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Topics - Patti Feinberg

Current Talk '02 II / Ham & Cheese
« on: August 15, 2002, 10:51:14 PM »
I came home to feed Tommy :-* :-* was 10:15 a.m.!

I have never seen these

First, I see Barn in a entry-way? with Angelique.

He's  :ocowering! (no offense, but it was pretty lame-o acting ::) )

Then, later scene, Ang is telling Barn..."When I say so...."

Hmph...who does girlfriend think she is?? ::)

Okay...Barn got 'cured' (via Adam) from his 'affliction'; I know it

coming back, but, is he a vamp again????

Come on....too much

How did Ang become a vamp? Just from jolly 'ol Nich saying "boo, you're a vampire"?

At what point will Julia call him "Elliot" (in comparison with PROFESSOR)?


Current Talk '02 II / OT>Let's Talk About........IT
« on: August 10, 2002, 01:44:15 AM »
Okay..."opinions are like...."
I think we all know that one ;)

So now boys & girls, I come to you, my friends, to ask for an opinion.

Regular phone-line modem just aint doing the trick any more...more $$$; is it time to go

smoke signal? ;)

Keep in mind, that not everything is available throughout the country; I'm thinkin' the ONLY 2 cable ISPs are:
Comcast [puke]
Verizon (no one has an 'opinion' around here about them, the 8-9 people I know who have digital/on-line modems (is that right?), have Comcast [puke] and the service is iffy).

[greed] I'm poor white trash, so, does anyone know a good deal?[greed]

Also...sorta in a different computer is 7 years old; will it be throwing good money [greed] after bad (bandaid on cancer?)??

So boys & girls, since most of you are uh, just a teeny bit more 'computer literate' (geek) ;) than me (and I hope,
[shadow=red,left,300]laughing all the way to the bank,[/shadow] give me s'il vous plait your opinions and facts AND experiences (I'm assuming ;D at least 1-2 people on this board may be on their 2nd company).

I'm so clueless, but, hey, I'm also Tommy's Mommy :)


Current Talk '02 II / Cable's Out...
« on: August 09, 2002, 08:49:29 PM »
So Patti is FINALLY :o watching weeks worth o DS.

Okay, started from about 1 1/2 weeks ago:

Is Robert Rodan trying to seem 'icky' (i.e., child-like mentality, or just plain duffy?)

I had also assumed :o R. Rodan was/is quite tall; I expect TPTB @ DS want him to appear such, but, when he was strangling Barnabas (and subsequentally standing side by side w/Barn), R. R only appeared to be about 4ish inches taller than Barn.

I always thought J. Frid was on the average size (5'8").

Has anyone ever seen both men in person?


John Karlen :)

Never hated him, never was gaga over him; only real impression was more of him from Cagney & Lacy, which was fine.

Boy, seeing some eps now for 2nd time....what an actor!!!

He really seems such the innocent, so naive. In C&L, a "real man". What range!!

So, I'll through my hat in the ring & state:

[size=14]I also Love John Karlen![/size]

I've never seen these specific eps, it was cool seeing TLATKLS 'remember' when she was abducted by Barn & Willie.

I love to HATE Nicholas!!! ;D

Where is Ang? (Faux dead and or a vampire??)

I am missing Elizabeth, I take it we're near the hmm.. "Dead Zone" ;) for her, n'est pas?

It was interesting seeing Julia from 6ish months (no, wait, pre-1795, so how many months?) from when she was helping with TLATKLS. Her hair!! Looks much better now.

Where's David?

Kitten, Kitten, Kitten....


She'ss goooooddddd!!!!!!

I'll think of more later.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Just Playing/Testing
« on: August 06, 2002, 02:48:45 AM »

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Ola
« on: August 06, 2002, 02:29:28 AM »
When it says "5 guests, 5 cousins from England, 1 spirit".
Am I a cousin from England? What part of England (and watch it.....I'm an honest-to-goodness Protestant IRISH LASSIE ;)
How can guests be on? Are they just reading?
Are the only 2 spirits MB & Midnite?

Anybody want my 11 yr old d a u g h t e r ? :-X
(she's icky).


Current Talk '02 II / Scalp Him, Okay?
« on: August 04, 2002, 05:09:36 AM »
C :)A :)N :)
W ;)E ;)
S :oC :oA :oL :oP :o
R ::)O ::)G ::)E ::)R ::)
D :PA :PV :PI :PS :P


That said...who's the chick in montage above? Marie Wallace (and what character)?

Watching a flick on PAX..pretty good; about a computer virus which comes 'alive'.

Aaaahhh, Petofi....missing you dahling.

Ringo...was watching Biography last week; not sure if it was all CSN, I was watching during Graham Nash; for some reason, I kept thinking of you dahling :D.

Is there ANY part of the continental US which is not unusually abberantly HHHOOOTTT????

Ja's hot.

Carolyn is always hot.

Quentin....Quentin....Quentin...... :-* :-* :-*

Patti who has 3 kids :'( :'( :'(

I almost cut my hair, but, I think I'm going bald!!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Archive Question
« on: July 28, 2002, 10:16:02 PM »
I had a question about the Don Briscoe article, but I didn't know where to post it
I tried reply, but it tells me only an administrator can reply.
Okay...on pg. 1 of Brisco article, he's holding/reading "16" magazine.
On the back there's a pic of him next to another groovy looking guy.
Does anyone know who the other guy is? I'm worried that I put stupid questions on the board (I know I do, but I think you meant more malicious than just stupid).

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Guests
« on: July 28, 2002, 10:04:14 PM »
How come right now (3p.m. est) there are 2 guests on?

I'm glad to have guests, but I thought there couldn't be...oh wait, guest can just read, but not post, right?


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / I Miss...
« on: July 27, 2002, 07:55:36 PM »
Being referred to as a "Board Supporter" (or some such words).
I see I'm just back to full member; I took it as high praise that I was a supporter :'(


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / The Revised Board
« on: July 26, 2002, 06:28:38 PM »
A few things...FIRST
I posted my 2 cents on the 1000th montage.
It isn't there:(
(In fact, yesterday I went to "go to last 10 Patti posts" and it's no where).
Why can't a non-user get on?
Why the new look (ie gray/gray instead of pink/gray for alternativing posts)?
Does everyone have the bottom taskbar thing "Welcome to the Forum!" (makes me feel like I'm in 'est' ) ;D
and, since it's past 2 o'clock Thursday, MB, what's the answer for the 1000th montage?


Current Talk '02 II / Threesome
« on: July 21, 2002, 06:41:08 PM »
So, the way I count, there are currently 3 vampires:

Am I right? (I'm not counting Barn, even though, since he's 175 yrs old, he'd have to be a vamp.)

Also, 2 frames over from Carolyn....who's the blonde? (in above montage).

If you were Barnabas, wouldn't you be trembling in your shoes now? I mean, come on, the person he has closest to him, Julia, is turning into a bloodsucker. I'd wanna have some major distance between myself & that.


Current Talk '02 II / Did You Know...
« on: July 19, 2002, 07:22:36 PM »
Until this a.m.'s eps...I thought Joe Haskell & Chris/Tom Jennings were the same guy ?!?

Hello....what a duff!

So, last Fri (the last eps I watched), here's Joe going to Maggie's cottage.

Then, today, here's Julia talking about Tom Jennings.

Where's Joe?

How did Tom come in to play? I think didn't Ang make Tom a vampire??

The only time I've ever seen Tom was:


When somebody (Barn??) let's him out of a hole in the floor??? Hello?? ?!?

This, when Chris is already on board...right?

I cannot believe I really never noticed the difference.

Pretty good eps today...I really like the way Julia looked terrible, i.e., black circles under her eyes...just like Maggie when Barn was in control.

Barn is such a self-absorbed weanie...."Everyone in the Collins family will die" (yeah Barn, except YOU).

I remember this part with Elizabeth...believe it or not, I like the "faux death".

Where does everyone think Cassangelixis is?


Current Talk '02 II / OT=Computers
« on: July 17, 2002, 02:09:05 AM »
Been hearing a new TV commercial for Apple computer.
I hear the guy saying...."I was scared, I was used to [size=24]wintel[/size] lol!!! wintel (get it...Window meets Intel!)
Midnite...I thought of you :)

Is there anyone on here who runs an Apple?

(Specifically, is there anyone who has been running win 95/98/00 who has switched to Apple?)

Or...let's live on the edge there anyone who
runs BOTH?[/i] (one @  home/other @ work)?


Current Talk '02 II / I'm sooo Confused..
« on: July 12, 2002, 09:45:29 PM »
Hi all...I thought about 2 weeks ago, there was a thread about, "Goodbye Forbes, hello Chris Jennings".
I thought Forbes (I can't remember Don Brisco's 1967 character) died, and soon a NEW character, Chris or Tom Jennings would be here??

Also, is Angie a vampire (I haven't watched in like 3 weeks, partly cause sci fi keeps yanking DS). would have actually been appropo for Vicki to say....I Don't Understannnndddd.... when Jeff told her she was MIA for 2 days.

Off Topic, but....think...doesn't Laura Stockbridge Murdock Collins kinda remind you of Patsy Stone of the wonderful show: "Absolutely Fabulous" (which it is)??


Totally off topic, but, since there's people here from allll around the country....
You know how there's the preview channel (I guess though technically, it's the TV Guide Channel)?
Well, we have a couple/few of those (not to be confused with the PREVIEW channel).
One of ours though, channel 3 (which occassionally has the local programs & is video feed), usually, instead of having Debbie Matonapolis, Katie Wagner's talking you hear really good tunes.
In the veign (sp??) of "John Barleycorn Must Die";  "Inagodadavida", "Sitting on top of the World" (Creem's cover), etc. people who have a dish have preview/TV guide channels?
Second, does anyone else have a TV guide channel with really excellent tunes?'re a bon about the globe...have you ever experienced this? Midnite, how 'bout you on the west coast? bout you up in CT?



PS...Ringo....they were playing this EXCELLENT Cream song...."I'm on the leeeffttt...but I'm leaning toward the right...." (do you know what song that is??)