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Messages - McTrooper


Sheriff Patterson gave Maggie a long lecture about _______ .

As Liz made her way back to Collinwood, the only thing on her mind was
getting back home to _ water the Ficus _ !"

Specific Gravity Test


pap smear


Jason:  I’ve had a portrait painted of me.  Only cost $5, but I still feel ripped off.  It looked like it was painted by a 5 year ago.

Barnabas:  You shouldn’t feel ripped off, you painting must’ve been very accurate based on how you described it. 

One look at the back of Julia’s head let him know she was bitten by a very drunk vampire.

 . . . to check on Tom's _ stew _."

ear wax collection


Hehe patrickm. :)

had been used to store _ chocolate bars _ was ridiculous!"

Vicki was extremely upset that the cloth Adam chose to gag her with was conspiring with the long-forgotten Pen, and the napkin-dispenser down at the diner, to take over the world!!

Can't really account for this...

But it’s awesome ^_^


Vicki was extremely upset that the cloth Adam chose to gag her with _ was used as a handkerchief _.

David - "Hello, Dr. Hoffman - my aunt Elizabeth says I should do more charity work, so
I'm collecting for the orphans of _ the Titanic _ and wonder if you could donate _ some tea cozies and biscuits _?!"

Caption This! - 1796_2 / Re: Episode #0623
« on: April 19, 2022, 03:39:04 PM »
Peter:  If I concentrate hard enough I can let this fart without making noise.  When your locked up you have to make your own fun.

Caption This! - 1796_2 / Re: Episode #0623
« on: April 19, 2022, 03:36:31 PM »
Ben:  First edition Necronomicon for me?  You really shouldn’t have.

 . . . Mrs. Johnson's _ Mayonnaise Concrete Pie _!!
(Let me get you some _ Phosphoric acid and trisodium phosphate _!!)"

an attractive, but hungover monkey from the zoo

stare to her right with out turning her head up