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Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0472
« on: June 07, 2013, 07:51:11 PM »
And the Julia/Barnabas show begins…
Barn learns from Julia that Roger stayed overnight at the Inn but has since moved on, presumably with portrait in tow. Barn tells her about Angelique and ties her into the portrait and Roger’s peculiar behavior. Julia then shows him Lang’s headgear and he puts two & two together. Barn concludes that Lang is in danger and with Julia, heads for Lang’s office. Roger shows up at Lang’s - Roger attempts to kill Lang but is interrupted by Julia & Barn. Julia takes Roger home and Barn gives Lang the lowdown. Lang scoffs and Barn offers the proof. Julia returns and tells them that Roger escaped. He shows up at Stokes with the portrait and offers it to him but when he unwraps it the portrait is missing from the frame. Barn and Julia arrive at Collinwood to find the portrait there in the drawing room.
Afterthoughts: As DarkLady notes, Julia grabs Barn’s forearm, a gesture indicating the change in their relationship status (IMO also). I would hazard to guess that this was of Hall’s own doing because the rest of the direction of this episode was pretty shabby. Barn’s reaction to the portrait was laughable (the pointing was ludicrous - Bela Lugosi - nice, MT! lol). Fire the director!  Keep the cameraman though – for whatever reason, I was taken by most of the camera work in this episode. The opening scene with Hall & Frid was framed beautifully. Hall looked lovely and I am digging the ‘madedown’ Barn too. Seeing these two as I had always remembered them, working together as a team, (and especially Julia with short hair) stirred an old familiar sense of comfort in me.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0471
« on: June 07, 2013, 07:40:34 PM »
Great catches AD, sometimes I am wondering if I am losing my mind - I should know better - poor Mrs. J., no wonder why she is sometimes 'testy' - well, now she's got Harry to do all the heavy lifting, lol.

Finally got to see the finale - wow - didn't see that coming. Great show, great actor. Wish he'd have had more on-screen time in Dark Shadows, I love his Roger.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0471
« on: June 04, 2013, 11:29:04 PM »
Roger, & Ange’s portrait are missing, and Liz is worried. She tells Barn that Roger acts as if he is possessed by it. Enter Vicki confirming ‘the possession’ by recounting her interaction with Roger/Joshua the evening prior, seconding Liz’s similar experience that Roger acts as if he is Joshua Collins. Vicki states that Roger took the portrait and left Collinwood. Mrs. Johnson asks Liz if Her son can stay at Collinwood while visiting her. Alone with Barnabas, Vicki says that she thinks Ange may be trying to finish what she started in 1795 by possessing Roger. Barn tries to dissuade Vicki’s train of thought as too incredible.
Vicki: After what I’ve been through, nothing seems too incredible.
Barn has a relapse of sorts hardly being able to resist biting Vicki during their conversation. Vicki suggests seeing Lang and Barn leaves. Vicki screams at the sight of Harry Johnson. Sarah & her son – what a hoot!
Harry: Oh, great! Just like the old times, right maw? – ROTFLMAO!
Lang suggests a transfusion for Barn’s current ills. They discuss the plan for a permanent cure with Lang only revealing that Barn can take on the physical appearance of Jeff Clark. Even a vampire has trouble wrapping its mind around that idea, lol.
Harry and his sticky fingers are on the prowl in the drawing room. Well, if it causes another confrontation with maw, I’m all for it.
Afterthoughts: When Noah Gifford was terrorizing David, I had wondered if Vicki was going to recognize him as Harry. Now I know why she didn’t. How many people expected Harry instead of Barnabas at the door after Mrs. Johnson asked permission for her visiting son to stay Collinwood?

DarkLady, I love the sentimental thought of yours about the tree outside the drawing room windows.

Games / Re: AGW (Acronyms Gone Wild)
« on: June 04, 2013, 12:07:35 AM »
RK_    Rakosi Kicks Bucket    KB_

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 I / Re: Tuesday the 4th, BIRTHDAY
« on: June 03, 2013, 11:18:38 PM »
Happy birthday, tomorrow!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: ** BIG CHANGES COMING FOR THE NEW YEAR **
« on: June 03, 2013, 11:17:55 PM »
Me also!

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0466
« on: June 03, 2013, 10:55:07 PM »
LOL, AD. Sometimes I picture the old time bouncing ball when he talks.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0470
« on: June 01, 2013, 06:49:09 PM »
With this bunch, you've got to wonder if the pre thunder intro is a blooper. I like the effect very much as well.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0470
« on: June 01, 2013, 06:25:57 PM »
Vicki looks huge in it, DarkLady! lol, I thought it was a nightgown! So much color in '68. I am very much enjoying Frid's natural look also. And it's a refreshing change - it makes you feel good - well, it makes me feel good. Sometimes the subtle things make a huge difference. And I agree, I thought the mirror scene was very poignant.

I thought the severed arm looked pretty damn good (in VHS) for a DS prop of that nature. The show is getting gruesome.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0470
« on: June 01, 2013, 04:35:21 PM »
Vicki encounters Roger as Joshua under Ange’s portrait’s spell and she’s smart enough to figure out what’s going on. Unfortunately, she’s not smart enough to throw the portrait in the fire and be done with it, so Roger/Joshua removes the portrait from Collinwood. JClark talks to Vicki about Barn and their upcoming nuptials. She explains to JC that she can no longer marry Barn and must tell him so. Jeff asks her to wait to tell Barn until after Barn returns home and pretty much tells her that the hospital isn’t a safe place for her or Barn. JC won’t go into details but asks Vicki to trust him about his warnings to her about the hospital & Lang, revealing that he works for Lang (so, he knows what he is talking about). Vicki goes to the hospital anyway and tells Barn she cannot marry him and explains to him all that she remembers about her time in the past and what she reasons it all ultimately meant, and why it happened at all. Including saving Daniel & meeting Peter Bradford – and that JC is PB. Now, a pouting Barn wants to opt out of Lang’s care and cure. (I scratch my head over this.) Lang asks if JC is the problem and tells Barn that JC works for him and he can make Vicki available to Barn again. Barn warns Lang not to mess with Vicki. Barn meets JClark face to face in Lang's office then leaves. Lang looks at the arm on ice that Jeff has delivered. I think we've got our answer - Frankenstein storyline.

Afterthoughts: I loved Vicki’s explanation of why she went into the past and I am so glad I didn’t remember any of this because so much of what I was trying to figure out as I watched 1795 would have been known to me. That would have made it all the more boring at times. Barn should not be too shocked that Vicki no longer wants to marry him now that she is out from under his thrall. Barn’s an idiot, cutting off his nose to spite his face. Lang pulling the hero card on Barn is ludicrous. Lang/Powell likes to doublespeak names – this could be a great source of amusement or very distracting. Time will tell.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0469
« on: May 31, 2013, 07:19:53 PM »
Powell, Addison Powell.

The trio enters the secret room. We are being led to believe JClark is Peter Bradford by his actions. Vicki accuses Julia of knowing the room was there already. Vicki recounts the killing of Noah Gifford. JClark opens the coffin and it’s empty. Lang admits to Barn that he is not fully cured but temporarily – there are no guarantees with the experimental drugs – but he can offer him a permanent cure – the big mystery. Julia confronts Lang about his promise to Barn and warns him that she won’t be brushed aside re: Barn’s wellbeing. JClark enters Lang’s home as Julia is leaving and it piques her interest. JC is robbing graves for Lang and wants to quit for want of Vicki. Lang threatens JC and we learn that he was once in an institution for the criminally insane and is a murderer – this according to Lang. I have my doubts
Afterthoughts: It seems like Barn takes no responsibility for Julia’s injections going wrong. I know that it’s my interpretation of his position, but it still annoys the hell out of me. Davis got his big blow up scene and it was very good.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0468
« on: May 31, 2013, 07:15:51 PM »
Thanx for refreshing my memory Magnus.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0468
« on: May 30, 2013, 05:52:07 PM »
Barn is cured and both Vicki and Carolyn are released from the vampire’s thrall. Thank goodness – out with the old and in with the new – but then again…
By chance, JClark visits in time to help Vicki leave the hospital. He and Lang have it out and we learn that there is a sinister aspect to their relationship. We also learn that JClark has a secret, it sounds like he doesn’t know who he really is. He is very protective of Vicki and Lang warns him of it. Lang questions Vicki and we’ve seen enough thrillers to know that he’s got something up his sleeve – some sinister plan for Vicki? Carolyn and Julia both look fresh & fabulous in this episode – so does Vicky for that matter. I like the scene with Carolyn & Vicki on the landing. I liked Barrett’s dialogue convincing Vicki that her trip to the past is all the proof she needs for JClark possibly and actually being Peter Bradford – if one is true, then why not the other? Vicki once again tries to convince herself that she was in the past by locating the secret room in the mausoleum and Julia accompanies her there. We see an unknown male figure lurking there before their arrival. My guess is that it is Peter, I mean, JClark. Yep, it’s him. He states he was on a walk but didn’t know why he ended up there. As Vicki recounts to Julia about being there and knowing where the room is but not remembering how to get in, JClark goes to the secret panel and opens it to reveal a coffin inside. Totally groovy ending – I loved it.
Afterthought: I also thought Julia knew about the secret room in the mausoleum. Didn't she and Barn discuss finding David's pocket knife in there? Maybe that was Willie. It's interesting to think that if the writers would have made it obvious by having Julia do something unrealistic to imply to the audience she already knows about the secret room, we, okay, I, would have probably criticized it as being stupid but if the whole thing plays out as it would realistically, Julia should not give us or Vicki any indication that she knows the room is there. I guess there are two coffins, one at the Old House and one in the secret room? I know this has been discussed recently but I don’t remember if it was in the context of the present or 1795, I imagine it was 1795, and now, I can’t remember just where Barn is residing in the future/present. Of course, it matters not, being he is 'cured' - there's no worry about him being found in one or the other.

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 I / Re: Next up For Burton/Depp
« on: May 29, 2013, 08:17:06 PM »
I saw Phibe's at the drive-in back in the day and couldn't watch it - for me it was uninteresting - I may have seen it on a double bill with THE LEGEND OF BOGGY CREEK - which I found totally awesome. I think I was at the age where Phibes seemed too dated and corny - too Hammer-ish. I can't even imagine today why someone would want to remake it. I should check it out to see what I missed. Obviously it had some merit.

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