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Messages - Robot_Quentin

...those long walks barefoot on the edge of the abyss to clear his head.

...accidentally locked herself in the meat locker while trying to see if the light really did go off.

...and Jeff were opening a thrift store in town called VJ's.

...was a time-travelling wench sent up from the depths of hell on an evil mission to instill a feeling of contempt from everyone she met.

Thanks for the info!! I watched the trailer again! I'm just so glad that some of our DS alum are still around to do such interesting work! Jerry's voice is just so perfect and creepy.... Love it, love it!

I guess eventually they'll release it on DVD? I found no mention of this on the official website... Then again I could have missed it! It really does look very cool. I'd love to see it for sure!!

There's an app called 'Shazam' at least for android smartphones (it might be available for iPhones...), that basically you turn the app on and hold it up to the speaker and it'll tell you what song is playing. It actually works really good as I've tested it on some pretty obscure stuff. I've even been in a noisy restaurant and it picked up the song playing on the background music... I don't have the new DS dvd, but it might be worth a shot for someone to try if the song is loud enough on Carolyn's headphones.

Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1840/1841 / Re: Episode #1166
« on: December 15, 2012, 01:22:16 AM »
I was thinking George Plimpton, Magnus...

...he realized he had soiled his big boy pants!  [santa_sad]

-----good one Uncle Roger!! (and I bet he 'kills' the competition, literally!!)

...Claude North hosting a toga symposium...

...RT and PT Liberace in a knife fight...

...Roxanne's street clothes...

...about to applaud his failed attempt at dark humor.

...about to get their own zip code.

...have an impromptu Amway meeting...

...draw dirty stick-figures for my next book... PT slang insults that will mean nothing to you...

...she was much more comfortable with her lot in life.

...she hardly ever complained about giving him two-hour pedicures.

To one day be a time-travelling fashion designer.

imitation carrot cake.

I found in in the dumpster behind the market cake.

only slightly-burnt bundt cake.

minced meat souffle cake.

Pop's anniversary for one day without a drink cake.

...if he needed any sedatives to take the edge off.

...if he minded if she smoked. (after she'd already lit the cigarette!!)

...if he thought that female doctors with secret journals were inherently sexy.