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Messages - McTrooper

Jason: Go ahead and hock a loogie on my face, but I know a police officer, constable, or meter maid that might want to hear how well you can swing your fire poker. 

 [easter_grin] Hehe

Mrs. Johnson:  You’re planning to build an outhouse there at the cliff’s edge?  What are you Wile E. Coyote? 

Person pounding on glass:  Elaine - Elaine!

Barnabas:  No one here with that name.  You got the wrong wedding.

Lol patrickm

Jason:  After we get married I’m going to stock up on Logansport sardines.  No more budget brands for Jason anymore!

Sam:  So I was telling Dr. Woodard about how Jim put my stapler in jello, but he didn’t believe me, he said I suffered from a Psychic Future TV Show itosis, basically I have intense dreams of tv show events from the future and my breath stinks. 

Lol MagnusTrask  [easter_grin]

Jason re-enacts his birth to illustrate why an episiotomy is sometimes performed and Willie is horrified. 

Elizabeth:  Really Jason you’re annoyed turtle imitation is getting old. 

Hehe  [easter_smiley]

Sam:  I don’t care what you think about my painting Joe.  You’re not a professional art critic.

Joe:  Sam it’s literally a turd, it’s even floating in a toilet. 


Willie:  Look we ain’t got no cows Ms. Butter Churn Lady we an’na going to higher ya.

Lol MagnusTrask

Victoria:  I just found out my friend died, she wrote me a letter about it.  Something about her hair.  I don’t understand. 

Liz:  I know you’ve lived a sheltered life, but you had to have heard about hair dye before. 

^_^  [easter_smiley]

tried to fart the happy birthday song after eating 5lb of baked beans

roasting  . . . er  . . . having you for dinner

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: A "Josette"
« on: May 28, 2024, 03:15:49 PM »
Yeah, guess I didn’t think of that Hehe.

I’ll have my own single on the charts about dancing with someone  . . . maybe you.