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Messages - Mark Rainey

What show is that, Michael? I'll be in Chesapeake in two weeks for a little event called Fanta-Sci at the Chesapeake Regional Library.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: the matthew morgan storyline
« on: July 11, 2005, 10:11:12 PM »
As much as I admire Thayer David (he's probably my favorite actor on the show) -- and despite the fact I can't fault his performance as Matthew Morgan -- I really wish George Mitchell had continued with the role to its conclusion. He offered a unique persona, a more believable backwater-Maine character than just about anyone else on the show. Mitchell could belt out some of his terse lines with an intensity that I actually find unnerving. Had I been in Vicky's place, I imagine Mitchell would have struck me as more menacing than David; colder, more unreasonable, less inclined to show mercy. With Thayer David, you know you're watching one of his virtuoso performances, and there's a certain "security" in the knowledge that he's acting. With Mitchell, you see Matthew Morgan heart and soul, and thus there's an air of unpredictablity about him.

Don't let MB fool you. It's a great little flick for drive-in movie entertainment. Any movie with Lara Parker, Warren Oates, motorcycles, and Satanists can't help but be a little bit o' fun. Besides, in my book, The Apple Dumpling Gang, Airport 75, Death Race 2000,and The Giant Spider Invasion were a helluva lot worse. ;)

It ran on one of the cable movie channels not long ago -- I think it was either Flix or the Fox Movie Channel. Otherwise, I haven't seen it listed in years and years. Odd, too, as I've heard a lot of people refer to this as a made-for-TV feature, which of course it's not.

Note that today (6/28) is the release date of the Anchor Bay DVD of RACE WITH THE DEVIL, with Lara Parker.

Current Talk '05 I / Re: happy birthday to our show!
« on: June 28, 2005, 12:27:19 AM »
We were visiting my grandparents in Georgia on the day the first episode of DS aired; I remember watching it and being spooked by the music. When we got back home to Virginia, we found, sadly, that the local ABC affiliate wasn't carrying it, and I was pretty well disappointed. For the next three years, I was able to catch the show only sporadically -- when we visited my grandparents and when I visited friends who were lucky enough to have cable back then and could pick up a channel that carried it.

It's amazing how well I remember the disappointment of coming home from Georgia and Mom flipping the channels for me to try to find DS, only in vain. Ah well... I guess it's all worked out OK in the end. ;)

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Leviathans *POSSIBLE SPOILERS*
« on: June 24, 2005, 10:25:44 PM »

I've mentioned this any number of times before, so forgive my redundancy, but the Leviathans episodes were the very first ones I got to watch regularly as a kid. Before that, I could only see the show sporadically (we didn't get cable in the house till 1969, which one needed to pick up the ABC channel that ran DS); certainly not enough to get any sense of what was really happening with the story. So as far as I was concerned at that age, the Leviathans, bad Barnabas, the walking dead, scary (unseen) monsters, and all such elements of the show were truly what DS was all about. I still have a lot of fondness for the story, especially Barnabas's renewed malevolence, which, looking at with the benefit of hindsight, was a desperately needed move. I really like Paul Stoddard's return, and even though I didn't know the backstory as a kid, even then his relationship with Carolyn hit me with some poignancy. Best of all, I was never so creeped out as by the heavy-breathing thing behind the Todd's upstairs door. They definitely made the right decision to not even attempt to show the critter.

Nowadays, the little feller that played Alexander creeps me out REAL bad. ;)

While it certainly had its shortcomings, the Leviathans story hit some distinct high points, particularly the atmosphere of dark mystery in the early episodes. It's a shame it didn't play out to fulfill its potential, but I can't help but maintain an emotional attachment to that particular era of the show.


Connie, alas, this isn't a movie deal; it'll be a hardback book, same publisher as my previous novel, The Lebo Coven.

As for movies, my novelette "Fugue Devil" is being considered by a studio (I'm not at liberty to divulge which one), but it's hardly a done deal, and in fact, things are moving -so- slowly on that front, I'm not exactly holding my breath.



PS: True to my usual form, Blue Devil Island contains a character named Collins. In fact, here's his intro. He might sound a little familiar. ;)

>>As the noise died down, one more hand went up. It belonged to Lieutenant Max Collins, a bright young fellow with longer-than-regulation brown hair and stark blue eyes who came from a small fishing village on the Maine coast; his distinctive accent had prompted our southern Colonel Rooker to good-naturedly call him a "f**kin' yankee wharf rat"--not quite far enough behind Collins's back to go unnoticed.<<

It ain't DARK SHADOWS, but I was mighty pleased to come home from the office this afternoon and find a contract from Five Star for my novel, BLUE DEVIL ISLAND, which is my rip-roarin' WWII historical drama/Lovecraftian monster yarn from Hell.

I don't suppose this one will go over well in the Romance market, like DREAMS OF THE DARK or THE LEBO COVEN, but one can't have everything. ;)


Current Talk '05 I / Re: vampire fashion
« on: June 22, 2005, 02:16:35 AM »

One of my favorite Halloween costumes. Used several variations of this over a number of years. ;)

Very much agreed. Video tape captures objects under lighting much as the eye actually sees them. Film gives more the impression of having been created with an artist's brush (which isn't that far off, when you look at how intricate the setup of lighting effects can be to achieve a desired look, with all the proper highlights, shadows, and colors).

Harpy barfday, Heather. :)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Illegal Entry - Frightful Occurrence
« on: May 22, 2005, 08:24:01 PM »
MB: Oh yeah? I got yer handcuffs right here.

I received the CD yesterday, thanks very much. A cool idea indeed.

I'm no fan of reggae or punk, so I don't care much for the Lone Ranger or the Oval Portrait. However, the rest of the tracks are great. I especially enjoy The Moon-Rays' "Dark Shadows Exotique"; being a shameless fan of tropical lounge lizard music, a la Martin Denny and Les Baxter, this one had me all the way. I also got a kick out of The Damned's "End of Time" and the Oneiroid Psychosis DS theme.

My favorite, I think, is Majenta Jets' "Angelique," which really captures everything about the character. Great vocal harmonies, too.

All in all, a really fun listening experience. I'm sure I'll be playing it a lot.


Great site! In the same vein, these were among my favorite goodies from the period:
