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Messages - McTrooper

Rodger:  Victoria has the runs you say?  Hmm  . . . and I-er David took all the toilet paper out of the bathrooms.  That might be a problem. 

Guy:  Gosh lady if I’d known your watch was so cheap I’d have never asked you what time it was.  Are all the mansions dwellers so cheap or does someone actually have something worth stealing?

Hehe thanks. 

Re reading it reminds me of elementary school janitor pages for a mop and bucket. You know what it means.

It might be. 
I’ve tasted a few odd combination and found that they are good or okay. 
Had a toasted ham and cheese on raisin bread at a restaurant once . . . surprisingly good. 

Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1897 / Re: Episode #0716
« on: September 01, 2023, 03:23:09 PM »
You’re welcome Robot_Quentin, I’m doing alright. 

Hehe ^_^ thanks

I was happy I could come up with another MacGyver reference that was funny too.  ^_^

Sheriff Patterson:  You must have had a lot of cabbage and I don’t mean money!  I think I can smell that through my eyes even! 

Lol dom ^_^

This is such a great image.  I wish I could come up with something. 

Hehe thanks.  Lol.  Somehow it even funnier to me now that you mention it ^_^

Hehe thanks ^_^

 . . .  the escaped elephant from the Collinsport Zoo had trampled her rose garden and used Rodger’s car as an armchair

Hehe ^_^
Thank you

Looks like auto correct replaced “un” with in, but I’m sure it was easy to figure out.  My spell check doesn’t like unmanicured either.

Hehe thank.

not taking to each other

Dave:  I promise Julia it was the chair.

Julia:  I don’t know Dave.  It sure smells like it was your butt talking, not the chair.

Buzz is gona take it right into the danger zone, right into the danger zone!

Hehe MagnusTrask

Barnabas:  Come now Julia, turn that frown upside down.  Isn’t that what all the happening hip cat’s are saying?