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Messages - Robot_Quentin

...leftover, expired potato salad.

...a stack of classic romance novels with the last 10 pages of each ripped out!!!

BOTH of yoos killed me with those!!  [laughing4]

...invest in a good hair removal treatment.

...make a ton of money putting you in a freak show! me find your "inner-wolf".

1609 flamingo...


...hanging effigy of LBJ...

...undress me with your eyes.

...have a morbid disposition.


...walk on your hands.

...begin a loud evil-sounding laugh and then stop abruptly whenever I walk into the room.

...shingles again.

...socks on that actually match again. You've sure been acting strange lately!

...Tate painting a picture of himself painting a picture of himself painting a picture of himself eating cheese.

...the newer monocle makes everyone look naked and just slightly Colonial.

Yea, that was probably in the early 80's when many of us youngins were introduced to DS through syndication and then later VHS.

1616 his 'Elmer Fudd'...

...actually finish his homework...

...rare endangered birds.

...anyone who doesn't believe his 'wild stories'. 

...Barnabas' Beatles karaoke coming from the basement.

...Julia giving a lesson in macramé to a group of Pink Hat Society ladies in the basement.

"It's a ghost hat, what more information do ya need?'

Ha!! Too funny!

...'Assembled in Mexico'

...'Not to be used for ANY other purpose other than that which it was originally intended' (Big labels back then!!) 

1620're trying to set a new Collinsport record for domino knock-downs and they're setup in the hallway right now??