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Topics - Patti Feinberg


Hope you have a





Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / OT<Babadook
« on: February 13, 2016, 04:06:31 AM »
A friend on FB was saying he just saw, "The Witch". Never heard of it (IMDb says due on Feb 16th).

Went to IMDB, they list, "The Babadook" as something a viewer might want to see.

I could swear I saw this on Netflix (though I haven't watched Netflix in more than 2 months), plus, the description of the movie does not at all seem familiar.

Has anyone seen, "The Babadook"? I can get it for under $4.00 (plus, Amazon's outrageous $3.99 shipping).

Is it worth $8?


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / <OT Wi-Fi 'Pick Me Up'
« on: February 13, 2016, 02:47:29 AM »
I've mentioned on here, the 'high speed' (not even remotely funny) DSL in this area (and almost everyone is stuck with it), is ludicrous.

I see on Amazon, Net300 wi-fi 'pick up'; for 'dead areas'.

The one priced approx. $45 says to NOT put furtherest away (the room I usually hang out in), but, rather, somewhere in between your modem & rest of house.
Same company, a Net300 Essentials, about 1/2 the price. I've asked online, and people say yes, you can have more than one.

But, if the speed is suck-o-rama, wouldn't me plugging in other 'things' drain the original speed?

Help! I can't take it.


Current Talk '16 I / Today's Screen Capture From DS 2012 (2/4/16)
« on: February 04, 2016, 09:26:52 PM »
Willie: "This place was built for a staff of 100. They have me. And Mrs. Johnson, who's as useful as a bucket without a bottom."

I wonder if Willie knows that Mrs. Johnson is really



[spoiler] don't lie, you know it's her...[/spoiler]

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0995
« on: February 04, 2016, 06:58:21 AM »
I'll be honest; I don't remember about Dameon Edwards, but, I'm sure my memory will be jolted soon enough.

(and oh, how the mighty have fallen; this is our first modern day Trask and he's a butler

I really like this particular Trask.

I absolutely H A T E Jekyl/Hyde JeBEZ.


[edited by admin: quote attributed]

Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Oscar Vigoda
« on: February 04, 2016, 05:41:05 AM »
I don't remember seeing Abe Vigoda prior to Dark Shadows.

We've all mentioned, through the years, how he always sort of looked old.

Maybe, someone in his life, painted a portrait of him at age 50.

Think about it......Quentin didn't age, Abe Vigoda didn't age, Dorian Gray didn't age.

See a theme here???


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Thursday's Happy Birthday -- Bette
« on: February 04, 2016, 05:24:11 AM »
Bette, dahling
Hope you have a
DIVINE Birthday!

and many more!

 [occasion13] [occasion1]



Current Talk '16 I / Wish There Will/Would Be Another DS Movie
« on: January 28, 2016, 04:43:03 AM »
I really wish there would be another DS movie.

Of course I wouldn't expect Depp/Burton, but there are SO many add'l story arcs:

Since Collinwood was destroyed, build a 'New House' (irony).

Let's see.....Julia me, that being the last shot is a segue into additional stories. is she doing with her very profitable fishing business?

Where be Carolyn's daddy?


Mrs. Johnson, who is too old/bedridden, the building of a New/Old House would require an add'l housekeeper.

Ding-dong rings the doorbell. It's a young lady fresh off the boat from England. Heavy cockney accent. Introductions: Pansity Faye (who will have visions).

Liz is busy with the building/moving into New house, that, unbeknownst to her, some 'squatters' are living w/out permission in the now dilapidated House. But, they won't leave; they're gypsies, and they threaten a curse on anyone who tries to get them to leave.

What no one (including Roger) knew was that Roger had a daughter....Nora. Since she too is a Collins, Elizabeth of course let's her live with the family.

A construction worker, working on the building, takes a fall. When he awakens at the hospital, he has amnesia. He had a driver's license, which reads Grant.




Current Talk '16 I / Questions: 2012 v. OS
« on: January 28, 2016, 04:08:40 AM »
Just watched 2012 DS.

I have a few questions.

First, and I believed I've asked this twice already; to me, one of the shots of the ocean waves crashing on the rocks looks EXACTLY like one on the OS. Does anyone know if Burton was allowed to borrow this?

Second, it was Michelle P as Liz while holding a shotgun.
I cannot even imagine Joan Bennett holding a shotgun, but, did she ever hold a pistol?

Eva/Ang telling Michelle/Liz, "Your pedigree lacked substance, so I sent the werewolf to bite Carolyn in her crib".

I realized, I can't remember how Quentin became a werewolf SPOILER....was it the Count, and, if so, why?


A vampirical question, but I only thought of it during the movie. Barn goes into Ang's office (2nd time), she has a glass of blood for him.

Do vampires have to bite their victims? I think my first entre to this not being true would be Angel, nearing the end of his run on "Buffy" (she sees him at the butcher's shop).

Please, please, if you know either way about the above mentioned waves crashing, let me (to me) REALLY looks like a shot from the OS.



Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0991
« on: January 27, 2016, 04:22:38 AM »
Daniel having a dream, where his mother is calling to him.

Hmm...wonder why no one thought of that before.... [snow_laugh]

I hope this question isn't a spoiler; why did Alexis come to town. If she didn't come to meet her nephew before, why bother now???


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Happy Birthdy Dvlvan26
« on: January 23, 2016, 06:32:09 AM »
Dear Dvlvan26:

First, I hope you're warm and safe (I don't know what part of the country you hail from).

Have a TERRIFIC Birthday!

and many more...

[snow_laugh] [snow_cheesy]

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Calling All AV Geeks
« on: January 23, 2016, 06:22:18 AM »
I had downloaded an app which lets me record things (like threats, and lots of other bad things).

But, when I hit the stop button,  (and I'm looking at my phone now):

It has back arrows & forward arrows; Name, Notes, a blue square to add photo.

Under that, there's the garbage can icon, and an arrow, pointing up, with a straight line above it.

I don't know how to 'save'. Plus, I'd really rather NOT save it to my phone.

I have the little cord that goes from your phone to your computer (I know it's MAINLY to charge your phone, but, I believe it can do more).

Does anyone know a couple/few sites which I could take the above mentioned and put it onto my laptop?
(They would have to be free, I'm broke.)

Also, if I could save them to my computer, couldn't I also take a flash drive & save it onto that?



Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Who Is....
« on: January 11, 2016, 04:46:25 AM »
Kelly Hu?

The Calendar says she'll be at a comic con this weekend.

Sorry, I don't know who she is.



Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / <OT Carnival of Souls
« on: January 11, 2016, 04:43:37 AM »
Hmmm....I thought I had posted about this about a month ago....

Anyway, while searching EVERYWHERE for an affordable DS collection (we CAN'T go there about how it was in my Amazon cart, with a GC towards it, and how I had to go to the bank myself - couldn't send my daughter, even though she banks at same place ....GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR.) When I got back, someone had bought it out of my cart. Yeah, I can't go here.

Again with the anyway, I don't remember where I heard of this film first. It sounded somewhat interesting, but when 'someone' had mentioned it's hard to get ahold of; I was on the go.

I got it, and finally watched it last night.

From what I just read on IMDb, through late-night horror films, it's become somewhat of a 'Cult Classic'.

There were a couple of things about the movie that 'got me'.

The first Twilight Zone that actually scared me, is, I believe titled, "The Hitchhiker".

This had SOOOO many of the same nuances. The film was 1962, and I can't remember if TZ, or CoS came first.

Also, on a lesser note, there was a male character who reminded me of early Willie Loomis; sort of rough around the edges.

(I felt like the lead actress perhaps was gay, I just read the same 'assumption' on IMDb.) No biggie NOW, but 55 years ago!!

If you get a chance, it's worth a watch....but, again, repeating IMDb, alot of you may have already seen this.

( the end of the film, there's a few 'minor' listings/etc, that, the main actress went missing from Hollywood....she's not dead, but, I guess Hollywood was dead for her...)

Patti...who FINALLY got her copy of "The Gift" and is watching it now.

Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Let's Take a Quiz
« on: January 06, 2016, 05:38:12 AM »
I'm sure alot of people here play Trivia Crack. It's a good game.

About 6 months ago, via my Windows Phone , I found a game called Quizup.

First thing, it usually takes an inordinate amount of time to upload....but,,,,there's rewards.

This game has 2 gazillionmillionbillion different subjects, and you can make your own subject.

Took me a little while, and oh yeah baby, there's one for Dark Shadows.

(Sometimes, I can tell I'm playing against a 'piker'.)

I definitely recommend checking it out.

Also, I play it on my computer. You just can't be playing simultaneously on your computer AND phone at same time.

Come on,,,,,I can absolutely imagine at least 7-8 peeps on here, who once they got into the groove of the game, would make excellent subjects/trivia.

