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Messages - McTrooper

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0067
« on: April 18, 2023, 06:17:38 PM »
It’s interesting that Carolyn was so ready to discard Burke just based on what Liz told her about Burke even though before and after wards she’s still fascinated by him.

Quoted from Roservations:
Burke comes in and greets them. Speak of the devil, says Maggie. Were you? asks Burke, immaculate in a three piece suit. We were just talking about you, says Carolyn. You couldn't have chosen a more fascinating subject! declares Burke.

I really like that (whatever you’d call it) attitude Burke has. 

With the excellent way the suspicion gets moved around in this story I’m surprised Mrs. Johnson didn’t also become a suspect. 

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0066
« on: April 18, 2023, 05:24:19 PM »
I wonder if the issue of time was written just for drama or writing with the idea that the Sheriff Patterson character was attempting to gage people’s reaction as well as being written for drama? 

It’s really hard for me to decide which. 

I sort of think as the letter writing as almost a journal or diary, but she is writing to parents that she doesn’t even know are alive.  I can understand how that detail can cause different opinions or reactions. 

I’ve never been an orphan, but I do know what it is too feel lost and adrift in the world even with great parents and a good family.  So I guess I can relate. 

I’m not sure if it’s called this, but Vicky is almost like an audience point of view character.  She’s the main window we see things through because she’s a newcomer.  But it’s too bad we didn’t see more character development with her.
It’s weird for me to realize I like the character, but really don’t have much character to like.  If that makes sense at all. 

Maggie just realized that the roast was still in the oven from last week.  Oh well more charcoal for the grill.

 [easter_smiley] Hehe patrickm

Sam:  I’ve been trying out this new paint made with sheep dung. 

Joe:  I think it’s singed my nose hairs!  I got to get some air. 

Rodger:  I can’t believe you let the Logansport Cannery riff raff learn about our new sardine flavored bubble gum!  If it wouldn’t look bad for me I’d sue!

Hehe mrjuggins ^_^

Rodger:  You know David having a concussion really makes you think  . . . or have trouble thinking  . . . what were we. talking about?

David:  You were increasing my allowance and talking about sending me on a trip. 


lifting he feather collection

 . . . she had a __ pedicure __ she __ scheduled __ for the next day!!

 . . . she had a __ softball game __ she __ pitching at __ for the next day!!


Julia was so angry she could just about ______ !!!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Dark Shadows AI art? Off Topic
« on: April 17, 2023, 05:17:38 PM »
Anyone dabble with AI art?

I occasionally do at the free and didn’t register level.

Sometimes trying to get an animated interpretation of the characters. 
Most efforts don’t pan out perfectly, but I’ve actually generated one or two half decent characters within an image of multiple characters.

I’m not sure how to share any results at the moment, but  . . .
My latest attempt used these key words: 

Dark Shadows 1970 cartoon Bruce Timm Style animation chart Barnabas Julia Victoria Willie Elisabeth Collins

Note:  Bruce Timm helped create the animation style seen in Batman: The Animated Series and used in many other DC super hero cartoons since 1992.

Hehe yeah
Some of the marshmallow cereals almost taste like cardboard without the marshmallows.

Victoria:  David this isn’t how you thumb wrestle.  I thought you actually read The Complete History of Thumb Wrestling?

David:  I just skimmed it.  It’s 340 pages long!

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0730
« on: April 16, 2023, 12:09:46 AM »
Jamison was really holding up the line for the new plush velvet toilet.


grow little green Sams and paint a mural of peace that will accidentally start a war

Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1897 / Re: Episode #0738
« on: April 14, 2023, 03:37:19 PM »
never been able to start a fire with sticks like a good Collinsport Cub should be able to do

his sister beat him with the hoop and stick race