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Messages - McTrooper

Elisabeth:  Remember Joe, stay away from lady vampires because they suck.  Get it?  I made a joke.

Maggie:  That man’s cigarette smells like burning hair and he’s bald too.

Maggie (thinking):  Should I call the police about the guy stealing food or let him suffer the consequences of eating it.

Hehe thank you. 
Love the idea of combining those two entries together. 

Rodger:  This Grandfather clock is like Matthew, it runs a little slow.  Haha.  I have to tell Elisabeth that one. 

Rodger:  Why yes I can pinch more than an inch.  Why do you ask?

Burke:  When I drink this coffee I get the sensation that I’m working on the line at a tire factory on a hot summer day. 

Rodger:  Looks like some put hallucinations in the cafe’s coffee again.

Sheriff Patterson:  No listen Burke don’t go off half-cocked about this.  You have to go full cocked.

Burke:   . . . I  . . .  I don’t know what that means, but I think I’ll go check on the uhm  . . . business thing now  . . . Uhm  . . . Logansport  . . . Fishy thing  . . . company  . . .  See you later.

Rodger:  Underwear!  I knew I forgot something when I left for work.  Good thing no one will find out  . . . unless I’m thinking out loud again. 

Rodger (thinking):  How do they put ships in bottles?

Necronomicon  . . . lol Uncle Rodger ^_^

Victoria (reading):  . . . Quoth the Raven, “Hey baby waz up?”

Victoria (reading):  . . . Elephant Stew, 1 medium sized elephant, 200 bushels carrots, 100 kilogram tomatoes  . . .
Victoria (reading):  . . . "I think I can, I think I can, I think I did."  And that's when the Little Engine That Could reached Auschwitz.

The last caption is originally from this post:

Victoria:  One time at the Foundling Home a kid with leprosy had his nose fall off into his milk and he kept on drinking it.

Rodger:  Leprosy you say?  Uhm  . . . I think I’ll sit over here now.

David:  Look Vicky there wasn’t really a giant sardine ghost after all it’s really Captain Eddy!

Captain Eddy:  And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for that nosy governess and you meddling kid!

Sheriff Patterson (to the camera):  Can you believe that Dwight Schrute fellow? 
He takes the last cup of coffee and the last donut, then goes on a huge rant about his coworker that put his stapler inside a bowl of Jello.

Rodger:  I can tell by the way you’re elbow feels that you might actually be a good governess.