Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0024  (Read 436 times)

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Discuss - Ep #0024
« on: May 02, 2020, 08:58:08 PM »
Robservations #24

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0024

Offline alwaysdavid

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0024
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2020, 06:06:45 PM »
Carter is on the lookout for Burke.  Okay, I can see this is going to be a town episode. I’ve been finding those not as interesting as when they are at Collinwood. Maggie tries to pump Carter for info and fails.  Carolyn comes in loaded with boxes and orders lunch for her and Joe. They get medium hamburgers and Nancy Barrett takes. A bit out of hers. Carter wants to talk to Burke in his room and later Carolyn is asked up to get her take on the events of the attempted murder. She says it was her idea to take Burke home.  After Carter leaves, Carolyn confronts Burke about getting his portrait painted. He says he changed his mind about staying.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0024
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2021, 05:28:33 PM »
Opening shot  - Collinwood and a live shot of the Collins Port Inn. Another three piece voiceover. It works.

Carolyn enters the diner, sets gift-boxed packages down on a table, then walks to the lobby to call Joe to confirm their lunch date. Dark Shadows must have gotten a raise. Curtis fills the diner with a lunch crowd of three. Constable Carter drops in to ask Maggie if she's seen Burke. She pries and gets nowhere. Carter goes to the hotel lobby hoping Burke will show up. Carolyn returns and orders two medium burgers (last time Carolyn's was rare) and two coffees. Maggie jokingly asks if she's eating for two. Then seriously asks if she's meeting Burke. Carolyn gets slightly defensive. Maggie mentions that Carter is looking for Burke. She starts prying again but momentarily gets nowhere. She follows her back to her table to ask more questions. Carolyn wants to know why Maggie is so interested in Burke and Maggie mentions her father. Carolyn doesn't get the connection. Maggie changes course and mentions that Burke will be sitting for a portrait. Carolyn seizes onto that bit of info with curiosity and concern. Maggie decides to go for it and ask Carolyn if her father's name has ever come up in the row between Roger and Burke. A confused Carolyn asks why it would be. Before the conversation can continue, Joe enters cheerfully greeting both girls. He asks where his lunch is and Maggie takes responsibility for it not being ready - she blames her gabbing. He hurries Maggie off to get their lunch order in. Now seated, Joe asks Carolyn what all the important talk was about? "Burke Devlin and the constable", says she, and Joe looks none to pleased to hear it.

Burke walks into the lobby and is immediately called to by Carter. Burke greets him cordially. He asks to speak with Burke and Burke invites him to lunch in the diner. Carter declines. Burke again invites him to sit while he eats but Carter asks to speak to him in his room. Burke agrees but will first check his mail and then order lunch to bring to his room. It obvious that Burke knows what's coming.

Maggie serves lunch. Joe asks Carolyn when her uncle decided to call the police? "This morning." She takes a bit of her burger trying to change the subject but he continues, asking if she thinks Burke was responsible for the accident. Carolyn asks if they can not talk about it stating that she's sick and tired of the whole thing. "Including Devlin?", he asks. "Especially Devlin.", she replies. Happy to hear it, Joe shares his excitement with Carolyn about the prospect of buying a boat sooner rather than later. He hopes to go in as partners with a workmate on a boat he checked out earlier in the day. Carolyn cautions him about going into business with another but Joe emphatically trusts his friend. He slyly uses the opportunity to bring up marriage. But once again Carolyn shut's him down. Joe takes it a little bit better than usual.

Burke comes in to order lunch. Maggie tells him the constable is looking for him. She pries (again) but Burke quickly shuts her down. After ordering he greets "the kids" but gets the cold shoulder from the them both, especially Joe. Burke asks how long they'll be there. Carolyn says they'll be leaving an a half hour. It's obvious that Burke is formulating a plan. A disgusted Joe tells Carolyn that he sees himself punching Burke in the mouth one day.

Carter talks to Burke in his room. A confident Burke denies any wrongdoing. He calls Carolyn up to his room via Maggie who assures Joe it's a clean deal as Constable Carter will be chaperoning. Joe is not amused. Once there Carolyn clears Burke of any premeditation. Carter has no choice but to drop the questioning for now. He leaves, telling Burke not to leave town for any extended periods. Now alone, Carolyn confronts Burke about his using her against her family. As per usual, Burke denies any and all accusations of wrongdoing. Carolyn leaves asking Burke if he tried to kill Roger, he again says no.

The phone rings. Burke answers. Bronson is in Bangor much to Burke's surprise. Burke has him sit tight and promises to be there in an hour and a half.

Well, things are moving along. Burke's plan to become king of Collinsport is picking up steam. He doesn't seemed too concerned about the attempted murder charge Roger & Liz are trying to pin on him. I guess not being guilty has a lot to do with that.
I'm dying to know what the hat in the hatbox (that Carolyn brought in he diner) looks like! I don't recall Liz  ever wearing a hat. Liz doesn't go anywhere and Carolyn, well, how can you Frug and keep a hat on your head?!
Anyone notice the table-hopping guy in the diner? It was pretty cool and almost shocking seeing a lunch crowd. Maybe Maggie will be able to afford buying the diner after all. I mean she wasn't getting there on Mrs. Johnson's thin dimes, that for sure!
Maggie had absolutely no luck trying to get info out of anybody! I'd accuse her of being a snoop but she had Sam's interests at heart so I am going to give her a pass.
Good old hard working Joe (in his cute fisherman outfit) must really love Carolyn as he earnestly keeps coming back for more. I'll be glad when that's over.
Just when Joe thought all of his troubles might be behind him, who shows up but Burke. I was amused with Joe's blunt comments to Burke. I didn't guess what Burke had in mind for Carolyn upstairs but that was a pretty clever move on his part. It got rid of Carter for the time being anyway.
This was a good episode. I liked the pace and the cute chit chat, and all the serious stuff.