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Messages - Robot_Quentin

your decorator should shot by firing squad

you might want to cut back on the cat urine scented air freshener just a bit

...crash to the floor on command.

...lick the faces passers-by.

...grab my hookah pipe out of the car please. me frisk myself.

...extra set of sideburns

...ghost deodorant

...wolf-flavored shrinky dinks of 101 fun things to do if ever locked in a room

Quentin, gluing on his sideburns

...the Ipecac she'd put in Joe's whiskey was probably taking effect right about now.

...inquisitive, and we had to dispose of her in boiling oil.

...about 5 minutes before you arrived, it sprouted legs and crawled away!

...I accidentally left it back in 1795!

--I keep thinking of the Sam Kinnison "detachable penis" bit he did!!!!!!

...try to beat Barnabas' time at sprinting to the Old House, barefoot.

...stole as many of Barnabas' undergarments as possible by stuffing them down his pants!!

...slaughtered an entire family of dust bunnies!!

...confirmed his suspicions that the Old House's internal plumbing was completely inadequate to flush down his "king coil".

...Nicholas cooked up a spinach souffle' with fire from his fingers...

...Nicholas opened up his weekly bag of fan mail from his un-dead disciples...

...Nicholas groomed his mustache with Adam's ear wax...

Thanks Magnus! I've had a few things going on, but I'll do my best to hang in there! And of course, Adam and Vickie are my favorite characters to make fun of anyways for this time period we're in now...  [snow_cheesy]

...her wig was better than his!

...I've completely underestimated the rejuvenation powers of sex with a patient!!

read our meter

That was the first thing that popped into my head too Magnus! Great minds think alike, as my Grandfather used to say...

...start a community theater!! on your Phyllis Diller impersonation!!

...trample my herb garden!!

...threaten me with your wayward sixth finger!!

...ask me trivia questions concerning the Code of Hammurabi!!