleaned all the mold out of my belly button, but it still doesn't look right.   Do you think it's infected?

Burke:   Right there Sheriff that's where the pen is.

Sheriff Patterson:  Thanks Burke.  Man these Hidden Pitcher games can be tuff. 
I guess I can return this copy of Highlights magazine to the dentist office now.

he was in the script he read on the teleprompter

Hehe ^_^

Victoria:   Some elephants have pregnancies that last as long as 22 months.

Maggie:   I wasn't trying too look, but I got to tell you it was this big. 

Victoria:   Wow.  I thought he just need to loose a few pounds. 

Sam:  I'm going to go take a leek.  Do you girls know a place that sells produce and doesn't have security cameras?

Sam:  Maggie, I have a confessions . . . I enjoy turning away and dramatically posing while making confessions.

have cheese eating contests

play shuffle board with the dinner's leftover meatballs

paint portraits of wome ssurrounded by fryers

Dirty magazines for machine guns

Food from the dinner

Burke's wristwatches

Hair care advice

Start handing out his own sedatives

Hehe ^_^  that痴 hard to top!

Setup the Dave Woodard Fund for investigating suspicious heart attacks.

Report Julia to the AMA for billing him so called therapeutic wedgie sessions

Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1897 / Re: Episode #0805
« on: October 30, 2022, 07:06:37 PM »
bunnies don稚 make chocolate.

Hehe to many above

The sperm bank

The blood bank

Snow bank

The Pink Whale

Victoria left him for another time traveling spirit with tangible hair.