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Topics - Patti Feinberg

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Playing w/Colors...testing
« on: August 05, 2003, 01:36:05 AM »
test Nope, comes out a flat gold...hmm... (was supposed to be EMERALD GREEN)

test I guess that could be construed as violet...whaddya think?

test yep, gray

test is royal blue a default  color? this I wanted sunflower yellow

test teal, good


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / OT<BIRDIE
« on: August 05, 2003, 01:32:26 AM »
Not sure on exact date...but lets hear it for our new:

[size=8]Senior Poster Cousin[/size]

Whoo! Whoo!!

 :) :D ;)  :) :D ;)  :) :D ;)  :) :D


Current Talk '03 II / Check the Roots
« on: August 05, 2003, 01:22:52 AM »
The Pic and scene between Carolyn and Angelexis is too divine.

Blonde v. blonde....only their hairdressers know

Drunken sot to dead as they come *itch....



Testing. 1, 2, 3... / XQuery & SQL (for MB)
« on: August 04, 2003, 06:32:00 PM »

Think you would:

a) understand it (unlike me!!)
b) find it nominally interesting


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / D. Selby in New Pic
« on: August 04, 2003, 01:15:44 PM »
I vaguely remember within the last say 6 months, there being a post about David Selby in a role in a new movie. I sort of thought it was in the J. Lo/B. Affleck, but when I went to a synopsis of that movie, no D. Selby.
What pic is it that he's supposed to be in?


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / LBJ
« on: August 03, 2003, 06:32:38 PM »
Happy Tuesday, 8/5 Birthday to:

J   jase

Have a great time!!!



Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Okay, I'll Bite...
« on: August 01, 2003, 06:25:12 PM »
On today's calendar (FRIDAY!! 8/1) it says: Events: Lammas.... ??? ???

not llamas (which I'd question), not Lamas (as in Fernando)....

Happy Lammas (not Lamaz mind you, cause then Midnite might be trying to tell us something!! :-X  )


I'd better hide...she's gonna get me

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / IMG Thing
« on: August 01, 2003, 05:59:44 PM »
So I see VictoriaWinters has an image thing ?embedded?????? in her text...if I had an image, how does one 'put it on here'?


(I can just see MB....holding his sides....cracking up)

Current Talk '03 II / Montage
« on: July 27, 2003, 10:59:43 PM »
First, is the 'non-regular' guy Mr. Best? (or was he should I say)?'s ick ick her, glad the sci-fi logo is right smack-dab in middle of her neck.

Gorgeous pic of yum-yum Carolyn!


ps....they're back :'(
Jesus, please help me. :'(

Current Talk '03 II / Check Out The Montage
« on: July 25, 2003, 03:23:22 AM »
MB...way cool bottom center pic...if it weren't for the two surrounding pics, I wouldn't have known what that was supposed to be.



Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Help!
« on: July 25, 2003, 03:05:34 AM »
whiles on-line here last son hit some key (left hand bottom, near tab, shift, control) and all the text (well, not all) went quite large!!

Yes, I've tried hitting everything, went out, came back in.

don't see anything in profile etc.

The board titles are huge; the words (right here where I'm posting:
Add YABBC tags are very large, but the boxes you would use (like spoiler, bold, etc) are the normal size.

the word Smileys is quite large, but the smile faces themselves are the same.....

No, I haven't dropped acid in a very long time.

Granted, those cleaning things are strong.... can I make the board appear normal?


Current Talk '03 II / DS meets OLTL
« on: July 23, 2003, 01:05:10 AM »
I so often see so many reminders while watching OLTL in regards to Dark Shadows.

I won't go into many here (like the recently revealed hidden chamber in Llanfair!!) AND very importantly, people were recently posting about the way the DS writers weren't given enough time to 'develop' JebEZ's good (er) characteristics; OLTL did the SAME hurry up job with Mitch.

Today, while watching, I started thinking of the characters (SYT).

Take 'twin's  ::) OLTL Jessica & Natalie; I'll presume they're about 21ish (they drink booze legally on the show).
Yes, they're sweet young things, and I really like the Natalie character & actress (Please God do NOT make me go there about Jessica :-X )

But let's consider Nancy Barrett & TLATKLS; I believe they were both born in 1945, making them 22ish at the beginning of DS (1966).

They both seem so much more 'mature'; even Kitten spoiled Carolyn, no job, idle rich, still seems so much more deeper than the aforementioned OLTL characters.

Certainly, Maggie Evans (think the early days!) had so much more depth.

We all hear (and probably, most of us SAY), these kids today, they have it so easy...yada yada.

Anyone care to elaborate?


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / euyhhh
« on: July 23, 2003, 12:44:50 AM »
Messing around in my profile in my e-mail the other day.
I log on now...and I happen to have the audio on.

"Hey baby, you got mail" in a real Pimp-o-rama voice!!


Patti...who's been breathing cleansing fumes for 2 1/2 weeks STRAIGHT (while kids are away).

Current Talk '03 II / Yo' Mama!
« on: July 21, 2003, 04:25:01 PM »
In walks Quentin:

If my old man walked in & yelled at me like that, I would've thrown a shoe at him.

I woulda said, "Yo Mama".

Now, I was 25 once upon a time; I understand Maggie's wanting to 'fit in', but I don't buy that she didn't spit at Quentin when he barked at her >:(

Another scene....Yaeger is pawing through what appears to be Maggie's undergarments
[size=8]ICK!!![/size] What a repulsive thought!!

How many 'real' women in 1970 were wearing hair attachments?

Yes, Angelexis & Maggie are beautiful, but the hair is really bugging me!

Have a good day all,


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Joan Bennett
« on: July 19, 2003, 09:06:36 PM »
Mon, 7/28/03, 8:15am, TCM:
"Eleven Men and a Girl", starring Joan Bennett

Wed, 7/23/03, 2:00am, TCM
"Pennies From Heaven", starring Steve Martin, features JOHN KARLEN

Thurs, 7/30/03, 6:00m, TCM
"Night of the Iguana".

HOORAY FOR TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES...which, BTW, showed "Marnie" last all time favorite Hitchock film.

Oh yeah...been wanting to say that:


(Can't even remember what Hitchcock chair is/what story arc...anyone??)
