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Messages - Patti Feinberg

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Today (4/4/16) Current Talk Montage
« on: April 05, 2016, 03:17:20 AM »
He's right above Ben Cross/Barn.

But, again, what about the hottie on top montage/Main Page?


Current Talk '16 I / Today (4/4/16) Current Talk Montage
« on: April 04, 2016, 10:21:21 PM »
'Page 15' (page??), "Joe says.........."

Who is this specific Joe? 90? 04? What's his real name and why do I know him?

Again, why PAGE (not ep)?

Actually, right now, waiting for the 2-min rule, on side montage, I see Barbara Steele (Julia, 90, right?), right underneath him is a man, who I'm 'ass-u-ming' is a Prof Stokes; is it?


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / FINALLY!! Dr. Mabuse!
« on: April 04, 2016, 10:16:50 PM »
I was just on FB, when there was a site for Dr. Mabuse + Epitomer (or, what ever it was), BOTH for $5.95 (there was $4.95 s/h). It's pre-ordered until I believe April 11th.

Two DVDs that I have been looking for BEFORE they ever came on DVD. I never told you how I would constantly on Amazon AND dice.

So, for those of you (like me) who never got to see it, or, you'd like to own it, again, it's a double feature for a little over $10.

If you're not on FB, and you need a link, let me know, and I'll put one on here.

Can't wait to see these movies with our DS Alums!!!


Current Talk '16 I / Watching Project/PT Question...SPOILER
« on: April 02, 2016, 05:07:06 AM »
Please, if you've never seen 1970 PT or read it, stop reading here, because it will be complete spoilage.

Random questions:

Liz=? Is she Elizabeth Collins Stoddard? Is Carolyn her daughter? How is Quentin related to her?

Roger=? Collins? How related?

Amy=?_____________????? (And, not much longer until she leaves, correct?)

Do we ever know how Will Loomis got caught up with the Collins'?

In Robservations ep 1027 I believe, Robin postulates on Thayer David's reaction to his 'step-daughter'. Then she says, "Is this why Alexis left for Florence? So she could find, _______, ________, and fortune (or fame)?
Did I miss something? Yes, she was in Florence, but was she some gifted sculptress?

Also, Robin mentions what a great/terrible HOFFMAN character is!!! Brava!

Now, I don't think any soaps (yet alone back then), would say, "Hey, for something new, let's 'borrow from' another novel.

Grayson (as well as J Frid) probably would've seen the obvious "Rebecca" 'borrowing'. Grayson is outstanding in this.

Has anyone ever heard of or if Grayson studying either the novel, or XOXO Judith Anderson's portrayal?

(For that matter, was 'Rebecca' ever put on as a play? I think it would be very daunting, because there's more than 2-3 backgrounds/sceneries.)

Love, Love, LOVE that Barn didn't let any moss grow on him; he knew 'h e r' shanigans almost from the get-go!

As we all know, as a witch, Ang has never been the sharpest tack in the bunch, but, with her own eyewitness of 'another parallel' featuring 'another Julia Hoffman', she might have at least thought, he, who is this guy? Does he know me from that 'other place'?

Yes, I realize it's Ang, Maggie, Hoffman, and some of Elizabeth, plus there's some chick who likes to 'play doctor'.

Where's David?

Is Bruno still around (again, I just finished 1027). I think not....

In this stor arc, Roger completely reminds me of the (((((Clifton Webb)))) in "Laura".


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Login Issue at Work
« on: April 02, 2016, 04:02:21 AM »
Thank you alot for trying MB.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / "Greed is Good", aka Netflix
« on: April 01, 2016, 03:00:06 AM »

Hope this comes out; it's about how Netflix had to pay some of the larger ISPs, but, now had the FCC 'over-ride' this, and guess who's stuck in the middle?


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: OT<Free (or REAL Cheap) Anti Virus
« on: March 31, 2016, 04:31:25 AM »
I would highly recommend Avast for anti-virus. 

They have a free version that has worked great for me for 6 years or so.  The free version has little pop-up messages wanting you to upgrade about twice a week, but it's nothing very intrusive. It is FREE no hidden fees or trial before you're forced to buy...

'forced' to buy? How long does the free one last for?

Have you had it free for six years?



MB...thank you very, very much!!

I hadn't heard of this upcoming show. I didn't know Tony Head had a daughter.

I enjoy Billy Zane (on the link, I did comment that I like him), but on here I'll ask; will his head be bald & beautiful, or the pretty bad 'rugs' he's used?

(I can't recall a movie, c. 2008, where he went 'au natural'.)

When does this show start? It really sounds good.

Thanks again MB!!


Hoping onyx_treasure and NightShadow342 have wonderful and delightful Thursday Birthdays. And many more!!

[banana] [flower] [happy10]


Current Talk '16 I / Quiz Up/Levi Question
« on: March 31, 2016, 04:12:38 AM »
As I've mentioned, I play an online game called Quiz Up. (For those of you playing Trivia Crack, it's better, sooooooo many topics.)

I've also mentioned that I play the category Dark Shadows.

A few weeks ago, there was a question of:

Who was the LEADER of the Leviathans?

The options (there's always 4 to chose from):

JebEZ Hawkes

(I'm not sure it was Vicki & Roger, just they tend to put stuff that you say, well, it could be that.)

Anywho,  I picked Barnabas, but I was wrong.

The correct answer according to this game was JebEZ Hawkes.

In reality though, I would've thought, Oberon & @#$% (don't know the other name) OR Nicholas.

Who do YOU think is the leader of the Leviathans?


Current Talk '16 I / A Rose by Any Other Name....
« on: March 31, 2016, 04:07:08 AM »
On side pic, there's Don Brisco. I thought he looked unusually tall and somewhat guant, but I remembered that's how he looked during 1897.

His character was Tim Shaw, correct?

But that got me to thinking; at some point, isn't Mr. CHiPs Sebastian Shaw?

Any relation? Or, am I wrong about character(s) names?


Patti [couto]

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Login Issue at Work
« on: March 31, 2016, 04:03:12 AM »
I'm pretty sure it's Explorer.

(It asked me the other day if I wanted to upgrade to Chrome, but it's not mine, so I let it be.)


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Login Issue at Work
« on: March 30, 2016, 05:55:48 AM »
So, I snapped a pic of the message I got while trying to come on here. I don't know how to upload a pic directly to DS, so I'll just type the message:

This content can't be shown in a frame

There is supposed to be some content here, but the publisher
doesn't allow it to be displayed in a frame. This is to help protect the
security of any information you might enter into this site.

Try this

* Open this in a new window

The light blue, is a link, the asterix is a bullet.

We're allowed to watch Hulu, Netflix, etc. I won't go on FB on the computer; too much stuff, and not only mine (no to Twitter on company's 'puter).

MB....fix it....pleeeeeezzeeeee


Current Talk '16 I / Re: Somewhat quiet 50th Anniversary
« on: March 29, 2016, 05:38:53 PM »
"The Galloping Gourmet"...omg, haven't thought of that in years!

A DS board game??? I want one!!!

And, wasn't it about 12ish years ago, when some of the characters had 'bobble-heads'? Which characters had them? Which didn't? (Wouldn't you LOVE a Roger bobble-head!?!)

Yes, to have David H there would be great, seeing it's the 50th. Did anyone really try to go after him?

Wasn't A. Moltke at a 'recentish' fest for one day?



Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: OT<Free (or REAL Cheap) Anti Virus
« on: March 29, 2016, 05:27:19 AM »

Wha up MB?

But sleriously folks....

I've always been of the mindset that 'you get what you pay for'.

If I go with the above mentioned AVG, do they give a guarantee?

Also, the reputable ones: McAfee, Norton, and one other I'm forgetting are, as stated, reputable.

With a company I don't know, can they 'hack into my stuff'?

Has anyone ever dealt with AVG?

Josette, thank you my sweetest.
