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Thanx for the latest & the pix, MB.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0508
« on: July 26, 2013, 10:38:43 PM »
There is a lot here that doesn't add up or make sense to me.

Thayer's upper lip is painted on. I wonder what's up with that? I'd love to know if it's personal or theatrical?

Trench coat city. Too bad Vicki wasn't there in hers.

I knew Cass would be in the cottage when Sam insisted he go in alone. Oops, I was wrong, it is Adam.

Stokes is more powerful than Angelique? Who'd've thought?

Fire the sound person!

I want to complain about Adam's skin falling off but it really creeped me out so...

I think Hall is slightly intimidated by David - just a feeling.

I guess Sam was purposely implanted into the dream by Angelique to trick Stokes. Does anyone think Sam was supposed to lead Barnabas? It would make perfect sense had it been so. Stokes said Carolyn was supposed to meet Barnabas and I presume lead him to his death or something worse (lol) - unless Barn was to have the dream next and become recursed in it. Maybe I am remembering wrong or taking for granted that Barn meets his fate in Carolyn's dream and not by having the dream himself. I imagine we never find that out. I guess it makes sense that Barn would have the dream and be rebitten when he opened his door.

Does Ange think he is Ben or not? Geezuz chryst, make up my mind!!!

This business between Julia & Stokes & Barn and who knows Cass is the witch has me scratching my head and saying "WTF, am I going nuts?" Julia clearly mentions Cassandra in the previous episode to Stokes.

And why the hell did Sam have to come to the old house? I wonder if we will ever find out. This whole episode is bugging the shit out of me.

Complete this phrase setup:

"Though he'd seen it/them many times during his many walks through the woods, Joe couldn't help but be stopped dead in his tracks and dumbfounded every time by the now familiar but always quite shocking sight of....!!"

Alistair Cooke

Jack Kerouac

William F. Buckley, Jr.

Aleister Crowley

Sam Cooke

corn syrup


square framed glasses like that guy in The Byrds

Games / Re: AGW (Acronyms Gone Wild)
« on: July 26, 2013, 06:33:58 PM »
PM     Portia Meets Sam     MS

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0507
« on: July 26, 2013, 06:29:34 AM »
Anyone find it odd that Stokes sounds surprised that Julia thinks the witch is a woman? I thought it was twice established that Cassandra/Angelique was the witch that set the dream curse in motion. Wasn't it stated at the beginning of the episode?

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0507
« on: July 26, 2013, 06:10:51 AM »
This is an episode where I would feel the need to practically quote all of it. The opening scene and theme sounds were messed up. They sounded warped and distorted and the Collinwood Theme was lost all together at one point.

Carolyn is impressive. She stops her dream, refuses to go through with it. You seem to doubt that it is because she was not told the full dream, Magnus, but I don't remember seeing or hearing anything to disprove that theory. As a matter of fact, I thought it odd that Willie should still have to tell Carolyn the full dream in order for her to have it (according to Stokes) but it would make sense that she could not have the full dream unless having been told the full dream (and therefore was able to stop it and wake herself up). I found it very intersting that Carolyn feels the same dread as the others having had the dream as her fearing having the dream. An nice twist.

This is certainly Thayer's episode with all the great quotable lines and even comic relief. Hall was left in the dust against him.

I noticed one 'theme' that carries on throughout the (present day) series started today and that's Julia's knowledge of Barn's vampirism being kept from Stokes even though Stokes will be repeatedly called upon to assist Barn & Jule's in their endeavors while being somewhat always kept in the dark.

Carolyn is still in the nightgown she went to bed in so I would assume it is still the same evening, Magnus, and that Barn is still searching for Adam. Though how Julia got Carolyn out of the house past Liz is anyone's guess.

The Stokes character being good or evil is still one percent uncertain, IMO. Just three actors in this episode.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0506
« on: July 26, 2013, 04:23:18 AM »
We get treated to the waves again.

Willie and Barn - LOL. Willie is a ninny today. And Barn is too normal for comfort. They were like a bickering married couple. I really enjoyed Karlen today.

All I could think of was Quentin & Amanda's cave while looking at the cliff bottom of Widow's Hill

Seeing Liz with her hair down is fun. The whole Carolyn/Liz scene was a bit absurd. Especially when Liz tells Carolyn she is safe as can be after having just chased Willie out of the room. As usual Carolyn heads down a fool's path. We can see where she is going with her reaction to her previous circumstances with Adam. It does warrant an eyeroll from this viewer.

Magnus, you'd think the writers would have Barn make some show of emotion regarding being at the spot where Josette died and now possibly Adam. Very insightful - it was totally lost on me.

Carolyn is too sympathetic regarding her tormentors, she should have been that kind to her boyfriends.

And the dream plays on...or does it?

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0505
« on: July 26, 2013, 03:43:15 AM »
"That's the old Collins house. Every time anything goes wrong around here, that's where all roads seem to lead."

All the white in the title intro is deep pink, even the white of the waves. Is it because I am watching on a rear projection TV (an old dinosaur nowadays), I don't think so because I never noticed it before on this TV.

Sheriff Patterson rakes Barnabas over the coals. I have no problem with Vince as the sheriff. I think he's quite good in the role. I wouldn't expect him to be likeable. But I do agree that it is quite a contrast to Elcar's sheriff P. I really liked all that is discussed between the two men. A lot of good stuff is mentioned - topped off with dragging Barn along to Widows Hill to see if Adam recognizes him - love it.

LOL, loved the scene when Adam reunites with Carolyn. Both Barrett and Rodan are superb. Barrett really elevates Rodan by contrast. It's magnificent.

Just think, it could have all ended with this episode... Actually, I think I am going to like it better this time around.

No pink in the water at episode's end. I loved seeing the location footage at the end of this episode. I wonder if it's the last we get of this nature. AD, I don't believe it's Addison Powell we hear at the end but that's just my opinion, it doesn't sound like him to me.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0504
« on: July 26, 2013, 03:04:38 AM »
Carolyn is not dead, but may as well be as played by Barrett. Liz thinks Carolyn is dead or soon will be. Vicki tries to comfort her - and the phone rings. It's the authorities informing her of Adam's capture and that there is no new news of Carolyn. Liz goes to town to talk to Adam in hopes of locating Carolyn. Vicki tags along to keep Liz as levelheaded as possible.

I thought root cellars were underground, but, whatevah. A trapped Carolyn tries to reason as a way to keep her sanity but that lasts about 18 seconds. Barrett is good here.

Liz & Vicki arrive at Adam's cell. But there's no relief for any of the three of them though we know what Adam is trying to relate to them.

Both Carolyn and Adam are desperate to reconnect with each other if not for the same reason, well in a way it's the same - I like it when this type of juxtaposition is used.

Liz has pretty much figured out much of the puzzle that is Adam and explains her theory to Vicki. It's pretty much the setup for the excuse Barnabas will inevitably use to explain the recent series of events. Well, that's my best guess.

I don't really get the point of the scene with Cass & Vicki - I guess it will explain it'self at some future point. Nice to know Liz still has and trusts her superior instincts.

Adam escapes - I am picturing him running away and joining a traveling circus as a strongman.
I think Moltke & Parker were useless here and the show could have been fine with the remaining four characters. I had a pinch of nostalgia listening to Bennett talk to Rodan in the jail scene, it sounded so 'old movies' to me. I get a kick out of seeing Vicki in the trenchcoat. I think this one is different than the one from the beginning of the series and I get most of my thrill knowing this is the trenchcoat and time period that we see Vicki Winters on the cover of the Ross novels. It is very nostalgic and takes me back to a time I actually enjoy remembering. The Ross novels were a lot of fun collecting, back in the day, as was being a DS fan.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0503
« on: July 26, 2013, 02:07:50 AM »
Hall looks good today.

Julia helps Willie deal with having the dream. (I thought the animule Willie saw was a wolf - how stupid of me.) I am very fascinated with the fact that Willie is clairvoyant - having seen Carolyn under the ground. There's no other explanation. It wouldn't be a stretch to think that Car & Will have some kind of psychic connection the way they showed her snap out of the semi trance she seemed to be in when Willie was "seeing" her under the ground. Even Willie saw her no more after she snapped out of it.

The inconsistent chain rattle is starting to get on my nerves. And Carolyn's whining also, though that is my problem, as she is the whining type and has reason to be mortified.

Julia tries and fails to hypnotize the dream away from Willie's mind. Nice little touch. Carolyn tries the friend approach with Adam, but screws it up by trying to escape too soon. Adam leaves to search for food for his friend but blocks the escape route with a heavy stone. I wonder if he would have done that had Car not tried to escape?

The whole deal with Willie's desperation to find Carolyn is kind of funny to me because it is coming across as concern but I feel it is only the fact that he wants to tell her the dream. I have no problems with the new sheriff. I think he's quite good actually.

Adam is captured. Julia doesn't look so good anymore - too much mascara.

Thanx for the recommendation.

that it was actually, brac-à-bric!!"

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0507
« on: July 24, 2013, 09:31:03 PM »
I totally agree, MB, at certain instances the double exposure was awe inspiring and actually mesmerizing. I was very impressed.

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