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Messages - Patti Feinberg

Calendar Events / Announcements '14 II / New "Spin City" Movie
« on: August 14, 2014, 09:17:54 PM »
I have watched, "Spin (or is it Sin) City", with Bruce Willis, Alexis Bledoe, etc....and I have never, EVER been able to 'get it'...

Now, there's Spin (or Sin)  II, with Bruce, Mel Gibson, and, sorry to say, is it whoever the actress plays Angelique in 2012 movie?

(Hmmm....was a little disappointed that no one commented on my request of actors/roles/times on 'Testing 1-2-3'.)


I was wondering if it would be possible to have the various DS actors names by which show(s), spin-off movie and other musings.

For instance, there could be a color-'legend' at the top

O S (Original 1966-1971 series)

HoDS (House of Dark Shadows (sorry, I don't the exact release date)

NoDS (Night of Dark Shadows) Not really a 'spin-off', but some characters are APPROXIMATELY
the same and this is a bit of 'time travel'.


Next, it would have actor/actress name and which different characters they played.

So, something like

Joan Bennett: Elizabeth Collins Stoddard 1966-1968(?), Judith Collins, 1968, during the Quentin haunting, in year 1895. (Now, see, here's where I have to stop...I know she went back to ECS during Leviathans, but I'm not sure about the time frame. Next, I don't actually fully know her other character(s) and what timeframe/what was happening, i.e., Judas Zachary....

Yes, there would be some time involved; and what confused me most are people like Joan Bennett who had multiple orig. series roles....

But, I think first and foremost, it should be broken down as such:

Original Series



'90-91 NBC

2004 WB Pilot

2012 Burton/Depp

And, I'm not sure if I've forgotten any other incarnations of it!!


Calendar Events / Announcements '14 II / Re: Future Festivals
« on: August 03, 2014, 04:40:30 PM »
In my opinion, the 50th should be held in Mass or Maine. (I don't believe we ever know where Collinsport is, first in Mass, which became Maine.)


Current Talk '14 II / Musings on what 'Could' Be...
« on: July 21, 2014, 06:59:33 PM »
Alright, we've seen and 'disected' if you will, the 2012 Depp DS.

With some knowledge, I'd like to say who and what type of story-lines there 'Could' be:

We know 'Julia' is alive-ish; she could 'detangle' and show us what a vamp can REALY do to a Doxie!!

Carolyn: werewolf, hmmm....I wish I could think of any DS character who might have a werewolf presence....

David mentions his 'mother'; I would 'somehow' (a la Dan Curtis no style) let David know that his mother IS NOT ON THE OCEAN BOTTOM.

Elizabeth: she'd use the home and business insurance policies and re-build, bigger and better!

The family would build a smaller house (thereby making the mansion, the old house, and new one - well, you get it).

I think the 'true' Evans family, who we didn't see, would come back from their Green Peace efforts in Columbia.

On their way home,naturally walking through the woods on Collins grounds, just Sam would come across something...different....almost a parallel time....:)

Okay....let's hear more!!


Current Talk '14 II / Monday's Montage Q
« on: July 14, 2014, 09:53:48 PM »
On the initial page in, there's a pic of 'Roger', with caption of, "...unless they missed you..." (paraphrasing). I 'ass-u-me' Roger is speaking to Barnabas.

First, who is this young and not terribly looking Roger (I guess I've never seen a pic of him)?

Oh darn...I can't remember my 2nd question....

(Dealing with taking/registering for LAST!! class at my local college!!) Doesn't help that as of a month ago, not any of the teachers or administrators aren't there (at MY local; a few of them have gone to some of the other branches).

Got it: where is the exterior shot from? (It's patio/terrace area including places to sit!!).


Ummm...was this a previously shot movie? Or, from nowish....?


Hope it's a fun time!!


Current Talk '14 II / Lots o NoDS Q
« on: June 09, 2014, 04:01:41 PM »
i just recently re-watched many questions and comments:

First, I thought when Q & T were going into what I presumed to be one of the many cottages on the Collinwood Estate, it looked nothing like the series. Once inside, I'm reasonably sure they were in fact inside a real house (not a set).

You don't hear anyone say 'Collinwood' until Julia says it about half way through.

Was the shooting done at Salve-Regina (sorry if that's really wrong name/spelling).

Were the majority of shots in 'Collinwood' done in an actual house too? I don't think every scene was in the house, but the majority.

This is only the second time viewing it, but I felt very unclear on why Ang was haunting the joint (it wasn't Q who had her hanged...right?)

Now, we all L O V E Thayer David, but why wasn't Jerry Lacy in the infamous roll of Trask?

At the end of movie and THIS MAY BE BIG SPOILER, SO IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED NODS DON'T READ, it has the type stating that 'Willie and Carolyn' (yes, I know that wasn't their character's names) were killed in auto accident...witness...fog...but then it seem like more 'type' is coming, but it just went to the end.

Thanks for letting me ask,


How do you sum up an early Seventies B-movie horror hash that includes vampires, hippies, biker boys, Satanism, communes, surfer boys, nubile chicks out for a good time and a worldly-wise cougar who knows how to swing, incense, peppermints,
Aren't ALL early 70s vamp movies like this? As previously mentioned, Dracula '72, plus ones which I can't remember names of....they all sort of meld together....
Fun especially if I call one of my daughters in...I try to explain THIS was the type of TV in MY day (with, of course, very limited channels). They just roll their eyes & walk away.
It's very sad I CANNOT get them to watch original (well, Bela Lugosi) Dracula or Frankenstein.


Current Talk '14 I / Page 27/Montage Q
« on: June 02, 2014, 05:48:31 PM »
On main board, there's a pic of 'dining room'?
Is this the DR we first saw JD meeting 'Vicki'...if so, was is shot w/windows to JDs back?
I'm guessing this is a '90 mentions Sophia, whom I've never heard of....
Nice room, but TOTALLY inappropriate for late 1700s.

I'm guessing nothing ever came of the reboot version of Falcon Crest. Too bad because it might have been really interesting. Oh well...

I think alot of the money/power peeps waited to see what would happen with an up-to-date version of Dallas. I personally don't know anyone who loves it, or hates it.


Current Talk '14 I / Thurs 22 Montage Q
« on: May 22, 2014, 07:08:51 PM »
On main first page, there is (I believe 3rd down on right) a pic of...TLATKLS.
I can't quite make out which story arc this is; there is a candle on the small, round table. There are on same page pics of 'Hoffman', again, don't know arc (I don't believe it to be c. 1967 RT/DOCTOR Hoffman).



I'm certain that you'll mention the classics.
As far as a 'newer' film, if you haven't seen "The Strangers", it's worth a watch.
(I've only seen it twice; I cannot watch it if no one else is at home!!)


Current Talk '14 I / Re: The Johnny Depp Problem
« on: April 21, 2014, 08:01:48 PM »
But, hasn't there been some 'mathy' type numbers, because of DVD (used to be rentals), but now sales?
I myself had pre-ordered and purchased 3 of the 2012 new....
There 'used to'?? be a way to figure in the rentals then sales, but Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, et al., will probably 'scew' these numbers.


Buy The Universal Classic Monsters: Essential Collection on Blu-ray for 64% off on

When I first went to IMDb today, the above was on the front page. Alot of movies were 'inspiration' for some of the story arcs on DS.


Sorry for this post-script, but I went back to above IMDb page & read that Mickey Rooney's family is fighting over his body......I didn't know he had died...
Not completely off topic...his IMDb page states filming for "Dr. Jekyll & Mr. there you go.