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Messages - Robot_Quentin

Whoopie is cool like that! I've heard Kelly Ripa mention DS a few times over the last couple of years.  Said she watched it as a kid (mostly under the covers because it was so scary!) 

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Quentin VS Barnabas in the Love DEPT
« on: January 15, 2010, 10:52:32 PM »
And don't forget Quentin had to juggle all those chicks somehow!!  Beth, Angelique, Amanda!! My hat's off to him!

... would need to include an extremely long hard-bristled pipe cleaner and he would have to tenderize the entry point before they could begin!"


...plastic doggie poop...

...a souvenir scalpel paperweight that had engraved "Cut long, cut deep!" down one side. envelope with a note attached "If I die under suspicious circumstances, please mail this on the 31st."

...recite the multiplication tables.

...ask about her previous partners. (If any!)

...matching monogram bowling shirts...

...a blow-up doll...

...Jack Daniels...

...naked Yahtzee! ...

...atrocious handwriting!

...dandruff problem.

...inability to distinguish primary colors from secondary colors!!

...your time-travelling, animalistic tendencies.

...injecting brandy directly into the bloodstream.

...exorcising evil spirits!

1630 a 1/16 scale model of it out of popsicle sticks... and then watch it burn to the ground!!!


...applying the ointment to the eczema on your feet!

...brandy refills.

...we start singing "A Hard Day's Night" in a German accent!!

...we beat the hell out of them with baseball bats, and then say Paul Stoddard did it!!

...Frank Sinatra!

..."I Did It My Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy"!!

...I'm exercising my "threat of impending doom" clause in the lease... Which clearly states if this occurrence does arise, the rent is null and void for a period of six months, after which a risk-assessment team will be brought in at my discretion to re-evaluate the situation!