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Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0513
« on: August 04, 2013, 02:32:11 AM »
I agree, Magnus. Seeing the show from day one changed everything for me.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0514
« on: August 04, 2013, 02:26:12 AM »
Excellent post, Magnus. And timely for me. A lot is bugging me lately and even though it can be obvious as to why things are going on, you still have to wonder why particular choices are made. Especially when they are not the choices you think you would make if in the other's shoes.

My 'go to' is that Dan Curtis had no respect for the the show or the actors or the fans, we were just kids, we'll believe anything and accept anything. I'm not asking anyone to agree with me - it's just my personal reasoning within my own head.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0514
« on: August 04, 2013, 02:13:42 AM »
Hanging out with Maggie after one failed attempt, Joe decides it's time to try again to go and bring home Sam from The Blue Whale. Alone, Maggie puts on Josette's earrings and enters a trance-like state, accessorizes to travel and out the door she goes (while Adam watches from just outside the studio window) and after the title break Maggie finds herself at the Old House where we see Willie sweeping the basement. The cellar set has changed, I don't know if today is the first time we see it or if this is the first time I've noticed. The alcove next to Barn's impromptu crypt is now a doorway. Willie hears Maggie upstairs and investigates. Of course he's thrilled to see her but is concerned that she is wearing Josette's earrings on the premises. Here, I'm reminded that Barnabas must have let their wearabouts concern him no further. Once Maggie removes the earrings from her ears she comes out of her trance and heads back home. Willie is very 'Bowery Boys' today. My favorite moment is when he musters up strength by spitting in his hands to push back a heavy trunk resting on a chair in the basement, lol. First Trask and now Maggie/Josette. All this rehashesqueness is a bit nauseating. Maybe this is where the Adam storyline starts getting its bad rap. This stuff coupled with Liz's death hex...well - Oh, forget it. Why kvetch in advance.

Liz converses with the law on the phone about Adam still being alive. This prompts her to visit the Old House to speak to Barnabas about her concerns and suspicions. Instead she finds Willie in the cellar. Once he mentions that Adam should be dead Liz goes into her death hex trance talk, much to the astonishment of Willie who tries to snap her out of it with reason but to no avail. I love Willie's sincerity towards Liz. Liz leaves hurriedly rambling her death hex trance talk. Liz is wearing a new dress, some kind of deep dark red I believe. Perhaps we've only seen it before in B&W. It's a nice outfit on her nonetheless. Karlen is still very 'streets of New York'.

Joe returns having failed at his second attempt to bring Sam home. Because Sam discussed it with Joe, Joe and Maggie discuss Sam & Adam and all of that situation's implications. Maggie pretty much shrugs off Joe's concerns about the odd paring in favor of Sam being a handicapped trusting nonjudgemental soul. And with that, Joe leaves to fetch Sam for a third time. Joe runs into Willie at the cottage walkway. The threats and accusations fly and Joe ends up putting Willie down for the count. Disgusted and emotionally wounded, Joe then confronts Maggie about her budding relationship with Willie. Joe becomes incredulous with the defense Maggie puts on. Scott and Crothers' are splendid here. I would give KLS an acting award for the two lines she gives stating Willie didn't try to kill her. Karlen is fantastic in this scene also - taunting Joe as Willie with a remark about Joe not liking having competition for Maggie's hand (as if). I also appreciate the fact that Willie isn't a total wimp here as we might tend to think of him. With a human as an adversary, he is just as present as the next guy. An angry and conflicted Joe gives Maggie a lover's 'quit or split' ultimatum and leaves. Enter the beat up Willie. Maggie begins to coddle him when she looks up to see Adam the maniac standing at the threshhold. "Willie bad!" grunts the monster. He pulls Maggie away from the bad Willie and she screams bloody murder X three. Cut! Print!

Oh, have I forgotten to mention Barnabas' intermittent rapping on the wall? That's because it's stupid. He couldn't possibly make that sound with his shoe (toe or heel) or knee. Who the hell else does Maggie think could have taken the package? Joe manhandles Maggie, eek, a big no-no. I wouldn't have thought anything of it in 1968, aged 10. And that's sad in itself I guess. Adam likes girls.

shaked his snake with my cane!

'Adam, This Is Your Life'!

'Boink the freak'!

to polka...and-a one and-a two....

sex is better than ice cream

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0513
« on: August 03, 2013, 05:17:08 AM »
Joan Bennett screws up the opening voice-over and they couldn't even re-tape it. Really? Not even edit it to make it sound correct? While I'm ragging - the OV-O's are becoming too descriptive for my taste.

Tony is summoned by Cassandra but is met at the door by Stokes. Stokes, in his usual charming manner delays Tony's trip. Thayer's lines are good (and fun) and competently delivered, not so much for Lacy. Stokes parting line is, "By the way Mr. Peterson, don't be afraid, at worst she can only use you, she can't hurt you." Is that so? It seems to me to be an utterly irresponsible quip.

Evans Cottage: Stokes makes an unannounced visit to speak to Sam but Sam is at The Blue Whale. Stokes relays his concern about Sam having the dream to Maggie. Cassandra interupts with a knock on the door. Stokes makes an attempt to go unnoticed but Maggie invites her in. Cass has a gift for Sam which she is reluctantly forced to leave with Maggie at the cottage. Cass & Stokes play a game of cat-n-mouse before she leaves somewhat defeated and deflated. Stokes palms the gift and also heads out. This particular scene was a whole lot of fun to watch for me as Stokes toyed with Cassandra. The exchange is quote worthy. His knife twisting: delicious.

Summoned a second time, Tony can not resist and is not prepared for Cassandra. At the Great House terrace he is made aware that she knows Stokes is alive and that he'll be punished for deceiving her, etc. After deciding not to turn him into a cocker spaniel, she decides to turn him into a lap dog with a love spell. Tony is momentarily spared when he spots Liz looking at them through a window, knocking Cass off-center allowing him to retreat. Ultrafabulous shot of Bennett at the window. And just as fabulous a departure from said window. Great content in this scene - Tony taunts Cass regarding her having weaknesses and not being as powerful as Stokes, etc.

Tony has run home and is startled to find Stokes there waiting. Stokes 'knows' where Peterson's been and tells him where he's been, having the pipe tobacco Cass left for Sam analyzed and having found a powder in it that would induce Sam to have the dream. Tony pleads for Stokes' help in ridding him of Cass. Stokes promises to fight on and after asking if he smokes a pipe, leaves the tainted tobacco with Tony. I found Stokes leaving the tobacco with Tony very intriguing. I don't know how I want to interpret the gesture. I doubt Tony would be foolish enough to smoke it. But it would probably screw up the dream if he did, so it is not a stretch to take Stokes seriously. Tony remains a threat so that would be another reason for Stokes to want him to smoke the tobacco and maybe have it get Cass' panties in such a wad that she would get rid of Tony because of him yet again bungling her plans. Of course the most probable meaning of the gesture just may be as simple as "Here, get rid of this for me." Again, Thayer had some great lines.

Liz confronts Cass about her relationship with Tony. Liz will tell Roger, so Cass puts a death hex on Liz. And boy am I upset! lol. I hate seeing Liz weak and or defeated. I hated this arc when I first saw it so I am wondering how I am going to feel about it this time around.

Video glitches (jumping) throughout much of the episode. Joel is looking exceptionally hunky these days - thighs of steel. Parker is holding her own - good lord is Cassandra pissing me off, lol. I guess Sam hasn't stopped drinking. Thank goddess they didn't give him a tin cup and pencils. I still say Thayer is imitating Bette Davis. It appears as though we got a new music cue as heard during Cass' departure from the Evans cottage. It reminded me of The Planet Of The Apes. The wig is still on straight but it's lazily styled. KLS is still looking good. David walked away with this episode, perhaps at an unfair advantage.

Games / Re: AGW (Acronyms Gone Wild)
« on: August 02, 2013, 11:37:34 PM »
ST     Sandy Teases Vicki     TV

Games / Re: AGW (Acronyms Gone Wild)
« on: August 02, 2013, 09:44:20 PM »
CH     Cellar Harbors Secret     HS

the 13th hour on the clock.

he needed to paint the Old House by the end of the month or face eviction.

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