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Messages - Patti Feinberg

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0891
« on: March 03, 2015, 02:05:48 AM »
Thank you both!!


Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0891
« on: March 02, 2015, 09:33:41 PM »
Robin said, "I never liked Sabrina, and never will". 100% agreement with ya sister!

Again, though, I do not like the Todds, especially Megan.

It makes me sad how cold and cruel Barn is to Julia.

There's a spoiler question which I think I know the answer to (Barn giving Carolyn the pentagram is the answer), but, I believe within the next 4-6 eps, it'll play out, so I won't ask.

Paul, Paul, Paul..........Paul.

This is going to sound bad, but, I'm sorry to say, I don't remember how/when Sam Evans died.


Still not getting the ww w. // or the .gif.

If it's one of the 'more' pics, why do I have to do the above; why can't I just 'resize' it?


Girlfriend, you KNOW that I couldn't find the 3-limit, because it doesn't exist.  [snow_lipsrsealed]

But, yes, how do I make one of the images on this board larger.




[/img=height img width]

Oh, dear God in the 'uber' spaz

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0888
« on: February 26, 2015, 03:51:53 AM »
$300 was NOT a huge amount in 1969, but:

a) Yankee thrift (and I don't mean to be derogatory, just factual)

b) it was a WOMAN'S $$$; a FEMALE doctor with her rich female friend

Why would ((Professor Stokes)) be caring for ick Sabrina ick?

I'm sure I'll get alot of 'cures' here, but I never liked the Todds. ESPECIALLY H E R :(

I can't remember; where is Joe at this junction? Is he still on DS?

I'm already trying to remember the NON Levis; loving them & cheering them on now!!

Is Mrs. Johnson still around much at this point?

Soon, we'll see 'an old ? friend ? '.....mwuaaahuuuaa!!


Okay, so I spazed on gifT, instead of gif.

But, again, is there a 'rule', if the 2-dim image is width size=x, will height have to be h ?

And, I'm going to find where YOU sweetie told me smileys/pics are LIMITED TO 3.

Love ya,


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Spreadsheet/List Question
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:55:52 AM »
So I am FINALLY get around to making a list of the DVDs I own.

Newer version of Excel is great; when I was PTA membership chair, you could only sort by A B and C. Newer let's you do more columns.

I am of course entering the movie title, then 2-3 cap letter genre, then usually main actor(s), and, in a few cases, an additional row (D) in this case: I may list something like Original (such as 13 Ghosts).

Here's where I would appreciate some imput:

As I've been mentioning the past few years, I (in addition to single movies) have purchased 'multi-movie' pack (such as the Lee/Cushing flicks, or the Vincent Price/EA Poe).

I don't know how to list these, and, I have quite a few (like the recently oft mentioned 1.99/taped off of someone's TV awful 'horror' flicks).

Some of the DVD set have 2, 4, 6, and even 12 movies in them.

I'd appreciate ANYONE AND EVERYONE'S suggestions.



Calendar Events / Announcements '15 I / Re: OT<URGENT...DISH CUSTOMERS
« on: February 22, 2015, 05:57:31 PM »
Oh really Gerard, you don't say.  [snow_mad]

In 2008, I called Comcast; they said our small street wasn't 'wired' for cable.

I called back in '12; they could see the 4 year previous call, but no plans for cable. :(


Yes, a few years back, they did the "Walking Dead' switcharoo with me too.


Calendar Events / Announcements '15 I / OT<URGENT...DISH CUSTOMERS
« on: February 21, 2015, 02:02:41 AM »
I just went on Dish via my computer.
Within 2 seconds, screen went all red; there was a largish white X, and words like 'possible phishing' (Thanks MB & Midnite, I wouldn't have know what that is).

I immediately got off; opening McAfee; no problems there.

I went back to Dish, same bad thing.

Waited, again, B A D.

At this point, I called Dish (you know, one of the 'American' companies absolutely not in America, not hiring the f**k do they expect us to pay for it??) (And no, you've never heard me say/type that word before!!)

I explained 3 times (again, because of the language difference), and she put me on hold a couple of times.
While on hold, I went back on; seemed to be better, but I won't go on again today.

If it's alright w/the mods, I'm going to put a one-line note on Testing & Current Talk to see this thread; I don't want anyone's 'puter getting jacked-up.


The below, from the first img to the last bracketed width is a quote from Midnite (sorry honey, I didn't think to remember where; IIRC, it CE/A I 2008; not that I think you're gonna come & get me!

Code: [Select]
[img width=75 height=66][/img]            [img width=35 height=30][/img]

[img width]http://How did I do the above? [size=24pt][color=navy]Midnite[/color][/size]

Now, I want to be able to make the fun pics/icons larger, so here goes...

Crap, I'm trying to add one, but, IIRC, the forum only allows 3 'smileys'  [img width=22 height=18][/img]

Okaydokie... I understand that Midnite is enlarging an image; it is two-dimensional (hense, width & height); I only sort of understand why she needs the http://www with name of image.

And, probably, it's a set; that is, if the width is one size, the height must be a corresponding size.

Help would be appreciated. Admins, I put it in code; if you think it would be easier, please take out the code.


Calendar Events / Announcements '15 I / Happy Bday LADYAYLA
« on: February 19, 2015, 09:13:06 PM »
A very happy & healthy birthday to


 [flower] [occasion15] [occasion18]


Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0886
« on: February 19, 2015, 09:06:00 PM »
Women walked around with a vial of poison?

Wasn't there any concern of a youngin' being naturally curious?

I cannot remember Barn being cured???? (In end of 1897 arc)


Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0886
« on: February 19, 2015, 04:26:48 AM »

First, what's a reticle (or something). Why does Millicent or Josette have one handy?

Barn telling Josette IN 1796 that there's another time, A CENTURY AHEAD WHERE HE'S ALIVE.

Perhaps its a common case of FDSMS, but, [spoiler] wasn't Barn a vamp in 1895? If he said TWO CENTURIES, well, no woman's gonna wait THAT long!! [/spoiler]

Leviathans, Leviathans......since I have the story arc from Supernatural, I can only think of DICKFACE Roman!!


Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0884
« on: February 19, 2015, 04:11:32 AM »
....and the actor T. Choate passed away in 2006; weird that I was reading about him, while pausing the movie. It was the scene where all the actors were young, c. 1930.

MT...thank you for making me feel welcome :)


Calendar Events / Announcements '15 I / Re: OT<Woman in Black
« on: February 19, 2015, 04:05:21 AM »
Gothick, if you hear of it being released as a Reg I DVD, please let us know. The Daniel Radcliff is okay. Again, though, I thought I'd heard of WIB II already being out.

I just finished "Ghost Story" (the other night, power kept going out & in, out & in, I didn't want to risk the disc getting jammed/scratched).

And, uh, BTW, we're here in GA under a severe freeze; it'll be about 12' tomorrow am (not including the windchill).

So glad I bought "Ghost Story", for anyone wondering, for $10/includes shipping, it's worth it (no extras though).
