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Messages - McTrooper

Burke: So when I was a boy I caught a fish this big and it said it would grant me a wish if I let it go, but I told it I wished for a fish dinner.  It was a good fish dinner.  Those magic fish are tasty!

Hehe to all above :)

he’d left the stove on in the outhouse

he’d never get to watch Wednesday’s Episode of Hand Puppet Theater Of Our Lives

Sam:  Sometimes after a long painting session I like to sit in that chair, but Maggie complaines I always get the seat full of paint.

cheat on his blood test / cholesterol test / prenatal test / thyroid tests.

Hehe to both :)

tepid water

aging artist soufflé

toilet water


Rodger:  Where’s the stearin wheel in this car?  Man this always happens in my dreams.

[Modified by Moderator]

Barnabas:  Please you two settle down.
I’ll get some clear buckets with measurements on them so you can settle this contest.
Studding American Slang has really paid off.  I was wondering when I’d need those buckets.  It’s a silly contest though  . . .  who’ve drinks the most water wins.

a golden box chain with a shiny pendant on it

Hehe thanks
I think when I came across this one I found it to be a pretty interesting challenge.

He probably would have kept it to himself.

Burke:  You know Victoria down there I’m like a baby.

Victoria:  You mean the size of a whole baby?  That might kinda hurt. 


David:  What do you think of the Eversour Gobstopper?  It’s probably the nicest gift my dad ever gave me.  It’s a prototype.

Burke:  Ah uh you sure Rodger isn’t trying to kill you?

Thank’s :)

You’re probably right.  :)
I’m still surprised that there isn’t more off screen animals. 
I’ve joked about the stables in some captions, but I’m not sure they ever pretended to have a horse. 

Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0913_0914
« on: May 10, 2023, 06:16:30 PM »
David:  I can’t believe you Aunt Elisabeth what did Kermit ever do to you? 

Elisabeth:  David this is faux frog skin.

Willie could never resist spying on ___  Carolyn  ___ whenever he would catch her ___  yodeling __ in the cemetery!!"

Burke debated mentioning the kick me signs, but decided not to. 

Burke (thinking):  I don’t know why Victoria wanted to know, but she gave me quarters so I guess I’ll see if they bounce.