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Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0028
« on: February 03, 2021, 07:16:03 PM »
A rare live shot of Collinwood at dusk opens this episode.

My questions have been answered. David may have gotten into Burke's room, though I am not sure of that, but we know know he hasn't planted the valve because Carter didn't find it. And Maggie does report to Roger that David is in town.

I was laughing to myself that in a few years (?) David will get back at Maggie for her betrayal today. I do think Maggie should have thought to look in the phone booth, especially with the door being closed. And the overhead light should have come on but I guess not today.

I'll pass on those sloppy ice cream sundaes! I guess the studio lights did a number on the ice cream. And we see the blooper of Louis behind the lobby doors warming up for his upcoming scene.

I wasn't particularly engrossed in any of the scenes involving Carter, Devlin or Roger. Though I enjoyed Roger (and Burke for that matter) finding out David was caught in (or sneaking into) Burke's room. I enjoy seeing Roger taken aback. And though it did him no good admitting it, I was happy to hear Burke say he wouldn't be railroaded twice by the Collins family.

Maggie gets her first break in trying to find out Sam's connection to Burke and Roger. She's got Burke interested in finding out too.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0027
« on: February 03, 2021, 01:23:29 AM »
No one wants to believe Vicki or maybe that David is capable of such a high crime. I thought for sure Carolyn would get on board. Well, she does actually, just not soon enough for me I guess. I'm surprised no one looked for David at the old house, or hasn't it been introduced yet? I bet if Liz had told Roger exactly what was going on he'd have come home to help in the search, if only to ring his neck. I'm still so disappointed with Liz's reaction to all of this but I do understand it in terms of the character. It's just that we're being led to believe that Liz is starting to suspect Vicki of lying or worse, when everything she knows about David and Vicki should point her to David, even with the way he set things up to frame Vicki. The magazine he put in her drawer doesn't quite make sense to me unless he intended to throw the valve away. But we know that doesn't happen. I doubt he's mature enough to try and frame both Vicki and Burke as coconspirators.

Carolyn and Vicki's spook talk earned an eyeroll, the whole scene did, including Liz's explanation for the east wing door having a mind of it's own. Carolyn was cute about it but it wasn't enough.

Didn't like Burke much today with how he treated Bronson. I like Burke (I know I shouldn't) so his threats are a real turn-off. I guess I should understand that too. Is this the first we hear the details on Burke's plans to take down the Collins family?

It's funny, I've been thinking lately about how old David is and wondering if his age had been established yet. I was thinking he couldn't possibly be ten. He seemed no more than six to me when we first met him. And today Carolyn mentioned his age twice. I was thinking he wasn't old enough to be Burke's kid. I wonder if they purposely established his age today because they plan to introduce the possibility of him being Burke's son? Anyone know if David's age had already been established at this point?

You'd think someone would have reported back to Collinwood that David was in town and was caught trying to sneak into Burke's hotel room. I guess the clerk keeps his mouth shut unless someone waves a five dollar bill in his face. We know that David knows the sheriff was gonna search Burke's room because he listened in on Roger's call to Liz. I wonder if David actually got in the room in time to plant the valve for Carter to find. I don't remember if Carter or Burke finds it. I'm thinking Roger or Liz would have gotten a call by now if it were Carter. Or maybe he'd wait to confront Burke first. I guess that makes the most sense. I guess we'll find out just how lucky Burke really is.

Bangor Pine Hotel - I wonder how many times we'll see that location shot?

Nice pan of the drawing room. If you've ever wanted to see the portraits better, this is the episode.

Burke mentions that the Collins family own some houses on the waterfront. My first thought was of Seaview. Is that the name of the house Liz wants to gift Burke and Vicki? The house Nicholas Blair stays in also came to mind but I don't remember if that's a Collins property.

Carolyn: "We sure do breed them in this family, don't we? My mother hasn't left the place in 18 years. My little cousin tries to kill his own father. These walls shouldn't be paneled, Vicki. They should be padded!" Indeed.

Regarding Josette's bed at Collinwood, I would have never noticed that, MB. All I know about the bed is that it is the one Liz slept in until she got married. At least that's what I thought she was gonna say. She never finished the sentence when talking to Vicki.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0026
« on: February 02, 2021, 06:33:56 AM »
A common live wide shot of Collinwood and an excellent opening voiceover start this riveting episode.

David creeps out of the east (?) wing with Vicki's letter in hand. He takes six steps before encountering Vicki exiting his room. She pityingly admonishes him. He thinks it's in regard to his stealing her letter (again). Vicki asks him how he could try and hurt his father, David feigns confusion and focuses on the letter until she opens her hand to reveal the bleeder valve. He uses every childish verbal trick in the book to deny any guilt. Vicki intends to show it to his aunt. With fierce and desperate determination he grabs her hand trying to get the valve from her. Struggling to get away from him she runs to her room but David forces his way in. Vicki finally manages to get the valve safely locked away in a drawer. David demands she give it back. She talks him down long enough to get him locked out of her room. David futilely pounds on the door, "Let me in! Let me in!!"

Roger visits Sheriff Carter. He demands to know why Burke hasn't been arrested. Carter puts him on hold while he orders lunch. Carter explains that he doesn't have sufficient evidence to charge and hold Burke.

Back at Collinwood. Vicki, from behind her locked door, reminds David that his father will be home soon. David contemplates his next move.

Carter unpacks his lunch to find mustard on his ham sandwich. This doesn't bode well for Roger - Carter doesn't like mustard on ham. A sarcastic Roger is told to calm down by a mustard maddened Carter. In an effort to sway him into action, Roger threatens the sheriff with his job throwing the weight of the Collins name in his face, hinting that without their backing he may not win re-election. The sheriff isn't impressed and throws all of Roger's threats back in face telling him that he won't manufacture evidence against Burke to suit him. He will follow the law to the letter from barking dogs to murder (my words, not his). Roger asks if Burke's suite has been searched yet. Carter dismisses him claiming that anyone would be a fool or a psychotic to keep the bleeder valve in their possession.

We see David at Vicki's door. He tries the doorknob one more time before exiting the hallway. Vicki opens her door, looks for David, then walks to David's door.

Liz enters the foyer from outdoors. The clock strikes three as Liz removes her shawl. At the sound of heavy and hurried footsteps, she looks up toward the landing to find David bolting from the the hallway and down the steps. Liz grabs him preventing his escape. He pleads to be let go of. Liz insists he tell her what is going on. He proceeds to set up a defense against what he knows is coming - Vicki spilling the beans about finding the bleeder valve in his room. He really pours it on. He claims she hit him, dragged him to her room, and predicts she will blame him for his father's accident. Liz does her best to read between David's lines. Vicki enters the drawing room. Liz states that David has informed her about some trouble between them. Vicki asks if he's stated the cause. Liz says it involves the letter. Vicki asks to speak to her alone. Liz: "David says you tried to hit him. Is that true?" Vicki: "I'd rather discuss that with you in private." On his way out, David  tells Vicki that his aunt won't believe her. He again invokes the letter as the reason Vicki has it out for him. Liz says, "We'll see." She closes the drawing room doors for privacy, strikes a (deliciously) dramatic pose and shoots Vicki a glowering look (worthy of a gif).

Roger paces for time as the sheriff enters with a search warrant in hand. Roger asks how soon the search will start. Carter promises to start as soon as he's done with his stale sandwich and suggests Roger go back to his office and wait to hear back from him if he's needed. Roger states that he hopes the search will be extremely thorough. Carter replies, "Just as if tomorrow was election day." Roger smirks then lingers while the sheriff makes a call to the hotel regarding Burke and takes a call about a stolen dog. Roger wants in on the search of Devlin's room. Cater turns him down on legal grounds. Roger leaves with an insulting parting shot. Fed up, Carter makes a call regarding his NY investigation on Burke. Unhappy with it's progress, he snaps at his coworker, demanding results, then apologizes stating he is under pressure and having a lousy day. He grumbles about the mustard, dumping his sandwich in disgust and heads out the door, search warrant in hand.

In the foyer, David listens in as Vicki explains the details of their confrontation to Liz. She tells of finding her letter missing and going to David's room to search for it. Before she can get to the bleeder valve, Liz interrupts asking if she tried to hurt David. Vicki says that it was David who tried to hurt her. Liz can't believe it. Vicki speaks of David's recent obsession about his father sending him away. Liz asks for the bottom line and Vicki gives it to her in all it's ugliness. She mentions the accident and Liz says with suspicion that he told her she'd try and blame it on him. Liz defends David by exclaiming that both she and Roger know that Burke caused the accident. The phone rings. It's Roger. David picks up the receiver in the foyer to listen in. Roger whines about Carter, Liz defends Carter's integrity and ends the call. Liz tells Vicki that Carter is going to search Burke's suite. If he finds the valve, their discussion should be over. Vicki says he won't find because she has it. She found it in David's dresser drawer. Liz is stunned with disbelief. Vicki sympathizes with her but explains that she found it while looking for her letter. Liz asks why he would have it and Vicki slays her with her reply, "Why did you think Burke Devlin had it?" Vicki reminds her of how easy it would be to remove the valve, "I remember Mr. Collins saying even a child could do it." Liz is wrecked, "Stop it, Miss Winters!" Liz can't handle the truth. Vicki offers to show her the valve. Liz continues to doubt the obvious. Vicki unlocks her drawer and finds the valve missing. Liz doubts Vicki more now than ever.

Has there ever been as awful a young child in daytime soaps before or since David Collins?! Too bad Liz stopped him from jumping out the window a few episodes back.
I got a kick out of Roger and Carter's smart remarks to each other.
I was disappointed with Liz. But I guess it couldn't have gone any other way considering her fondness for David and the fact that Vicki really hasn't been in house long enough to be fully trusted.
Is it the east wing or the west wing at the end of the hallway?

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0025
« on: January 31, 2021, 07:36:53 AM »
David sneaks into Vicki's room. He searches for, finds and begins to read the letter she got from the foundling home. Roger bursts in demanding to know what he is doing and what's behind his back, demanding he hand it over. Once in hand he discovers it belongs to Vicki. David runs from a lecture. Roger follows. The lecture continues in David's room. Roger scolds him on the finer points of respect, manners and stealing. David explains he wanted to read the letter because he fears they're trying to send him away. Roger having little patience tells him if he doesn't stop breaking into peoples rooms and reading their mail he may have no choice. He demands David promise he'll never do it again. The little shit asks, "What for? You wouldn't be believe me anyway." A ringing phone ends the lecture. Roger leaves, David seethes.

Liz takes the brief call from the insurance company. Vicki enters asking if she can speak of her concerns regarding David. She attempts to accuse David of the attempted murder against his father but the conversation ends when Roger walks in (holding the letter) asking if it were the Sheriff on the phone. Liz asks about the letter. He explains his ordeal with David, adding that David thinks he wants to send him to jail. This registers acutely with Vicki but she forgoes discussing David and instead jumps at the chance to continue the conversation about the letter. Again, Liz will have none of it. She unceremoniously dismisses Viki practically pushing her out of the room, directing her to continue on with David's lessons. Roger grins at Liz's show of power. But his grin quickly fades when Liz directs her power in his direction.

David is holding his Mechano Magazine as Vicki knocks and enters to resume his daily lessons. David mentions the letter but Vicki doesn't want to talk about it. He continues on anyway. Vicki steers the conversation to his Mechano Magazine mentioning how well it must serve him. She then bluntly asks why he was so afraid of the Sheriff and his obsession with going to jail. David does his classic move of making accusatory statements of victimization. She shoots down his theories and redirects him to his studies. He continues on, as always, incriminating himself even further.

Meanwhile, Liz and Roger discuss the letter and it's implications. Roger asks for the whole true story but Liz insists he follow her lead of deflection and deception (even with him). He wants to use the letter to further incriminate Burke. Liz won't have it and that's that. He'll come up with a story to Liz's specifications to answer and end Vicki's inquires once and for all. Roger continues to plead and badger her but to no avail. He even threatens her with not following her plan but she makes it crystal clear she'll show him the door if he doesn't. She states emphatically that the whole affair is private and will remain so. Roger's been handled quite nicely. We know there's a really big secret but Liz won't budge.

The studies continue. David gets one correct making Vicki happy and David uses it to segue into an apology for taking the letter and his bad behavior toward her. Then he uses the apology as a segue into learning what's in the letter which Vicki declines to elaborate on. As he continues anyway, Roger interrupts asking to borrow Vicki to talk about the letter. She agrees. David subtly panics leading him to ask if Mr. Devlin's been arrested yet. Roger hasn't a definitive answer for him though he states he's as eager as David to see it happen. They leave, David does the same not three steps behind them.

David, back in Vicki's room, finds and opens the letter. In the drawing room Roger tells Vicki his phony story of her hiring. He blames Burke for hiring the detective mentioned in the letter. He dodges every one of Vicki's concerns regarding the holes in his story. Refusing to name the woman he says recommended her pretty much shut's the whole thing down leaving Vicki frustrated. Roger is saved by the bell of the phone ringing. It's Carter, finally. Roger is quite annoyed that Burke has yet to be arrested and tells Vicki so. She suggests that perhaps it is because there is no reason to arrest him. Roger scoffs while readying to visit Carter. Vicki wants to continue their conversation but an utterly disgusted Roger tells her to destroy the letter and forget about it.

Vicki goes to retrieve the letter in her room only to find it missing. "David!", she exclaims, and goes to look for her letter in his room. Instead, she finds the bleeder valve hidden in his dresser drawer!

David's first attempt at looking for the letter gives us a chance to see the finer details of the mantel in Vicki's room. It's quite nice! The clock too is quite elaborate.
Poor Vicki. It appears she's got the smallest fish to fry. She can't get anywhere in her quest to find out who she is and if she's even on the right track. I love any references to Vicki's search and even though technically we're no closer to learning the truth I still find it quite exciting knowing for sure Liz is definitely hiding something big. Her discussion with Roger about it was pretty exciting (and fun!).
Vicki seems to be onto David regarding the accident except when a chance to discuss the letter is involved. But there is no denying it when she finds the valve.
Another decent episode.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0024
« on: January 30, 2021, 05:28:33 PM »
Opening shot  - Collinwood and a live shot of the Collins Port Inn. Another three piece voiceover. It works.

Carolyn enters the diner, sets gift-boxed packages down on a table, then walks to the lobby to call Joe to confirm their lunch date. Dark Shadows must have gotten a raise. Curtis fills the diner with a lunch crowd of three. Constable Carter drops in to ask Maggie if she's seen Burke. She pries and gets nowhere. Carter goes to the hotel lobby hoping Burke will show up. Carolyn returns and orders two medium burgers (last time Carolyn's was rare) and two coffees. Maggie jokingly asks if she's eating for two. Then seriously asks if she's meeting Burke. Carolyn gets slightly defensive. Maggie mentions that Carter is looking for Burke. She starts prying again but momentarily gets nowhere. She follows her back to her table to ask more questions. Carolyn wants to know why Maggie is so interested in Burke and Maggie mentions her father. Carolyn doesn't get the connection. Maggie changes course and mentions that Burke will be sitting for a portrait. Carolyn seizes onto that bit of info with curiosity and concern. Maggie decides to go for it and ask Carolyn if her father's name has ever come up in the row between Roger and Burke. A confused Carolyn asks why it would be. Before the conversation can continue, Joe enters cheerfully greeting both girls. He asks where his lunch is and Maggie takes responsibility for it not being ready - she blames her gabbing. He hurries Maggie off to get their lunch order in. Now seated, Joe asks Carolyn what all the important talk was about? "Burke Devlin and the constable", says she, and Joe looks none to pleased to hear it.

Burke walks into the lobby and is immediately called to by Carter. Burke greets him cordially. He asks to speak with Burke and Burke invites him to lunch in the diner. Carter declines. Burke again invites him to sit while he eats but Carter asks to speak to him in his room. Burke agrees but will first check his mail and then order lunch to bring to his room. It obvious that Burke knows what's coming.

Maggie serves lunch. Joe asks Carolyn when her uncle decided to call the police? "This morning." She takes a bit of her burger trying to change the subject but he continues, asking if she thinks Burke was responsible for the accident. Carolyn asks if they can not talk about it stating that she's sick and tired of the whole thing. "Including Devlin?", he asks. "Especially Devlin.", she replies. Happy to hear it, Joe shares his excitement with Carolyn about the prospect of buying a boat sooner rather than later. He hopes to go in as partners with a workmate on a boat he checked out earlier in the day. Carolyn cautions him about going into business with another but Joe emphatically trusts his friend. He slyly uses the opportunity to bring up marriage. But once again Carolyn shut's him down. Joe takes it a little bit better than usual.

Burke comes in to order lunch. Maggie tells him the constable is looking for him. She pries (again) but Burke quickly shuts her down. After ordering he greets "the kids" but gets the cold shoulder from the them both, especially Joe. Burke asks how long they'll be there. Carolyn says they'll be leaving an a half hour. It's obvious that Burke is formulating a plan. A disgusted Joe tells Carolyn that he sees himself punching Burke in the mouth one day.

Carter talks to Burke in his room. A confident Burke denies any wrongdoing. He calls Carolyn up to his room via Maggie who assures Joe it's a clean deal as Constable Carter will be chaperoning. Joe is not amused. Once there Carolyn clears Burke of any premeditation. Carter has no choice but to drop the questioning for now. He leaves, telling Burke not to leave town for any extended periods. Now alone, Carolyn confronts Burke about his using her against her family. As per usual, Burke denies any and all accusations of wrongdoing. Carolyn leaves asking Burke if he tried to kill Roger, he again says no.

The phone rings. Burke answers. Bronson is in Bangor much to Burke's surprise. Burke has him sit tight and promises to be there in an hour and a half.

Well, things are moving along. Burke's plan to become king of Collinsport is picking up steam. He doesn't seemed too concerned about the attempted murder charge Roger & Liz are trying to pin on him. I guess not being guilty has a lot to do with that.
I'm dying to know what the hat in the hatbox (that Carolyn brought in he diner) looks like! I don't recall Liz  ever wearing a hat. Liz doesn't go anywhere and Carolyn, well, how can you Frug and keep a hat on your head?!
Anyone notice the table-hopping guy in the diner? It was pretty cool and almost shocking seeing a lunch crowd. Maybe Maggie will be able to afford buying the diner after all. I mean she wasn't getting there on Mrs. Johnson's thin dimes, that for sure!
Maggie had absolutely no luck trying to get info out of anybody! I'd accuse her of being a snoop but she had Sam's interests at heart so I am going to give her a pass.
Good old hard working Joe (in his cute fisherman outfit) must really love Carolyn as he earnestly keeps coming back for more. I'll be glad when that's over.
Just when Joe thought all of his troubles might be behind him, who shows up but Burke. I was amused with Joe's blunt comments to Burke. I didn't guess what Burke had in mind for Carolyn upstairs but that was a pretty clever move on his part. It got rid of Carter for the time being anyway.
This was a good episode. I liked the pace and the cute chit chat, and all the serious stuff. 

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Harriet Rohr photo
« on: January 30, 2021, 03:03:40 PM »
Thanks, G. Always nice to put a face to the name. I happened to think of her as well while recently viewing what I call a Friday credits. You know, the ones where they list practically everyone associated with the show. The funny thing was, there wasn't a writing credit.

Did you notice Conrad Bain in the shadows?

if her luxuriant Italian ponytail was a fall?!!

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0023
« on: January 26, 2021, 03:30:00 AM »
A tight backyard shot of Collinwood with a zoom-out to a wide view opens this episode. It was decades before I realized that this wasn't the front of Collinwood. I appreciate the many different opening shots in the beginning years of the show. It seems like they used only two in the later years - one for evening and for day. And it seemed as though all of 1897 took place at night.
I really like the voiceover (writing and Moltke's delivery). Vicki enters to start the daily lessons. David is reading Night Crawlers Comics - what else?! I couldn't find it online so I am guessing it was created for the episode.

Constable Carter is greeted at the door by Roger. Carter is all cop and Roger is all Roger (much to my delight). Carter's come prepared. He's read the police report, talked to Doc Reeves and seen Roger's wreck. I don't think he cares much for Roger. Everything out of his mouth indicates this as Roger shares the preliminary details of the case. Carter's got Roger's number for sure. Carter asks to make a phone call. Liz enters and asks Roger for help with a personal matter. She wants to discuss the letter Vicki received from the foundling home before Vicki gets the opportunity to talk to him about it. She states that it might cause trouble for her. Roger can't be bothered. The conversation about the attempted murder continues between the three of them. Carter's got awkward questions for Roger but he answers them truthfully. Roger admits to hoping he could force Burke into leaving Collinsport by bypassing the law and overlooking the crime. The Constable is none too pleased with Roger's handling of the situation thus far. (There is very sloppy edit after Carter mentions lecturing Roger a second time. I don't know if this is a recent edit on Tubi TV or one of the production's in '66. My DVDs aren't easily accessible for me to check. Though as I recall, the DVDs were edited? Or is that only the full series DVD coffin set? Though I think those edits were to weed out bloopers. Perhaps only the VHS tapes hold the answer. Liz reminds Carter of Roger's previous answers that we never heard. It's quite messy really.)

Carter asks to speak with Viki. Liz insists on getting her (not Roger) so as to avoid Vicki being able to ask Roger about the letter. I think Roger would have brushed Viki off too about the "stupid" letter, as he put it. (I love me some bitchy Roger.)

Vicki is tutoring David. He is only interested in keeping himself out of jail for attempted patricide. Liz comes for Vicki. She plants David in his seat and tells him to stay put and study. He freaks at the mention of the police being in the house. He sneaks downstairs and opens the drawing room door to hear Vicki explaining what she saw in the garage. And he gets an earful. Roger believes he's got Burke behind bars but Carter's not convinced. It is then that Vicki states she believes Burke is innocent. Roger's reaction is as expected. Carter asks Vicki to take him to retrieve the wrench she saw Burke holding the night before. David really panics now.

Liz calls David out from his hiding place in the foyer. She comforts him as best she can before sending him back upstairs. Liz goes back into the drawing room and gazes pensively out the window. David comes up behind her to try and gauge just how close he is to being busted. Carter, Collins and Winters come back with the wrench and Carter sets it down to take a call. David fixates on the wrench so much so that at one point Vicki has to stop him from picking it up. Desperate, moments later he slides the wrench off the table and then picks it up, much to everyone's horror, especially Roger, who vehemently calls him stupid. David's succeeded in his quest to have an explanation for his fingerprints being on the wrench.

I wanted to quote practically the entire episode. But this is my fave - Carter, regarding David's silence: "That's alright. He's probably just impressed with the dignity of my badge."  I was going to thank the writer of this episode but strangely, there was no writing credit in the closing credits.
Speaking of the closing credits, I liked the wide view shot of David's room. And speaking of David's room, his desk chair is fabulous!
Ridiculously, no one notices David opening or closing the drawing room door.
Oh boy!, confirmation that there really is something major to hide regarding Vicki's hiring! Are we already supposed to be thinking that Liz is Vicki's mother? I don't think so, right? Anyway, I ate it up!
I'd mentioned that it was a good idea that Roger sent Carolyn off on her lunch date with Joe because she would have been a thorn in Roger's side during the meeting by proclaiming Burke's innocence. I bet Roger wishes Vicki had a lunch date as well. I can't wait to hear his take on that thorn.
David made good use of the teleprompter outside the drawing room window.

We just signed up. $5.99. I have no intention on watching The Stand, old or new. Stephen King's work nauseates me. All of it, crap. And now I want CBSAA for $2.50!!

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0022
« on: January 23, 2021, 11:19:36 PM »
An atypical shot of Collinwood awash in sun opens this episode, with a quick fade to the Evans cottage.

A knock on the cottage door reveals Burke Devlin. He's here to see Sam but gets a coffee-swigging Maggie instead. Maggie wastes no time pumping Burke for information. They teeter from drama to small talk throughout their conversation mostly regarding Maggie's over-obvious concern for her father. The mention of attempted murder regarding Roger's accident totally unnerves Maggie causing her to drop her (real) coffee cup. Eventually their conversation becomes a bit more relaxed. Burke's fond memories and sincerity toward Sam put Maggie (and us) at ease, at least for the moment.
Sam shows up and is none too pleased to see Burke sitting there. An off-the-cuff remark from Burke sends Sam into one of his typical overreactive (and annoying) rants (directed at Maggie) that practically reveals everything he's trying to conceal. Kind of reminds me of David's grilling tactics. Burke settles the dust by explaining the reason for his visit - to commission Sam to paint his portrait - a portrait he plans to place over the drawing room fireplace at Collinwood.

Earlier that morning, Sam ran into Roger at the diner. He invited himself to Roger's table much to Roger's overt displeasure. They discussed Roger's accident, the confrontation, and the fallout yet to come. Roger revealed he had hoped to drive Burke out of town with the threat of charges, prosecution and a return trip to prison. He told Sam that he never got the chance as Burke wouldn't cop to the crime. He explained that he then had no choice but to involve the authorities. Sam, upset, questioned Roger's judgement. Roger asked Sam if he had secretly hoped that Burke had a second chance at killing him. After all, he and Sam are the only two people who really know the true circumstances surrounding the accident that sent Burke to prison ten years ago. With one of them dead, the other would have nothing to worry about.

The drawing room phone rings and Carolyn picks up to find Joe (not the press?) on the other end. Her cheeriness lightens up this drama-laden episode. Properly raised Joe inquires first about her uncle's well-being, then tempts her with meeting in town for lunch. I guess last night's drama's been forgotten. Enter Roger. Kitten purrs until the phone rings again and the subject turns to Burke and the police. Kitten is nay, uncle is yea. If he were capable, I'd expect Roger to get a complex. Only Liz seems to be backing him up unconditionally. Roger and Carolyn have it out, both scoring major points, but with Roger "winning" in the end. I'd call it a truce. Neither have changed the other's mind. He convinces her to keep her lunch date with Joe. A smart move on his part. She would definitely f**k things up by interrupting Roger, Vicki and Constable Carter.

At the Evans cottage, Burke sits as Sam sketches. A cheerful Maggie is off to work. Burke offers her a ride. Burke says he'll call when he wants to get started. Sam asks how they'll find the time with Burke leaving Collinsport in a few days as planned. Burke confides that he's changed his plans, leaving Sam with furrowed brow.

Roger was rather cruel (or was it condescending) when he dismissed Carolyn's concerns by telling her to worry about dating boyfriends, not his (adult) problems. I did get a chuckle out of it though. I also enjoyed Roger talking to Sam about how one or the other being dead would be a relief to the other. Loved Edmonds' delivery. Anyone take that as a veiled threat? I didn't. I wonder if Sam did? I particularly enjoyed Louis' work in this episode.
I have to keep reminding myself that Roger has every reason to believe that Burke truly tried to kill him. It's weird knowing Burke is not guilty. I keep thinking about how I'd feel if I didn't know Burke wasn't guilty. I guess that happens in movies, not soap operas.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0021
« on: January 22, 2021, 10:32:30 PM »
A new day has dawned. As noted above, an ultra-rare opening live shot of the sea below Widows Hill (according to the voiceover). It must be high tide.

In the kitchen (which still excites me to see) Carolyn and Vicki discuss the creepy side of Roger's accident while deciding between cereal or toast for breakfast. (Please tell me that Carolyn is in her pajamas.) Vicki, fully dressed, has locked on to the murder aspect of it. I find that totally understandable - there's a murderer out there somewhere and he may try again. You can hear the fear in her voice. Carolyn scoffs but changes her tune when Vicki tells her all of what she witnessed the night before in the garage and Burke's hotel room. Not to mention the bleeder valve aspect of it. Carolyn breaks and assumes guilt as she was the one who brought Burke to the house. Then just when she convinces Carolyn that Burke is the obvious suspect Vicki finally admits that she believed Burke when he said he was innocent. This reignites hope in Carolyn that will continue throughout the episode much to Liz's chagrin.

Burke, settling in to his lukewarm hotel room breakfast, is interrupted by Bill Malloy's knock and barged entry. Malloy wants to talk, Burke wants to eat. Bill confronts Burke with just about everything he knows about his hellbent intentions to destroy the Collins clan and involvement with Roger's accident. Bill throws the name of Wilbur Strake in Burke's face. Burke first denies knowing Strake but eventually admits to hiring him. He smooth talks his way out of the seedier side of their relationship claiming the private eye wasn't specifically investigating the Collins family but trying to get a feel for the area for investment purposes. Burke even mentions a rival cannery that is currently for sale to bolster his claims. Malloy has to take Devlin's word for it but isn't fooled one bit.

Earlier, Vicki got a letter from the foundling home. She enters the drawing room and has Liz read it. It's about Wilbur Strake and his investigation into Vicki's connection to the Collins family. Carolyn reads the letter and finds it fascinating. Liz found it unsettling. Vicki jumps at the chance to confront Liz once more about why she in particular was hired. Liz, visibly perturbed, shuts down the conversation and exits. Carolyn offers little comfort.

Burke puts a call in to NY from his room. Moments later the phone rings, Burke takes a call from a person named Bronson. He asks Bronson to fly to Bangor ASAP and call him upon arrival. Burke, evil grin and all, is positioning himself to set his dastardly plan in motion. Had he a mustache I'm sure he'd be twisting one end of it in his fingers.

Vicki and Liz's tops were ill-fitting. Vicki's high-waisted skirt was VERY unflattering. Was Carolyn in PJs the entire episode or was that the silliest dress she's ever worn in the history of the show? If it's a dress it would be right up there with Maggie's quilt dress. Or was that a robe? I give up.
The cut glass windows I saw in yesterday's opening did not match the kitchen windows as I had guessed. I called it mosaic glass, lol.
Bill Malloy made it quite clear that he is the self proclaimed protector of the Collins family. I found this proclamation absolutely nauseating the first time around and it made me totally dislike the character. He gets more obnoxious about it as time goes on. I'm hoping to find it less annoying this time around.
Nancy's false eyelashes are literally unreal, but, absolutely gorgeous (and worthy of Joel Grey's MC character in Cabaret)!
I was a little surprised that when Liz went down the the list of possible suspects that Carolyn didn't bat an eye when David's name was spoken.
I skipped over one of my all-time favorite DS moments. It was when Liz was telling Carolyn to leave the estate until things with Burke blow over. She recounts the memory of the hard time Carolyn had in school as a young child and mentions that she was tormented by her classmates calling her mother a witch. Having the benefit of the next four years worth of supernatural goings-on, that line always struck me as being funny.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0020
« on: January 22, 2021, 03:01:53 AM »
Will this night never end?

Roger drives Vicki into town at midnight with the top down and neither's hair is worse for the wear. Roger has Vicki wait in the diner while he heads upstairs to confront Burke (past the night clerk, who'll sell info to anyone for five bucks, and believe it that Roger KNOWS this to be true). Vicki, uneasy, tries to persuade Roger to go to the police. She's also smart enough to know that Burke may not be guilty. Her pleas fall on deaf ears. Roger must do things his own way, because, well, you know, Roger is Roger.

Restless Sam shows up at the diner and engages Vicki in small talk in hopes of learning why she and Roger have come to town (so late at night?). I don't believe Vicki is happy to see Sam and who can blame her after their first (and last) encounter on Widows Hill? She shuts him down (Vicki still has plenty of NY in her veins) but he soon concludes that Roger has come to confront Burke. Why he needed to talk to Vicki to figure this out is beyond me, but as Roger is Roger, Sam is Sam.

Roger gains entry to Burke's suite talking and acting like the cat that swallowed the canary. RobinV found it annoying but I found it amusing. I admit it was slightly corny but I enjoyed the scene and Roger's sarcastic dialogue. And Mitch Ryan's Burke is excellent here. I thought he was very convincing. Burke finally asks Roger to get to the point, and he stands, accused of attempted murder. Of course Roger drags Vicki into it to try and get Burke to admit it but we know Burke can't do that. And Vicki pretty much backs up Burke that Roger's evidence is circumstantial. Burke warns Vicki, once again as he did the first night they met, to leave town. It looks like things are about to get ugly around Collinsport. He has heart enough though to warn an innocent.

Five'll get you ten that the night clerk is on the phone with somebody right now. Vicki no doubt will soon be know around Collinsport as, "That tramp from NY". Poor Vicky.

Sam returns home. The phone rings. It's Mr. Wells. He's inquiring about Maggie's well-being since she left the diner early with a headache. Sam blows a fuse because it is too late for phone calls to people in ill health. Maggie lets slip that Wells is calling to report on Sam. Could Mr. Wells be the five dollar night clerk? I can't believe that. Not no way, not know how! After fussing with each other over it, all is forgiven as Sam heads off to bed with a kiss and a loving smile for his caring daughter.

Roger and Vicki, arrive safely back to Collinwood. Vicki tries to talk sense into him once more but he'll have none of it. He tells her not to even think of heeding Burke's warning to leave Collinsport. I wonder if Roger stopped by the police to report this crime? Or if he intends to take care of things his own way?

I wonder if Liz even knows that Vicki is gone as well with Roger. I bet if Mrs. Johnson were around she'd know. Come to think of it. I bet Mrs. Johnson was the first person the five dollar clerk called!
And don't you think that if it's cold enough to wear a trench coat that it is cold enough to put the top up?!
Sam's missing a button.
Burke doesn't seem very hateful with Roger at first. An act?
I guess it's a pretty solid episode if all there is to piss and moan about is trivial and speculative.

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